QlgGetPathFromFileID()--Get Path Name of Object from Its File ID (using NLS-enabled path name)

 #include <Qp0lstdi.h>

 Qlg_Path_Name_T *QlgGetPathFromFileID(Qlg_Path_Name_T *buf,  
 size_t size,Qp0lFID_t fileid);
  Service Program Name: QP0LLIB2

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The QlgGetPathFromFileID() function, like the Qp0lGetPathFromFileID() function, determines an absolute path name of the file identified by fileid and stores it in buf. The difference is that the QlgGetPathFromFileID() function points to a Qlg_Path_Name_T structure, while Qp0lGetPathFromFileID() points to a null-terminated character string.

Limited information about the buf parameter is provided here. For more information about the buf parameter and for a discussion of other parameters, authorities required, return values, and related information, see Qp0lGetPathFromFileID()--Get Path Name of Object from Its File ID.


(Output) A pointer to a Qlg_Path_Name_T structure that will be used to hold an absolute path name or a pointer to an absolute path name of the file identified by fileid. The path name is not null-terminated within the structure. For more information about the Qlg_Path_Name_T structure, see Path name format.

(Input) The number of bytes in the buffer buf.

(Input) The identifier of the file whose path name is to be returned. This identifier is logged in audit journal entries to identify the file being audited. See the Parent File ID and Object File ID fields of the audit journal entries described in the Security reference topic collection.

Related Information


The following example determines the path name of a file, given its file ID. In this example, the fileid is hardcoded. More realistically, the fileid is obtained from the audit journal entry and passed to QlgGetPathFromFileID().

Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.

#include <Qp0lstdi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <qtqiconv.h>

void Path_Print(Qlg_Path_Name_T *);

    fileid = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
              0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xFF, 0xCF, 0x00};

  const char US_const[3]= "US";
  const char Language_const[4]="ENU";
  typedef struct pnstruct
    Qlg_Path_Name_T qlg_struct;
    char pn[1024]; /* This size must be large enough */
                        /* to contain the path name.      */
  struct pnstruct path;

   /*   Initialize Qlg_Path_Name_T parameters             */
  memset((void*)&path, 0x00, sizeof(struct pnstruct));

  if (QlgGetPathFromFileID((Qlg_Path_Name_T *)&path,
                   sizeof(struct pnstruct), fileid) == NULL)
    perror("QlgGetPathFromFileID() error");
    printf("Path retrieved successfully.\n");
    Path_Print((Qlg_Path_Name_T *)&path);

void Path_Print(Qlg_Path_Name_T *path_to_print_pointer)
 /* Print a path name that is in the Qlg_Path_Name_T format.   */

#define PATH_TYPE_POINTER   0x00000001  /* If flag is on,      */
                         /* input structure contains a pointer */
                         /* to the path name, else the path    */
                         /* name is in contiguous storage      */
                         /* within the qlg structure.          */

  typedef union pn_input_type  /* Format of input path name.   */
    char pn_char_type[256]; /* in contiguous storage */
    char *pn_ptr_type;                /* a pointer             */
  typedef struct pnstruct
    Qlg_Path_Name_T qlg_struct;
    union pn_input_type   pn;
  struct pnstruct *pns;
  char *path_ptr;

  size_t insz;
  size_t outsz = 1000;
  char outbuf[1000];
  char *outbuf_ptr;
  iconv_t cd;
  size_t ret_iconv;

  /* Indicates to convert from ccsid 13488 to 37.              */
  QtqCode_T toCode   =    {37,0,0,0,0,0};
  QtqCode_T fromCode = {13488,0,0,1,0,0};

  if (path_to_print_pointer != NULL)
    /* Point to and get the size of the path name.             */
    pns = (struct pnstruct *)path_to_print_pointer;
    if (path_to_print_pointer->Path_Type & PATH_TYPE_POINTER)
      path_ptr = pns->pn.pn_ptr_type;
    else path_ptr = (char *)(pns->pn.pn_char_type);
    insz = pns->qlg_struct.Path_Length;  /* Get path length.*/

    /* Initialize the print buffer.                            */
    outbuf_ptr = (char *)outbuf;
    memset(outbuf_ptr, 0x00, insz);

    /* Use iconv to convert the CCSID.                         */
    cd = QtqIconvOpen(&toCode,
                      &fromCode);  /* Open a descriptor*/
    if (cd.return_value == -1)
    { perror("Open conversion descriptor error");
    if (0 != ((iconv(cd,
                     (char **)&(path_ptr),
                     (char **)&(outbuf_ptr),
      ret_iconv= iconv_close(cd);/* Close conversion descriptor*/
      perror("Conversion error");

    /* Print the name and close the conversion descriptior.    */
    printf("The file's path is: %s\n",outbuf);
    ret_iconv = iconv_close(cd);
  }                           /* path_to_print_pointer != NULL */
} /* Path_Print */


Path retrieved successfully.
The file's path is: /myfile

API introduced: V5R1

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