gsk_secure_soc_close()--Close a secure session


 #include <gskssl.h>

 int gsk_secure_soc_close(gsk_handle *my_session_handle);  
  Service Program Name: QSYS/QSOSSLSR

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The gsk_secure_soc_close() function is used to close a secure session and free all the associated resources for that secure session.


my_session_handle (Input) 
A pointer to the handle for the secure session to be closed. This handle originated from a call to gsk_secure_soc_open().


No authorization is required.

Return Value

gsk_secure_soc_close() returns an integer. Possible values are:


gsk_secure_soc_close() was successful.


An error occurred during close processing.


The handle specified was not valid.


An error occurred in SSL processing, check the errno value.

Error Conditions

When the gsk_secure_soc_close() API fails with return code [GSK_ERROR_IO], errno can be set to:


Interrupted function call.


Resource deadlock avoided.


Operation terminated.

If an errno is returned that is not in this list, look in Errno Values for UNIX®-Type Functions for a description of the errno.

Error Messages

Message ID Error Message Text
CPE3418 E Possible APAR condition or hardware failure.
CPF9872 E Program or service program &1 in library &2 ended. Reason code &3.
CPFA081 E Unable to set return value or error code.

Usage Notes

  1. You must do a gsk_secure_soc_close() if a prior gsk_secure_soc_open() was successful.

Related Information

API introduced: V5R1

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