Set Field (QsnSetFld) API

  Omissible Parameter Group:

1 Field ID Input Binary(4)
2 Field length Input Binary(4)
3 Row Input Binary(4)
4 Column Input Binary(4)
5 Field format word (FFW) Input Char(2)
6 Field control words (FCW) Input Char(*)
7 Number of field control words Input Binary(4)
8 Monochrome attribute Input Char(1)
9 Color attribute Input Char(1)
10 Command buffer handle Input Binary(4)
11 Low-level environment handle Input Binary(4)
12 Error code I/O Char(*)

  Returned Value:

Return code Output Binary(4)

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Service Program: QSNAPI

  Threadsafe: No

The Set Field (QsnSetFld) API defines an input field on the screen at the given row and column. The following occurs when this command is issued to the control unit as a direct operation or when the buffer containing the command is written out:

The display address after this operation will be the starting field address minus 1 if row and column are specified as valid positive integers or if this is the first field specified within the current WTD command. Otherwise, the display address will be one position past the ending screen attribute.

This command corresponds indirectly to the 5250 Write to Display (WTD) command with a Set Buffer Address order and a Start of Field order if the row and column parameters are specified. (For an indirect operation, a WTD is placed in the command buffer only if one does not already exist in that buffer.)

Authorities and Locks



The same restrictions apply as for the Write Data (QsnWrtDta) API, with the exception that the trailing field attribute can be written past the end of the screen. (It will be suppressed by the control unit.)

Omissible Parameter Group

Field ID

The field ID to be associated with this field. The value specified can be any nonzero integer value. For APIs that accept a field ID parameter, this value can be subsequently used instead of the row and column parameter to specify a screen address. If the given ID is already defined, this operation will redefine that field ID with the values specified. To remove a field ID definition, use the QsnDltFldId API.

If a previously defined field ID is supplied and some or all of the parameters are omitted, the field is defined using the current field definition values for those omitted parameters.

If this field is omitted or specified with a value of zero, then no field ID is associated with this field description.

Field length

The length of the field being defined. If no field ID is specified, the length must be a positive integer value greater than 1 for signed numeric fields and greater than 0 for all other field types. The entire field must fit on the display. If a field ID is specified with a nonzero value, the length may be 0, in which case a field will not be defined on the screen; however, this will associate the field definition with the specified field ID.


The row at which to define the field. The row parameter must refer to a row no greater than the current screen or window mode height (if window mode is enabled). The actual screen row used for a screen I/O operation is calculated using the formula base+offset=actual. The base is the row location of the top window border (0 for full screen) if offset is positive, or the row location of the bottom window border (screen height plus 1 for full screen) if offset is negative. The offset is the row parameter value specified, and actual is the actual screen row to be used. A CPFA307 error occurs if an incorrect row value is specified.

The starting field address will be the row and column locations given if both parameters are specified. Otherwise, it will be the current display address plus 1. If this is the case and the command is a direct operation, or the buffer specified does not contain a preceding output operation that sets the display address, the current display address is set to row 1, column 1, prior to writing the initial screen attribute and the field definition. The ending field address for this field is the starting field address plus the field length.

If a field ID is supplied along with a row and column, the row and column parameters will be stored as specified. These parameters will be used as relative or actual screen positions on a subsequent operation, depending upon the window mode setting for the environment supplied with that operation.

If a previously undefined field ID is supplied with this operation, the row and column parameters must be specified. Also, the row and column parameters must both be specified or omitted; one cannot be specified if the other is omitted. A CPFA307 error occurs if an incorrect cursor position is specified. On some devices, row and column can both be specified as 1, which will cause the field to be defined at row 1, column 1, with a screen attribute of normal (X'20'). If this is the case, then any initial screen attribute parameters specified are ignored. This is only supported by certain devices. Whether or not this is supported can be determined by the Query 5250 (QsnQry5250) API.


The column at which to write the data. The column parameter must refer to a column no greater than the current screen or window mode width (if window mode is on). The actual screen column used for a screen I/O operation is calculated using the formula base+offset=actual. The base is the column location of the left window border (0 for full screen) if offset is positive, or the column location of the center window border (screen width plus 1 for full screen) if offset is negative. The offset is the column parameter value specified, and actual is the actual screen column to be used. A CPFA307 error occurs if an incorrect column value is specified.

Field format word (FFW)

The field format word is a 2-byte value that controls the type of the field being defined. Table 6 shows the field types, and the corresponding bit to be set for each type. To omit this parameter, specify X'00' in both characters of the parameter. You must specify this parameter to define an input field, and it is required if a field control word is specified.

Field control words (FCW)

An array of 2-byte field control words. The field control words are 2-byte values that request certain functions to be performed. Table 7 shows the valid field control word values, their function, and mnemonics for those values.

The 5250 CCSID-based I/O specific FCWs are not allowed (QsnSetFldCC must be used to create CCSID-capable fields). If the CCSID-based I/O CCSID or Maximum data length FCWs are given here, a CPFA332 will result. FCWs will not be exhaustivly checked to see if they are formatted correctly or to see if the function requested is valid for the current device. However, some FCWs are checked against the support provided by the device and a CPFA306 signaled if an incompatibility is found. Table 8 shows the display capablility and FCW combinations that are valid.

Errors not found here may be detected and reported when the FCW is required during subsequent command and keystroke processing. See the 5250 data stream documentation for further details about the meaning and use of these functions.

Number of field control words

The number of control words in the field control word array. Omitting this parameter or specifying it with a value of 0 indicates that no field control words are specified with the FCW parameter. If this parameter is specified with a nonzero value, the FCW parameter is required; if the FCW parameter is omitted, a CPFA31E error is issued.

Monochrome attribute

The initial screen attribute for monochrome displays. A screen attribute is required for defining a field on the screen; if this parameter is omitted and monochrome attributes are to be used, X'20' is assumed. The initial screen attribute is written one position to the left of the starting field address. The ending screen attribute (X'20') is supplied by the controller and written at the end-of-field address plus 1.

The monochrome attribute and color attribute parameters consist of 1 byte that will be used as the screen attribute for a monochrome or a color display, respectively. One of these parameters will be selected based on the underlying display type, and the other will be discarded. See Screen Attribute Characters for a description of the screen attribute values.

Color attribute

The initial screen attribute for color displays. A screen attribute is required for defining a field on the screen; if this parameter is omitted and color attributes are to be used, X'20' is assumed. See Screen Attribute Characters for a description of the screen attribute values.

Command buffer handle

A handle for the command buffer in which to store the command. If this parameter is omitted or specified as 0, this is a direct operation and the starting field address will be the supplied location. Otherwise, this is an indirect operation and the command is stored in the command buffer without an I/O operation taking place.

Low-level environment handle

The low-level environment that the operation applies to. If this parameter is omitted or given with a value of zero, the default low-level environment is used.

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter. If this parameter is omitted, diagnostic and escape messages are issued to the application.

Returned Value

Return code

A return code indicating the result of the operation. The value returned will be 0 if the operation was successful, or -1 otherwise.

Format of the Field Format Word

The following table shows the field types and the bits to set for each type for the field format word (FFW).

Table 6. Field Format Words

Field Type Bit To Set Mnemonic Description
  0-15 QSN_NO_FFW If bits 0 to 15 are set to 0, then no FFW is used. The field will be defined as an output field and its contents will not be returned by operations such as the Read Input Fields (QsnReadInp) API.
  0-1   The first two bits of a field format word must be 01. The mnemonic for every other field type includes this setting.
Bypass 2 QSN_FFW_BYPASS If this bit is set, this is a bypass field and entries are not allowed in it. If the operator tries to enter something in this field, an error results.
Dup Enable 3 QSN_FFW_DUP If this bit is set, duplication is allowed in the field. The controller repeats X'1C' from the cursor position to the end of the field when the operator presses the Dup key; this shows on the display as an overstruck asterisk.
Modified data tag (MDT) 4 QSN_FFW_MDT Setting this bit sets the modified data tag for this field. The field will then be read with the Read Modified Fields (QsnReadMDT) API (see Read Modified Fields (QsnReadMDT) API) as if the operator had modified it.
Field Shift/ Edit Specification Bits 5-7 Mnemonic Description
Alphabetic shift 000 QSN_FFW_ALPHA_SHIFT The field accepts all characters. The shift keys are acknowledged. The characters on the lower symbol of each key are valid.
Alphabetic only 001 QSN_FFW_ALPHA_ONLY The field accepts only characters A-Z (both uppercase and lowercase) plus the comma (,), period (.), minus (-), space, and DUP (if the DUP-enable bit is on in the associated Field Format Word (FFW)). Other characters cause operator errors. Some special characters are also acceptable (see the 5250 data stream documentation).
Numeric shift 010 QSN_FFW_NUM_SHIFT The field accepts all characters from all keys.
Numeric only 011 QSN_FFW_NUM_ONLY The field accepts only characters 0-9 and the comma (,), period (.), minus (-), plus (+), space, and DUP (if the DUP-enable bit is on in the associated Field Format Word (FFW)). Other characters cause operator errors.

The unit position of this field will carry the sign digit for the field. If the field is exited with the Field - key, the last character in the field will be 'D' zoned, unless the last character in the field is a '+', '-', ',', '.', or space, in which case an error will be posted. In a center-adjusted field, the field will be center-adjusted before any 'D' zoning or testing of the sign character is performed. When a negative field (from the Field - key) is returned, the units digit will have a 'D' zone.

Katakana shift 100 QSN_FFW_KATA This is the same as the alphabetic shift except that the keyboard is placed in the Katakana shift on the Japan Katakana data entry, typewriter, and G keyboards. This reverses the order of the cursor direction with respect to the screen. If the display is in bidirectional mode, this changes the cursor direction to left to center; otherwise, it changes the cursor direction to center to left.
Digits only 101 QSN_FFW_DIGIT_ONLY The field allows keys 0-9 and DUP (if the DUP-enable bit is on in the associated Field Format Word (FFW)).
I/O 110 QSN_FFW_IO This field will not accept any data keys from the keyboard. An operator error is posted if keystrokes are entered in this field. The operator may move the cursor into and out of this field similar to operation in any non-bypass input field (that is, Field Advance will position the cursor to the start of the field).

This field can be used for input from feature devices such as a magnetic stripe reader of selector light pen while data input from the keyboard is excluded.

The Field +, Field Exit, and Dup keys are valid for this field and performance is the same as that for any non-bypass input field.

Signed Numeric 111 QSN_FFW_SIGNED_NUMERIC The field allows keys 0-9 and DUP (if the DUP-enable bit is on in the associated Field Format Word (FFW)). Typing any other character will cause an operator error display.

This field reserves the center-hand position for a sign display (- for negative and null for positive); therefore, the largest number of characters that can be entered into this field is one less than the field length. A signed numeric field less than 2 characters long will cause an error to be flagged.

No digit may be keyed into the centermost position; however, the cursor can be positioned there by using the cursor movement keys and then followed by the F+ or F- key. This allows changing the sign without affecting the rest of the field.

Signed Numeric (continued)     If this field is not a mandatory fill or center-adjust field, it is still handled as if it were specified as a center-adjust blank fill field. If the Field - key is used to exit this field, the field will be center-adjusted and a negative sign placed in the centermost position of the field. The Field Exit or Field + key will insert a blank in the centermost position and center-adjust this field.

Before this field is returned on an input operation, it is changed as follows:

  • If the centermost character is a negative sign, the zone of the low order digit is set to a X'D'.
  • If the centermost character is not a negative sign, the low order digit is not changed.

In either case, the centermost sign position is not sent to the host.

Field Type Bit to Set Mnemonic Description
Auto Enter 8 QSN_FFW_AUTO_ENTER If this bit is set, this is an auto enter field. The auto enter function occurs only for valid Field Exit/Field +, Field -, and Dup exit keys, or if the last data character position is typed into the auto enter field. After any required center-adjust, mandatory fill, data duplicating, or check digit operations are successfully performed, the auto enter function causes the panel to be sent to the host as if the Enter key had been pressed.
Field Exit Required 9 QSN_FFW_AUTO_FER If this bit is set, a nondata key must be typed to leave the field. When the last data character is typed into the last position of the field, the cursor will remain under the character and blink, signifying the controller is waiting for an exit key. Any nondata key will satisfy the exit requirement (including cursor movement or function keys).
Monocase 10 QSN_FFW_AUTO_MONOCASE If this bit is set, then regardless of the shift state of the typewriter keyboard, only the uppercase A-Z is entered into the field being typed (that is, if a lowercase a is typed, the uppercase A is entered). All other characters are unaffected. Certain characters on some typewriter keyboards also will be translated to uppercase (see the 5250 data stream documentation).
Reserved 11    
Mandatory Enter 12 QSN_FFW_ME If this bit is set, the operator must enter something in the field before the controller allows the Enter key to be active. The controller recognizes the state of these fields by checking the MDT bit for the field. If the operator tries to bypass the field using a Field +, Field -, or Field Exit key, an error occurs.
Center-Adjust/ Mandatory Fill Bits 13-15 Mnemonic Description
No adjust specified 000 QSN_FFW_NOADJUST No field adjustment occurs.
Reserved 001    
Reserved 010    
Reserved 011    
Reserved 100    
Center-adjust, zero fill 101 QSN_FFW_RA_ZERO All leftmost unoccupied positions of a field are filled with zero. Characters are center-adjusted and spaces are zero-filled. The fill character will appear on the display.

center-adjust is only activated by keying the Field Exit, Field +, or Field - keys. The field is center-adjusted from the first non-null character to the left of the cursor when one of these keys is depressed. If a center-adjust field is left through cursor movement keys, the field will remain as is (not center-adjusted). center-adjust fields longer than 15 characters might cause a slow response that would result in a keyboard overrun. A center-adjust specified field has an implied field exit required function.

The Dup key will fill a center-adjust field from the cursor to the end of the field with the Dup character (X'1C'), but the field will not be center-adjusted. After typing the first character into a center adjust field, but prior to exiting the field (using cursor movement or exit keys), the Enter key will cause an operator error to be posted; that is, Enter is invalid from an active center-adjust field.

Center-adjust, blank fill 110 QSN_FFW_RA_BLANK The field behavior is the same as for center-adjust, zero fill, but the fill character is blank instead of zero.
Mandatory fill 111 QSN_FFW_MF Once any data has been entered into the field, the field must be completely filled before exiting it. Any attempt to leave an unfilled field causes an error. The cursor may pass into and out of a mandatory fill field as a result of cursor movement keys without fill-checking or error posting by the controller, as long as no data is entered into the field.

The Dup key will fill the field from the cursor to the end of field with the Dup characters X'2C', and then the entire field will be checked for any nulls (an error is posted if a null is found). A mandatory fill field with nulls can be returned under the following conditions:

  1. The field was initialized with nulls and with the MDT bit on.
  2. The Erase Input, Field Exit, or Field + key is used from the first position of the field. The field is filled with nulls and the MDT bit is set on.

The above fields, with no further entry, can be returned with all data as blanks on a Read Input Fields (QsnReadInp) operation or as a null field on a Read Modified Fields (QsnReadMDT) operation.

Format of the Field Control Word

The following table explains the valid field control words (FCW) for use with the QsnSetFld API.

Table 7. Field Control Words

FCW Value Mnemonic Description
X'80nn' QSN_FCW_RESEQ Entry field resequencing (used in the Read Input Fields (QsnReadInp) and Read Modified Fields (QsnReadMDT) APIs, and so forth). The nn specifies the next entry field in the sequence (nn can be X'00' to X'80'). See Resequencing.
X'8101' QSN_FCW_MSR Magnetic stripe reader entry field.
X'8102' QSN_FCW_SLP Selector light pen entry field.
X'8103' QSN_FCW_MSR_SLP Magnetic stripe reader and selector light pen entry field.
X'8106' QSN_FCW_SLP_SA Selector light pen and selectable attention entry field.
X'8200' QSN_FCW_DBCS_ONLY DBCS only entry field.
X'8220' QSN_FCW_DBCS_PURE DBCS Graphic DBCS entry field.
X'8240' QSN_FCW_DBCS_EITHER DBCS Either entry field.
X'8280', X'8281', or X'82C0' QSN_FCW_DBCS_OPEN, QSN_FCW_DBCS_OPEN_ALL, or QSN_FCW_DBCS_OPEN_C0 DBCS open entry field.
X'84??' QSN_FCW_TRANSPARENT Transparency entry field (used in the Read Input Fields (QsnReadInp) and Read Modified Fields (QsnReadMDT) APIs, and so forth). The ?? indicates that these values are ignored.
X'8501' QSN_FCW_FET Forward edge trigger entry field. This provides the same function as Auto Enter specified in the FFW, except a unique AID is returned to the host when the field is exited. The state on the Auto Enter flag in the FFW is ignored.
X'8601' QSN_FCW_CONT_FIRST Continued entry field first segment.
X'8602' QSN_FCW_CONT_LAST Continued entry field last segment.
X'8603' QSN_FCW_CONT_MIDDLE Continued entry field middle segment.
X'88nn' QSN_FCW_CP Cursor progression entry field.
X'89nn' QSN_FCW_HL Highlighted entry field.
X'8Ann' QSN_FCW_PDS Pointer device selection entry field.
X'B140' QSN_FCW_MOD11 Self Check Modulus 11 entry field.
X'B1A0' QSN_FCW_MOD10 Self Check Modulus 10 entry field.

Valid Field Control Word and Device Capability Combinations

The following table explains the field control words (FCW) available for certain capabilities of the device. If one of the FCW values listed is given to QsnSetFld and the corresponding device capability is not supported, a CPFA306 will result. QsnSetFld, however, does not detect all invalid FCW combinations. See the Field control words (FCW) parameter for more information.

See the QsnQry5250 API to determine the capablilities supported by the current device.

Table 8. Valid Field Control Word and Device Capability Combinations

FCW Values Display capablility required for FCW to be valid

Error Messages

Message ID Error Message Text
CPF24B4 E Severe error while addressing parameter list.
CPF3CF1 E Error code parameter not valid.
CPF3CF2 E Error(s) occurred during running of &1 API.
CPFA301 E Command buffer is full.
CPFA304 E Data-stream error &1 reported for screen I/O operation.
CPFA305 E Cannot add operation to command buffer.
CPFA306 E Command not supported by current device.
CPFA307 E Screen position &1, &2 outside of display or window area.
CPFA308 E Attempt to write data past end of display.
CPFA30A E Field length &1 not valid.
CPFA30B E Invalid starting address for field.
CPFA30C E Maximum allowable number of fields exceeded.
CPFA30D E Invalid screen attribute.
CPFA30E E Invalid field format word.
CPFA314 E Memory allocation error.
CPFA31D E Attempt to write outside of window area.
CPFA31E E Required parameter &1 omitted.
CPFA331 E Buffer handle incorrect.
CPFA332 E Incorrect field control word.
CPFA333 E Parameter &1 not positive integer value.
CPFA334 E Low level environment handle incorrect.
CPFA335 E Screen address parameter error.
CPFA33D E Invalid screen attribute.
CPFA343 E Output operation not done.
CPFA344 E The file &2 in library &3 is not valid.
CPFA345 E The invite active flag is not valid.

API introduced: V2R3

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