Create Cluster Administrative Domain (QcstCrtClusterAdminDomain) API

  Required Parameter Group:

1 Cluster name Input Char(10)
2 Cluster administrative domain name Input Char(10)
3 Cluster administrative domain information Input Char(*)
4 Format name Input Char(8)
5 Error code I/O Char(*)

  Service Program: QCSTADMDMN

  Default Public Authority: *EXCLUDE

  Threadsafe: No

The Create Cluster Administrative Domain (QcstCrtClusterAdminDomain) API creates a peer cluster resource group object that represents the cluster administrative domain. The cluster administrative domain provides synchronization of monitored resources across the active nodes in the domain. The cluster nodes which are defined within the cluster administrative domain will participate in the synchronization process. The cluster administrative domain name is the name of the cluster resource group which is being created. The nodes defined in the domain node list are the nodes in the recovery domain of the cluster resource group. Successful completion of this command results in a new job started as a system job. This job has the same name as the name of the cluster administrative domain being created.

This API will do the following:


  1. This API cannot be called from a cluster resource group exit program.
  2. The cluster administrative domain name cannot begin with QCST.
  3. Cluster Resource Services must be active on the node processing the request.
  4. All nodes specified in the domain node list must be active in the cluster.
  5. Each node can be specified only once in the administrative domain.
  6. A node can only be in one administrative domain within a cluster.
  7. The name of the administrative domain cannot be the same as any cluster resource group in the cluster.
  8. *ALL authority is granted to the user profile under which the program that calls this API is running.

Authorities and Locks

The program that calls this API must be running under a user profile with *IOSYSCFG special authority. This profile is named the calling user profile.

Cluster Resource Group Authority
Cluster Resource Group Library Authority
Cluster Resource Group Lock
QCLUSTER User Profile Authority

Required Parameter Group

Cluster name

The name of the cluster which will contain the cluster administrative domain.

Cluster administrative domain name

The name of the administrative domain which is to be created. The cluster administrative domain name cannot begin with QCST.

Cluster administrative domain information

Information that describes the administrative domain. For more information, see Format ADCR0100.

Format name

The content and format of the cluster administrative domain information. The possible values for format name are:

ADCR0100 This format describes the cluster administrative domain node list.

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

ADCR0100 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Length of fixed fields
4 4 BINARY(4) Offset to domain node list
8 8 BINARY(4) Number of nodes in domain node list
12 C BINARY(4) Synchronization option
* * Array(*) of CHAR(8) Domain node list
These fields repeat for each node in the domain node list. CHAR(8) Node id

Field Descriptions

Domain node list. This list identifies the nodes that compose the administrative domain. Nodes in the administrative domain must be unique.

Length of fixed fields. The length of fixed fields in the format. This field must be set to 16.

Node id. A unique string of characters that identifies a node that is participating in the cluster administrative domain. The node specified must be active in the cluster.

Number of nodes in domain node list. The number of nodes specified in the domain node list. This value must be between 1 and 128.

Offset to domain node list. The byte offset from the beginning of this parameter to the domain node list field. This value must be 16.

Synchronization option. Indicates how a cluster administrative domain will synchronize monitored resources when a node joins the domain. The possible values are:

0 Last Change Changes made on a joining node while it was inactive are synchronized with changes made in the active domain. The most recent change made to each monitored resource across all active nodes is applied.
1 Active Domain Changes made in the active domain while the joining node was inactive are applied to the joining node. Changes made on the joining node while it was inactive are discarded.
  • The Active Domain synchronization option is only valid for cluster version 6 or greater.
  • The Active Domain synchronization option does not apply to *NWSCFG and *NWSSTG resource types. The Last Change synchronization option will always be used for those resources.

Error Messages

Message ID Error Message Text
CPF2112 E Object &1 in &2 type *&3 already exists.
CPF2113 E Cannot allocate library &1.
CPF2204 E User profile &1 not found.
CPF24B4 E Severe error while addressing parameter list.
CPF3C1E E Required parameter &1 omitted.
CPF3C21 E Format name &1 is not valid.
CPF3CF1 E Error code parameter not valid.
CPF3CF2 E Error(s) occurred during running of &1 API.
CPF9820 E Not authorized to use library &1.
CPFBB02 E Cluster &1 does not exist.
CPFBB09 E Cluster node &1 does not exist in cluster &2.
CPFBB0A E Cluster node &1 in cluster &2 is not active.
CPFBB26 E Cluster Resource Services not active or not responding.
CPFBB35 E User profile name not valid for this request.
CPFBB36 E Number of nodes in recovery domain is not valid.
CPFBB37 E Offset to recovery domain is not valid.
CPFBB39 E Current user does not have IOSYSCFG special authority.
CPFBB44 E &1 API cannot be called from a cluster resource group exit program.
CPFBB5F E Field value within structure is not valid.
CPFBB70 E API request &1 not compatible with current cluster version.
CPFBBB8 E Cluster administrative domain already exists on cluster node &1.
CPFBBC6 E Duplicate nodes found in domain node list.

API introduced: V6R1

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