fcntl()--Perform File Control Command

 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>

 int fcntl(int descriptor,
          int command,
  Service Program Name: QP0LLIB1

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Conditional; see Usage Notes

The fcntl() function performs various actions on open descriptors, such as obtaining or changing the attributes of a file or socket descriptor.


(Input)  The descriptor on which the control command is to be performed, such as having its attributes retrieved or changed.

(Input)  The command that is to be performed on the descriptor.

(Input) A variable number of optional parameters that is dependent on the command. Only some of the commands use this parameter.

The fcntl() commands that are supported are:

F_DUPFD (0) Duplicates the descriptor. A third int argument must be specified. fcntl() returns the lowest descriptor greater than or equal to this third argument that is not already associated with an open file. This descriptor refers to the same object as descriptor and shares any locks. If the original descriptor was opened in text mode, data conversion is also done on the duplicated descriptor. The FD_CLOEXEC flag that is associated with the new descriptor is cleared.

F_GETCVT (24) Obtains the file offset and conversion information in the form of a Conversion State Packet (CVTSP) for a descriptor. You must specify a third argument as a pointer to a char array with a size greater than or equal to F_CNTL_CVTSP_SIZE. If successful, fcntl() will return 0 if complex conversion is not taking place on the given descriptor and 1 if complex conversion is taking place.

F_GETFD (1) Obtains the descriptor flags for descriptor. fcntl() returns these flags as its result. For a list of supported file descriptor flags, see Flags. Descriptor flags are associated with a single descriptor and do not affect other descriptors that refer to the same object.

F_GETFL (6) Obtains the open flags for descriptor. fcntl() returns these flags as its result. For a list of the open flags, see Using the oflag Parameter in open().

F_GETLK (3) Obtains locking information for an object. You must specify a third argument of type struct flock *. See File Locking for details. fcntl() returns 0 if it successfully obtains the locking information. When you develop in C-based languages and the function is compiled with the _LARGE_FILES macro defined, F_GETLK is mapped to the F_GETLK64 symbol.

F_GETLK64 (12) Obtains locking information for a large file. You must specify a third argument of type struct flock64 *. See File Locking for details. fcntl() returns 0 if it successfully obtains the locking information. When you develop in C-based languages, it is necessary to compile the function with the _LARGE_FILE_API macro defined to use this symbol.

F_GETOWN (8) Returns the process ID or process group ID that is set to receive the SIGIO (I/O is possible on a descriptor) and SIGURG (urgent condition is present) signals. For more information, see Signal APIs.

F_SETCVT (25) Changes the file offset and conversion information for the descriptor based on the specified CVTSP. You must specify a third argument as a pointer to a CVTSP returned by a previous F_GETCVT command. Altering the contents of a CVTSP, or passing in a pointer that does not point to a CVTSP created by the F_GETCVT command, may result in data integrity issues. fcntl() returns 0 if the file position and conversion data was restored. When the F_SETCVT is complete, reading and writing to the file may occur from the file offset provided by the CVTSP.

F_SETFD (2) Sets the descriptor flags for descriptor. You must specify a third int argument, which gives the new file descriptor flag settings (see Flags). If any other bits in the third argument are set, fcntl() fails with the [EINVAL] error. fcntl() returns 0 if it successfully sets the flags. Descriptor flags are associated with a single descriptor and do not affect other descriptors that refer to the same object.

F_SETFL (7) Sets status flags for the descriptor. You must specify a third int argument, giving the new file status flag settings (see Flags). fcntl() does not change the file access mode, and file access bits in the third argument are ignored. All other oflag values that are valid on the open() API are also ignored. If any other bits in the third argument are set, fcntl() fails with the [EINVAL] error. fcntl() returns 0 if it successfully sets the flags.

F_SETLK (4) Sets or clears a file segment lock. You must specify a third argument of type struct flock *. See File Locking for details. fcntl() returns 0 if it successfully clears the lock. When you develop in C-based languages and the function is compiled with the _LARGE_FILES macro defined, F_SETLK is mapped to the F_SETLK64 symbol.

F_SETLK64 (13) Sets or clears a file segment lock for a large file. You must specify a third argument of type struct flock64 *. See File Locking for details. fcntl() returns 0 if it successfully clears the lock. When you develop in C-based languages, it is necessary to compile the function with the _LARGE_FILE_API macro defined to use this symbol.

F_SETLKW (5) Sets or clears a file segment lock; however, if a shared or exclusive lock is blocked by other locks, fcntl() waits until the request can be satisfied. You must specify a third argument of type struct flock *. See File Locking for details. When you develop in C-based languages and the function is compiled with the _LARGE_FILES macro defined, F_SETLKW is mapped to the F_SETLKW64 symbol.

F_SETLKW64 (14) Sets or clears a file segment lock on a large file; however, if a shared or exclusive lock is blocked by other locks, fcntl() waits until the request can be satisfied. See File Locking for details. You must specify a third argument of type struct flock64 *. When you develop in C-based languages, it is necessary to compile the function with the _LARGE_FILE_API macro defined to use this symbol.

F_SETOWN (9) Sets the process ID or process group ID that is to receive the SIGIO and SIGURG signals. For more information, see Signal APIs.


There are several types of flags associated with each open object. Flags for an object are represented by symbols defined in the <fcntl.h> header file. The following file status flags can be associated with an object:

FASYNC The SIGIO signal is sent to the process when it is possible to do I/O.
This function will fail with error code [EINVAL] when fildes is for an object other than a socket.
FNDELAY This flag is defined to be equivalent to O_NDELAY.

O_APPEND Append mode. If this flag is 1, every write operation on the file begins at the end of the file.

O_DSYNC Synchronous update - data only. If this flag is 1, all file data is written to permanent storage before the update operation returns. Update operations include, but are not limited to, the following: ftruncate(), open() with O_TRUNC, and write().

O_NDELAY This flag is defined to be equivalent to O_NONBLOCK.

O_NONBLOCK Non-blocking mode. If this flag is 1, read or write operations on the file will not cause the thread to block. This file status flag applies only to pipe, FIFO, and socket descriptors.

O_RSYNC Synchronous read. If this flag is 1, read operations to the file will be performed synchronously. This flag is used in combination with O_SYNC or O_DSYNC. When O_RSYNC and O_SYNC are set, all file data and file attributes are written to permanent storage before the read operation returns. When O_RSYNC and O_DSYNC are set, all file data is written to permanent storage before the read operation returns.

O_SYNC Synchronous update. If this flag is 1, all file data and file attributes relative to the I/O operation are written to permanent storage before the update operation returns. Update operations include, but are not limited to, the following: ftruncate(), open() with O_TRUNC, and write().

The following file access mode flags can be associated with a file:

O_RDONLY The file is opened for reading only.

O_RDWR The file is opened for reading and writing.

O_WRONLY The file is opened for writing only.

A mask can be used to extract flags:

O_ACCMODE Extracts file access mode flags.

The following descriptor flags can be associated with a descriptor:

FD_CLOEXEC Controls descriptor inheritance during spawn() and spawnp() when simple inheritance is being used, as follows:

  • If the FD_CLOEXEC flag is zero, the descriptor is inherited by the child process that is created by the spawn() or spawnp()API.

    Note: Descriptors that are created as a result of the opendir() API (to implement open directory streams) are not inherited, regardless of the value of the FD_CLOEXEC flag.

  • If the FD_CLOEXEC flag is set, the descriptor is not inherited by the child process that is created by the spawn() or spawnp() API.

See spawn()--Spawn Process and spawnp()--Spawn Process with Path for additional information about FD_CLOEXEC.

File locking

A local or remote job can use fcntl() to lock out other local or remote jobs from a part of a file. By locking out other jobs, the job can read or write to that part of the file without interference from others. File locking can ensure data integrity when several jobs have a file accessed concurrently. For more information about remote locking, see information about the network lock manager and the network status monitor in the IBM® i Network File System SupportLink to PDF manual.

All locks obtained using fcntl() are advisory only. Jobs can use advisory locks to inform each other that they want to protect parts of a file, but advisory locks do not prevent input and output on the locked parts. If a job has appropriate permissions on a file, it can perform whatever I/O it chooses, regardless of what advisory locks are set. Therefore, advisory locking is only a convention, and it works only when all jobs respect the convention.

Another type of lock, called a mandatory lock, can be set by a remote personal computer application. Mandatory locks restrict I/O on the locked parts. A read fails when reading a part that is locked with a mandatory write lock. A write fails when writing a part that is locked with a mandatory read or mandatory write lock.

Two different structures are used to control locking operations: struct flock and struct flock64 (both defined in the <fcntl.h> header file). You can use struct flock64 with the F_GETLK64, F_SETLK64, and F_SETLKW64 commands to control locks on large files (files greater than 2GB minus 1 byte). The struct flock structure has the following members:

short l_type Indicates the type of lock, as indicated by one of the following symbols (defined in the <fcntl.h> header file):
F_RDLCK Indicates a read lock; also called a shared lock. When a job has a read lock, no other job can obtain write locks for that part of the file. More than one job can have a read lock on the same part of a file simultaneously. To establish a read lock, a job must have the file accessed for reading.
F_WRLCK Indicates a write lock; also called an exclusive lock. When a job has a write lock, no other job can obtain a read lock or write lock on the same part or an overlapping part of that file. A job cannot put a write lock on part of a file if another job already has a read lock on an overlapping part of the file. To establish a write lock, a job must have accessed the file for writing.
F_UNLCK Unlocks a lock that was set previously.
short l_whence One of three symbols used in determining the part of the file that is affected by this lock. These symbols are defined in the <unistd.h> header file and are the same as symbols used by lseek():
SEEK_CUR The current file offset in the file.
SEEK_END The end of the file.
SEEK_SET The start of the file.
off_t l_start Gives a byte offset used to identify the part of the file that is affected by this lock. If l_start is negative, it is handled as an unsigned value. The part of the file affected by the lock begins at this offset from the location given by l_whence. For example, if l_whence is SEEK_SET and l_start is 10, the locked part of the file begins at an offset of 10 bytes from the beginning of the file.
off_t l_len Gives the size of the locked part of the file, in bytes. If the size is negative, it is treated as an unsigned value. If l_len is zero, the locked part of the file begins at the position specified by l_whence and l_start, and extends to the end of the file. Together, l_whence, l_start, and l_len are used to describe the part of the file that is affected by this lock.
pid_t l_pid Specifies the job ID of the job that holds the lock. This is an output field used only with F_GETLK actions.
void *l_reserved0 Reserved. Must be set to NULL.
void *l_reserved1 Reserved. Must be set to NULL.

When you develop in C-based languages and this function is compiled with _LARGE_FILES defined, the struct flock data type will be mapped to a struct flock64 data type. To use the struct flock64 data type explicitly, it is necessary to compile the function with _LARGE_FILE_API defined.

The struct flock64 structure has the following members:

short l_type Indicates the type of lock, as indicated by one of the following symbols (defined in the <fcntl.h> header file):
F_RDLCK Indicates a read lock; also called a shared lock. When a job has a read lock, no other job can obtain write locks for that part of the file. More than one job can have a read lock on the same part of a file simultaneously. To establish a read lock, a job must have the file accessed for reading.

F_WRLCK Indicates a write lock; also called an exclusive lock. When a job has a write lock, no other job can obtain a read lock or write lock on the same part or an overlapping part of that file. A job cannot put a write lock on part of a file if another job already has a read lock on an overlapping part of the file. To establish a write lock, a job must have accessed the file for writing.
F_UNLCK Unlocks a lock that was set previously.
short l_whence One of three symbols used in determining the part of the file that is affected by this lock. These symbols are defined in the <unistd.h> header file and are the same as symbols used by lseek():
SEEK_CUR The current file offset in the file.
SEEK_END The end of the file.
SEEK_SET The start of the file.
char l_reserved2[4] Reserved field
off64_t l_start Gives a byte offset used to identify the part of the file that is affected by this lock. l_start is handled as a signed value. The part of the file affected by the lock begins at this offset from the location given by l_whence. For example, if l_whence is SEEK_SET and l_start is 10, the locked part of the file begins at an offset of 10 bytes from the beginning of the file.
off64_t l_len Gives the size of the locked part of the file, in bytes. If the size is negative, the part of the file affected is l_start + l_len through l_start - 1. If l_len is zero, the locked part of the file begins at the position specified by l_whence and l_start, and extends to the end of the file. Together, l_whence, l_start, and l_len are used to describe the part of the file that is affected by this lock.
pid_t l_pid Specifies the job ID of the job that holds the lock. This is an output field used only with F_GETLK actions.
char reserved3[4] Reserved field.
void *l_reserved0 Reserved. Must be set to NULL.
void *l_reserved1 Reserved. Must be set to NULL.

You can set locks by specifying F_SETLK or F_SETLK64 as the command argument for fcntl(). Such a function call requires a third argument pointing to a struct flock structure (or struct flock64 in the case of F_SETLK64), as in this example:

   struct flock lock_it;
   lock_it.l_type = F_RDLCK;
   lock_it.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
   lock_it.l_start = 0;
   lock_it.l_len = 100;

This example sets up a flock structure describing a read lock on the first 100 bytes of a file, and then calls fcntl() to establish the lock. You can unlock this lock by setting l_type to F_UNLCK and making the same call. If an F_SETLK operation cannot set a lock, it returns immediately with an error saying that the lock cannot be set.

The F_SETLKW and F_SETLKW64 operations are similar to F_SETLK and F_SETLK64, except that they wait until the lock can be set. For example, if you want to establish an exclusive lock and some other job already has a lock established on an overlapping part of the file, fcntl() waits until the other process has removed its lock.

F_SETLKW and F_SETLKW64 operations can encounter deadlocks when job A is waiting for job B to unlock a region and job B is waiting for job A to unlock a different region. If the system detects that an F_SETLKW or F_SETLKW64 might cause a deadlock, fcntl() fails with errno set to [EDEADLK].

With the F_SETLK64, F_SETLKW64, and F_GETLK64 operations, the maximum offset that can be specified is the largest value that can be held in an 8-byte, signed integer.

A job can determine locking information about a file by using F_GETLK and F_GETLK64 as the command argument for fcntl(). In this case, the call to fcntl() should specify a third argument pointing to a flock structure. The structure should describe the lock operation you want. When fcntl() returns, the structure indicated by the flock pointer is changed to show the first lock that would prevent the proposed lock operation from taking place. The returned structure shows the type of lock that is set, the part of the file that is locked, and the job ID of the job that holds the lock. In the returned structure:

If there are no locks that prevent the proposed lock operation, the returned structure has F_UNLCK in l_type and is otherwise unchanged.

If fcntl() attempts to operate on a large file (one larger than 2GB minus 1 byte) with the F_SETLK, F_GETLK, or FSETLKW commands, the API fails with [EOVERFLOW]. To work with large files, compile with the _LARGE_FILE_API macro defined (when you develop in C-based languages) and use the F_SETLK64, F_GETLK64, or FSETLKW64 commands. When you develop in C-based languages, it is also possible to work with large files by compiling the source with the _LARGE_FILES macro label defined. Note that the file must have been opened for large file access (either the open64() API was used or the open() API was used with the O_LARGEFILE flag defined in the oflag parameter).

An application that uses the F_SETLK or F_SETLKW commands may try to lock or unlock a file that has been extended beyond 2GB minus 1 byte by another application. If the value of l_len is set to 0 on the lock or unlock request, the byte range held or released will go to the end of the file rather than ending at offset 2GB minus 2.

An application that uses the F_SETLK or F_SETLKW commands also may try to lock or unlock a file that has been extended beyond offset 2GB minus 2 with l_len NOT set to 0. If this application attempts to lock or unlock the byte range up to offset 2GB minus 2 and l_len is not 0, the unlock request will unlock the file only up to offset 2GB minus 2 rather than to the end of the file.

A job can have several locks on a file at the same time, but only one type of lock can be set on a given byte. Therefore, if a job puts a new lock on a part of a file that it had locked previously, the job has only one lock on that part of the file. The type of the lock is the one specified in the most recent locking operation.

Locks can start and extend beyond the current end of a file, but cannot start or extend ahead of the beginning of a file.

All of the locks a job has on a file are removed when the job closes any descriptor that refers to the locked file.

The maximum starting offset that can be specified by using the fnctl() API is 263 - 1, the largest number that can be represented by a signed 8-byte integer. Mandatory locks set by a personal computer application or by a user of the DosSetFileLocks64() API may lock a byte range that is greater than 263 - 1.

An application that uses the F_SETLK64 or F_SETLKW64 commands can lock the offset range that is beyond 263 - 1 by locking offset 263 - 1. When offset 263 - 1 is locked, it implicitly locks to the end of the file. The end of the file is the largest number than can be represented by an 8-byte unsigned integer or 264 - 1. This implicit lock may inhibit the personal computer application from setting mandatory locks in the range not explicitly accessable by the fcntl() API.

Any lock set using the fcntl() API that locks offset 263 - 1 will have a length of 0.

An application that uses the F_GETLK64 may encounter a mandatory lock set by a personal computer application, which locks a range of offsets greater than 263 - 1. This lock conflict will have a starting offset equal to or less than 263 - 1 and a length of 0.


No authorization is required.

Return Value

value fcntl() was successful. The value returned depends on the command that was specified.
-1 fcntl() was not successful. The errno global variable is set to indicate the error.

Error Conditions

If fcntl() is not successful, errno usually indicates one of the following errors. Under some conditions, errno could indicate an error other than those listed here.

Error condition Additional information

If you are accessing a remote file through the Network File System, update operations to file permissions at the server are not reflected at the client until updates to data that is stored locally by the Network File System take place. (Several options on the Add Mounted File System (ADDMFS) command determine the time between refresh operations of local data.) Access to a remote file may also fail due to different mappings of user IDs (UID) or group IDs (GID) on the local and remote systems.


The process tried to lock with F_SETLK, but the lock is in conflict with a previously established lock.


A given descriptor or directory pointer is not valid for this operation. The specified descriptor is incorrect, or does not refer to an open object.


One of the values to be returned cannot be represented correctly. The command argument is F_GETLK, F_SETLK, or F_SETLKW and the offset of any byte in the requested segment cannot be represented correctly in a variable of type off_t (the offset is greater than 2GB minus 1 byte).


If you are accessing a remote file through the Network File System, the file may have been deleted at the server.


If interaction with a file server is required to access the object, errno could also indicate one of the following errors:

Error condition Additional information

Error Messages

The following messages may be sent from this function:

Message ID Error Message Text
CPFA0D4 E File system error occurred. Error number &1.
CPFA081 E Unable to set return value or error code.
CPF3CF2 E Error(s) occurred during running of &1 API.
CPE3418 E Possible APAR condition or hardware failure.
CPF9872 E Program or service program &1 in library &2 ended. Reason code &3.

Usage Notes

  1. This function will fail with error code [ENOTSAFE] when all the following conditions are true:

  2. If F_DUPFD is specified as the fcntl() command, this function will fail with error code [EBADF] when fildes is a scan descriptor that was passed to one of the scan-related exit programs. See Integrated File System Scan on Open Exit Programs and Integrated File System Scan on Close Exit Programs for more information.

  3. If the fcntl() command is called by a thread executing one of the scan-related exit programs (or any of its created threads), it will fail with error code [ENOTSUP] if F_SETLK, F_SETLK64, F_SETLKW or F_SETLKW64 is specified. See Integrated File System Scan on Open Exit Programs and Integrated File System Scan on Close Exit Programs for more information.
  4. QSYS.LIB and Independent ASP QSYS.LIB File System Differences

    The following fcntl() commands are not supported:

    Using any of these commands results in an [ENOSYS] error.

    The following fcntl() commands are not supported if the file was opened with O_TEXTDATA:

    Using any of these commands results in an [ENOTSUP] error.

  5. Network File System Differences

    Reading and writing to a file with the Network File System relies on byte-range locking to guarantee data integrity. To prevent data inconsistency, use the fcntl() API to get and release these locks. For more information about remote locking, see information about the network lock manager and the network status monitor in the i5/OS Network File System SupportLink to PDF manual.

  6. This function will fail with the [EOVERFLOW] error if the command is F_GETLK, F_SETLK, or F_SETLKW and the offset or the length exceeds offset 2 GB minus 2.

  7. When you develop in C-based languages and an application is compiled with the _LARGE_FILES macro defined, the struct flock data type will be mapped to a struct flock64 data type. To use the struct flock64 data type explicitly, it is necessary to compile the function with the _LARGE_FILE_API defined.

  8. In several cases, similar function can be obtained by using ioctl().

  9. Network File System Differences

    Local access to remote files through the Network File System may produce unexpected results due to conditions at the server. Once a file is open, subsequent requests to perform operations on the file can fail because file attributes are checked at the server on each request. If permissions on the file are made more restrictive at the server to the file is unlinked or made unavailable by the server for another client, your operation on an open file descriptor will fail when the local Network File System receives these updates. The local Network File System also impacts operations that retrieve file attributes. Recent changes at the server may not be available at your client yet, and old values may be returned from operations (several options on the Add Mounted File System (ADDMFS) command determine the time between refresh operations of local data).

  10. If the portion of the file prior to the position retrieved by F_GETCVT is changed before a corresponding F_SETCVT call, then subsequent read and write operations would produce unexpected results. For example, if the file pointer were at offset 50 when F_GETCVT was called, and changes were made to any of the first 50 bytes before F_SETCVT was called, the restored conversion information would be incorrect.

  11. No changes should be made to the contents of a CVTSP returned by the F_GETCVT function. Any changes to the CVTSP specified with F_SETCVT may invalidate the CVTSP resulting in a return of error number [EINVAL] or cause data integrity issues.

  12. If O_TEXTDATA or O_CCSID were not specified when opening the descriptor, use lseek() to obtain or change the file offset instead of using F_GETCVT and F_SETCVT.

  13. A different descriptor may be used with F_SETCVT than was used when F_GETCVT was called if the descriptors were opened on the same file with the same oflags and CCSIDs. If the descriptors were not opened with the same oflags and CCSIDs, F_SETCVT may return error number [EINVAL] or cause data integrity issues.

Related Information


The following example uses fcntl().

Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int main()
  int flags;
  int append_flag;
  int nonblock_flag;
  int access_mode;
  int file_descriptor; /* File Descriptor */
  char *text1 = "abcdefghij";
  char *text2 = "0123456789";
  char read_buffer[25];

  memset(read_buffer, '\0', 25);

  /* create a new file */
  file_descriptor = creat("testfile",S_IRWXU);
  write(file_descriptor, text1, 10);

  /* open the file with read/write access */
  file_descriptor = open("testfile", O_RDWR);
  read(file_descriptor, read_buffer,24);
  printf("first read is \'%s\'\n",read_buffer);

  /* reset file pointer to the beginning of the file */
  lseek(file_descriptor, 0, SEEK_SET);
  /* set append flag to prevent overwriting existing text */
  fcntl(file_descriptor, F_SETFL, O_APPEND);
  write(file_descriptor, text2, 10);
  lseek(file_descriptor, 0, SEEK_SET);
  read(file_descriptor, read_buffer,24);
  printf("second read is \'%s\'\n",read_buffer);


  return 0;


first read is 'abcdefghij'
second read is 'abcdefghij0123456789'

API introduced: V3R1

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