ILE COBOL Error-Handling Exit Procedure

  Required Parameter Group:

1 COBOL message identification Input Char(7)
2 Valid responses to message Input Char(6)
3 Name of program issuing error Input Char(20)
4 System message causing COBOL message Input Char(7)
5 Length of passed message text Input Binary(4)
6 Return code Output Char(1)
7 Message text Input Char(*)
8 Module name Input Char(10)
9 COBOL program name Input Char(256)

This is a user-defined program that acts as an error handler for an ILE COBOL program. Use the Set COBOL Error Handler (QlnSetCobolErrorHandler) API to establish this relationship between the two programs.

Authorities and Locks


Required Parameter Group

COBOL message identification

A 3-character prefix followed by a 4-character number.

Valid responses to message

The list of valid 1-character responses. This list is variable in length and consists of uppercase letters in alphabetical order. The list always ends with a space.

The following are examples of lists of valid responses:


Name of program issuing error

The qualified name of the ILE COBOL program that issued the error.

The 20 characters of this parameter are:

1-10 The name of the program object.
The valid value is:
program-name The name of the program object.

11-20 The library where the program object existed.
The valid value is:
library-name The library where the program object existed.

System message causing COBOL message

Some COBOL error messages are issued because of error messages received from the system. This parameter identifies such system messages.

Valid values are:

*NONE No system message is available.
message-id A 3-character message prefix followed by a 4-character number.

Length of passed message text

If the original message was a system message, the substitution text for the system message is passed. In the absence of an original system message, Parameter 4 has a value of *NONE, and the substitution text for the COBOL message is passed.

Return code

Must be one of the values specified in Parameter 2, or a space. If the value is not one of these, a response of a space is assumed.

Valid values are:

blank Issue the COBOL message that was passed to the error-handling program.
G Continue running the COBOL program.
C End the current COBOL run unit.
D Same as C, but produce a formatted dump of user-defined COBOL variables.
F Same as D, but also dump COBOL's file-related internal variables.

Message text

The substitution text of the message. Its length is determined by Parameter 5.

Module name

The module within the program object that issued the error.

COBOL program name

The name of the COBOL program, from the PROGRAM-ID paragraph, that issued the error.

Exit program introduced: V3R2

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