xa_recover()--Recover XA Transaction Branches (Transaction Scoped Locks)


 #include <xa.h>

 int xa_switch.xa_recover_entry(XID *xids,     
     long count, int rmid, long flags);

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Service Program: QTNXADTP

  Threadsafe: Yes

A transaction manager calls xa_recover() during recovery to obtain a list of transaction branches that are currently in a prepared or heuristically completed state. Multiple calls to this function can be made in a single recovery scan. The flags parameter defines when a recovery scan should start or end.


(Input) A pointer to an array into which the resource manager places XIDs for transaction branches in prepared or heuristically completed states.

(Input) The number of xids that fit into the xids array.

(Input) An integer value that the transaction manager generated when calling xa_open(). The rmid identifies the resource manager.

(Input) The following are valid settings of flags. TMSTARTRSCAN: 0x01000000L Start a recovery scan and position the cursor to the start of the list. XIDs are returned from that point.

TMENDRSCAN: 0x00800000L End a recovery scan after returning the XIDs. If this flag is used with the TMSTARTRSCAN flag, then a single xa_recover() call starts and ends the recovery scan.

TMNOFLAGS: 0x00000000L Continue a recovery scan. XIDs are returned starting at the current cursor position.

TMREGISTER: 0x00000001L Return XIDs for transaction branches in an idle state, rather than those in prepared or heuristically completed states. This is a proprietary extension of the XA architecture to allow a transaction manager that has failed, and is now restarting, to recover transaction branches that were in an idle state when it failed. If such transaction branches are not recovered, they will persist, possibly holding locks, until an IPL of the system. If this flag is specified when running against a heterogeneous database, the xa_recover request will be rejected with return value XAER_INVAL.



Return Value


xa_recover() was not successful. Function was called in an improper context.


xa_recover() was not successful. Incorrect arguments were specified.


xa_recover() was not successful. The resource manager detected an error determining the XIDs to return.

>= 0 The total number of XIDs returned in the xids array.

Error Messages

The following messages may be sent from this function.

Message ID Error Message Text
CPE3418 E Possible APAR condition or hardware failure.
CPF3CF2 E Error(s) occurred during running of &1 API.
CPF9872 E Program or service program &1 in library &2 ended. Reason code &3.

Related Information


Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.

#include <xa.h>

main() {
  XID  xids[10];
  int  rmid;
  long count=10;
  int  retcode;
  extern struct xa_switch_t xa_switch;

  retcode =
     xa_switch.xa_recover_entry(xids, count,
                                      rmid, flags);

API introduced: V5R2

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