Open List of QoS Monitor Data (QgyOpenListQoSMonitorData) API

  Required Parameter Group:

1 Receiver variable Output Char(*)
2 Length of receiver variable Input Binary(4)
3 List information Output Char(80)
4 Number of records to return Input Binary(4)
5 Format name Input Char(8)

  Omissible Parameter Group:

6 Filter Input Char(*)
7 Error code I/O Char(*)

  Service Program: QSYS/QTOQMONAPI

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The Open List of QoS Monitor Data (QgyOpenListQoSMonitorData) API allows the user to gather information related to QoS services. Each entry is returned according to the particular FORMAT or type of filter selected. There are three types of data that can be retrieved: Instantaneous QoS Manager Data (stack), accumulated QoS Manager Data, or an aggregate of the accumulated QoS Manager Data.

Authorities and Locks

Special Authority

Required Parameter Group

Receiver Variable
The receiver variable that receives the information requested.

Length of receiver variable
The length of the receiver variable.

List information
The variable used to return status information about the list of QoS monitor data that was opened. For a description of this parameter, see Open list information format.

Number of returned records
The number of records in the list to put into the receiver variable after filtering has been performed.

Format name
The format of the space information to be returned. The format names supported are:
QOSM0100 IntServ controlled load and IntServ controlled load with DiffServ markings.
QOSM0150 IntServ controlled load and IntServ controlled load with DiffServ markings. This format is used with 8-byte counters.
QOSM0200 IntServ guaranteed rate and IntServ guaranteed rate with DiffServ markings.
QOSM0250 IntServ guaranteed rate and IntServ guaranteed rate with DiffServ markings. This format is used with 8-byte counters.
QOSM0300 DiffServ per hop behavior.
QOSM0350 DiffServ per hop behavior. This format is used with 8-byte counters.
AGGR0100 IntServ controlled load and IntServ controlled load with DiffServ markings. Used for aggregated trace data only.
AGGR0150 IntServ controlled load and IntServ controlled load with DiffServ markings. Used for aggregated trace data only. This format is used with 8-byte counters.
AGGR0200 IntServ guaranteed rate and IntServ guaranteed rate with DiffServ markings. Used for aggregated trace data only.
AGGR0250 IntServ guaranteed rate and IntServ guaranteed rate with DiffServ markings. Used for aggregated trace data only. This format is used with 8-byte counters.
AGGR0300 DiffServ per hop behavior. Used for aggregated trace data only.
AGGR0350 DiffServ per hop behavior. Used for aggregated trace data only. This format is used with 8-byte counters.
INBC0100 Connection information related to inbound IP policies.
INBC0200 Connection information related to URI inbound policies.

Omissible Parameter Group

The structure that defines which QoS filtered data is returned from the API.

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)
The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter .

Filter Format Section

The following information is used for the filtering format. For detailed descriptions of the fields in this table, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Length of filter
4 4 BINARY(4) Filter flag
8 8 CHAR(14) Start time
22 16 CHAR(14) End time
36 24 BINARY(4) Policy flag
40 28 BINARY(4) System aggregation flag
44 2C CHAR(128) Policy name
172 AC CHAR(10) Saved collected name

Field Descriptions

End time. All data in the trace buffer between a given time interval. The format is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, and HH should be represented with a 24-hour clock. If this parameter is set to a value, then the start time also must be set to some time less then the end time. This character string must be set to x'00' if not being used and other filtering parameters are needed.

Filter flag. Turns the filtering function on and off. The following values may be specified:

0 Turns off filtering option. If 0, the data is taken from the QoS manager (instantaneous stack data - QOSMxxxx format only).
1 Turns on filtering option. If 1, the data is taken from the trace buffer.

Length of filter. The length of the filtering structure.

Policy flag. Returns information for a specific policy for a given format. This option can be used in two ways. If it is used, Policy name must be set to some value.

1 Returns all entries for a specific policy within the user data for a given format. This option is used with the QOSMxxxx formats.
2 Return an aggregated list of a specific policy for given format. This option is used with AGGRxxxx formats.

The following values may be specified:

0 Turns off the policy option.
1 Turns on the policy option. System aggregation must be 0.

Policy name. Returns a list of entries associated with a given name. This option can be used only when the Policy flag is set to a value of 1. This character string must be set to x'00' if not being used and other filtering parameters are needed.

Start time. Returns all data in the trace buffer between a given time interval. The format is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, and HH should be represented with a 24-hour clock. If this parameter is set to a value, the end time also must be set to some time greater than the start time. This character string must be set to x'00' if not being used and other filtering parameters are needed.

System aggregation flag. Returns a list of all aggregated policies within a given architecture. This filter option can be used with any of the AGGRxxxx formats only. The following values may be specified:

0 The system aggregation option is turned off. This value must be specified for QOSMxxxx formats.
1 The system aggregation option is turned on. Policy must be 0.

Saved collected name. The collection data the user wishes to retrieve. If this value is blanks, or not supplied in the filter, then all data will be retrieved from the current data collection.

QOSM0100 Format

The QOSM0100 format includes the basic format of Integrated Services (IntServ) controlled load, and IntServ controlled load with Differentiated Services (DiffServ) markings. For detailed descriptions of the fields in this table, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(128) Policy name
128 80 CHAR(14) Time stamp
142 8E CHAR(2) Reserved - alignment
144 90 BINARY(4) Protocol
148 94 CHAR(15) Source IP address (start) - dotted decimal
163 A3 CHAR(15) Destination IP address (start) - dotted decimal
178 B2 CHAR(15) Source IP address (end) - dotted decimal
193 C1 CHAR(15) Destination IP address (end) - dotted decimal
208 D0 BINARY(4) Source port (start)
212 D4 BINARY(4) Destination port (start)
216 D8 BINARY(4) Source port (end)
220 DC BINARY(4) Destination port (end)
224 E0 BINARY(4) Token bucket rate - bytes per second
228 E4 BINARY(4) Token bucket depth - bytes
232 E8 BINARY(4) Peak data rate - bytes per second
236 EC BINARY(4) Minimum policed unit - bytes
240 F0 BINARY(4) Maximum packet size - bytes
244 F4 BINARY(4) Total connections serviced - connections
248 F8 BINARY(4) Total packets transmitted - packets
252 FC BINARY(4) Total bytes transmitted - bytes
256 100 BINARY(4) Total in profile packets - packets
260 104 BINARY(4) Total in profile bytes - bytes

QOSM0150 Format

The QOSM0150 format includes the basic format of Integrated Services (IntServ) controlled load, and IntServ controlled load with Differentiated Services (DiffServ) markings. For detailed descriptions of the fields in this table, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(128) Policy name
128 80 CHAR(14) Time stamp
142 8E CHAR(2) Reserved - alignment
144 90 BINARY(4) Protocol
148 94 CHAR(15) Source IP address - dotted decimal
163 A3 CHAR(15) Destination IP address - dotted decimal
178 B2 CHAR(2) Reserved - alignment
180 B4 BINARY(4) Source port (start)
184 B8 BINARY(4) Destination port (start)
188 BC BINARY(4) Token bucket rate - kbits per second
192 C0 BINARY(4) Token bucket depth - kbits
196 C4 BINARY(4) Peak data rate - kbits per second
200 C8 BINARY(4) Minimum policed unit - kbits
204 CC BINARY(4) Maximum packet size -kbits
208 D0 BINARY(8) Total packets transmitted long - packets
216 D8 BINARY(8) Total kbits transmitted long - kbits
224 E0 BINARY(8) Total in profile packets long - packets
232 E8 BINARY(8) Total in profile kbits long - kbits
240 F0 BINARY(4) Duration - seconds
244 F4 BINARY(4) Policy handle identifier
248 F8 BINARY(4) Offset to additional information
252 FC BINARY(4) Length of additional information

QOSM0200 Format

The QOSM0200 format includes the basic format of IntServ guaranteed rate and IntServ guaranteed rate with DiffServ markings (both). For detailed descriptions of the fields in this table, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 Returns everything from QOSM0100
264 108 BINARY(4) Guaranteed rate - bytes per second
268 10C BINARY(4) Slack term - second

QOSM0250 Format

The QOSM0250 format includes the basic format of IntServ guaranteed rate and IntServ guaranteed rate with DiffServ markings (both). For detailed descriptions of the fields in this table, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
Offset from format QOSM0150
0 0 BINARY(4) Guaranteed rate - kbits per second
4 4 BINARY(4) Slack term - second

QOSM0300 Format

The QOSM0300 format includes the basic format of DiffServ per hop behavior. For detailed descriptions of the fields in this table, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(128) Policy name
128 80 CHAR(14) Time stamp
142 8E CHAR(2) Reserved - alignment
144 90 BINARY(4) Priority
148 94 BINARY(4) Protocol
152 98 CHAR(15) Source IP address (start) - dotted decimal
167 A7 CHAR(15) Destination IP address (start) - dotted decimal
182 B6 CHAR(15) Source IP address (end) - dotted decimal
197 C5 CHAR(15) Destination IP address (end) - dotted decimal
212 D4 BINARY(4) Source port (start)
216 D8 BINARY(4) Destination port (start)
220 DC BINARY(4) Source port (end)
224 E0 BINARY(4) Destination port (end)
228 E4 BINARY(4) Token bucket rate - bytes per second
232 E8 BINARY(4) Token bucket depth - bytes
236 EC BINARY(4) Peak data rate - bytes per second
240 F0 CHAR(1) InDSCP
241 F1 CHAR(1) OutDSCP
242 F2 CHAR(2) Reserved - alignment
244 F4 BINARY(4) Total packets transmitted - packets
248 F8 BINARY(4) Total bytes transmitted - bytes
252 FC BINARY(4) Total in profile packets - packets
256 100 BINARY(4) Total in profile bytes - bytes
260 104 BINARY(4) Total active connections - connections
264 108 BINARY(4) Traffic profile

QOSM0350 Format

The QOSM0350 format includes the basic format of DiffServ per hop behavior. For detailed descriptions of the fields in this table, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(128) Policy name
128 80 CHAR(14) Time stamp
142 8E CHAR(2) Reserved - alignment
144 90 BINARY(4) Priority
148 94 BINARY(4) Protocol
152 98 CHAR(15) Source IP address (start) - dotted decimal
167 A7 CHAR(15) Destination IP address (start) - dotted decimal
182 B6 CHAR(15) Source IP address (end) - dotted decimal
197 C5 CHAR(15) Destination IP address (end) - dotted decimal
212 D4 BINARY(4) Source port (start)
216 D8 BINARY(4) Destination port (start)
220 DC BINARY(4) Source port (end)
224 E0 BINARY(4) Destination port (end)
228 E4 BINARY(4) Token bucket rate - kbits per second
232 E8 BINARY(4) Token bucket depth - kbits
236 EC BINARY(4) Peak data rate - kbits per second
240 F0 CHAR(1) InDSCP
241 F1 CHAR(1) OutDSCP
242 F2 CHAR(2) Reserved - alignment
244 F4 BINARY(8) Total packets transmitted long - packets
252 FC BINARY(8) Total kbits transmitted long - kbits
260 104 BINARY(8) Total in profile packets long - packets
268 10C BINARY(8) Total in profile kbits long - kbits
276 114 BINARY(8) Total active connections long - connections
284 11C BINARY(4) Traffic profile
288 120 BINARY(4) Duration - seconds
292 124 BINARY(4) Policy handle identifier

AGGR0100 Format

The AGGR0100 format includes the basic format of IntServ controlled load and IntServ controlled load with DiffServ markings, and is used for aggregated trace data only. For detailed descriptions of the fields in this table, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(128) Policy name
128 80 BINARY(4) Token bucket rate - bytes per second
132 84 BINARY(4) Total connects serviced - connections
136 88 BINARY(4) Total packets transmitted - packets
140 8C BINARY(4) Total bytes transmitted - bytes
144 90 BINARY(4) Total in profile packets - packets
148 94 BINARY(4) Total in profile bytes - bytes
152 98 CHAR(14) Start time
166 A6 CHAR(14) End time

AGGR0150 Format

The AGGR0150 format includes the basic format of IntServ controlled load and IntServ controlled load with DiffServ markings, and is used for aggregated trace data only. For detailed descriptions of the fields in this table, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(128) Policy name
128 80 BINARY(4) Token bucket rate - kbits per second
132 84 BINARY(4) Total connections serviced - connections
136 88 BINARY(8) Total packets transmitted long - packets
144 90 BINARY(8) Total kbits transmitted long - kbits
152 98 BINARY(8) Total in profile packets long - packets
160 A0 BINARY(8) Total in profile kbits long - kbits
168 A8 CHAR(14) Start time
182 B6 CHAR(14) End time
196 C4 BINARY(4) Offset to additional information
200 C8 BINARY(4) Length of additional information

AGGR0200 Format

The AGGR0200 format includes the basic format of IntServ guaranteed rate and IntServ guaranteed rate with DiffServ markings, and is used for aggregated trace data only. For detailed descriptions of the fields in this table, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
Returns everything from AGGR0100
180 B4 BINARY(4) Guaranteed rate - bytes per second
184 B8 BINARY(4) Actual calculated rate - bytes per second

AGGR0250 Format

The AGGR0250 format includes the basic format of IntServ guaranteed rate and IntServ guaranteed rate with DiffServ markings, and is used for aggregated trace data only. For detailed descriptions of the fields in this table, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
Offset from format AGGR0150
0 0 BINARY(4) Guaranteed rate - kbits per second
4 4 BINARY(4) Actual calculated rate - kbits per second

AGGR0300 Format

The AGGR0300 Format includes the basic format of IntServ controlled load and IntServ controlled load with DiffServ markings, and is used for aggregated trace data only. For detailed descriptions of the fields in this table, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(128) Policy name
128 80 BINARY(4) Token bucket rate - bytes per second
132 84 BINARY(4) Token bucket depth - bytes
136 88 CHAR(1) InDSCP
137 89 CHAR(1) OutDSCP
138 8A CHAR(2) Reserved - alignment
140 8C BINARY(4) Total active connections - connections
144 90 BINARY(4) Total packets transmitted - packets
148 94 BINARY(4) Total bytes transmitted - bytes
152 98 BINARY(4) Total in profile packets - packets
156 9C BINARY(4) Total in profile bytes - bytes
160 A0 BINARY(4) Traffic profile
164 A4 CHAR(14) Start time
178 B2 CHAR(14) End time

AGGR0350 Format

The AGGR0350 Format includes the basic format of IntServ controlled load and IntServ controlled load with DiffServ markings, and is used for aggregated trace data only. For detailed descriptions of the fields in this table, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(128) Policy name
128 80 BINARY(4) Token bucket rate - kbits per second
132 84 BINARY(4) Token bucket depth - kbits
136 88 CHAR(1) InDSCP
137 89 CHAR(1) OutDSCP
138 8A CHAR(2) Reserved - alignment
140 8C BINARY(8) Total active connections long - connections
148 94 BINARY(8) Total packets transmitted long - packets
156 9C BINARY(8) Total kbits transmitted long - kbits
164 A4 BINARY(8) Total in profile packets long - packets
172 AC BINARY(8) Total in profile kbits long - kbits
180 B4 BINARY(4) Traffic profile
184 B8 CHAR(14) Start time
198 C6 CHAR(14) End time

INBC0100 Format

The INBC0100 Format includes connection information related to inbound IP policies. For detailed descriptions of the fields in this table, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(128) Policy name
128 80 CHAR(14) Time stamp
142 8E CHAR(2) Reserved - alignment
144 90 BINARY(4) Priority
148 94 CHAR(15) Source IP address (start) - dotted decimal
163 A3 CHAR(15) Destination IP address (start) - dotted decimal
178 B2 CHAR(15) Source IP address (end) - dotted decimal
193 C1 CHAR(15) Destination IP address (end) - dotted decimal
208 D0 BINARY(4) Source port (start)
212 D4 BINARY(4) Destination port (start)
216 D8 BINARY(4) Source port (end)
220 DC BINARY(4) Destination port (end)
224 E0 BINARY(4) Average connection rate - connections per second
228 E4 BINARY(4) Connection burst - connections
232 E8 BINARY(4) Peak connection rate - connections per second
236 EC BINARY(4) Prioritized queue
240 F0 BINARY(8) Total connections transmitted - connections
248 F8 BINARY(8) Total in profile connections - connections
256 100 BINARY(4) Duration - seconds
260 104 BINARY(4) Policy handle identifier

INBC0200 Format

The INBC0200 Format includes connection information related to URI inbound policies. For detailed descriptions of the fields in this table, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(128) Policy name
128 80 CHAR(14) Time stamp
142 8E CHAR(2) Reserved - alignment
144 90 BINARY(4) Priority
148 94 CHAR(15) Destination IP address (start) - dotted decimal
163 A3 CHAR(15) Destination IP address (end) - dotted decimal
178 B2 CHAR(2) Reserved - alignment
180 B4 BINARY(4) Destination port (start)
184 B8 BINARY(4) Average URI rate - URIs per second
188 BC BINARY(4) URI burst - number of URIs
192 C0 BINARY(4) Peak URI rate - URIs per second
196 C4 BINARY(4) Prioritized queue
200 C8 BINARY(8) Total URIs transmitted - number of URIs
208 D0 BINARY(8) Total in profile URIs - number of URIs
216 D8 BINARY(4) Duration - seconds
220 DC BINARY(4) Policy handle identifier
224 E0 CHAR(128) URI name

Field Descriptions

The field descriptions returned by this API for the various format types follows.

Actual calculated rate.. Actual calculated rate in bytes per second.

Average connection rate - connections per second. The average number of new requests (connections) admitted per second.

Average URI rate - URIs per second. The average number of new URIs admitted per second.

Connection burst - number of connections. The maximum number of new requests (connections) accepted concurrently.

Destination IP address (end). The end of destination IP address range. IP address is in dotted decimal format.

Destination IP address (start). The start of the destination IP address range. IP address is in dotted decimal format. This value will be used if only one destination IP address is selected

Destination port (end). The end of the destination port range.

Destination port (start) The start of the destination port range. This value is used if only one port is selected

Duration. The Duration is the amount of time between the last query and the present qurey. This value is only set for Collected date.

End time. The ending time over which the aggregation was performed.

Guaranteed rate - bytes per second. The guaranteed rate in bytes per second.

InDSCP. The field used to select the per hop behavior (PHB) a packet will experience at each node.

Maximum packet size - bytes. The largest datagram that conforms to the traffic specifications.

Minimum policed unit - bytes. The smallest number of bytes that will be removed from the token bucket.

OutDSCP. The field used to select the per hop behavior (PHB) a packet will experience at each node.

Peak connection rate - connections per second. The maximum allowable rate at which the source can inject connections into the network.

Peak data rate - bytes per second. The maximum rate at which the source and any reshaping point may inject burst of traffic into the network.

Peak URI rate - URI per second. The maximum allowable rate at which the source can inject connections into the network.

Policy handle identifier. Is a unique handle for any given policy.

Policy name. The name of the policy with which the data is associated.

Priority. The priority assigned to each rule loaded in the QoS Manager.

Prioritized queue -  The order the listen queue of the server processes incoming connections.

Protocol. The message protocol. Protocols may include:

17 UDP
255 RAW

Reserved - alignment. An ignored field.

Slack term - seconds. The difference between the desired delay and the delay obtained.

Source IP address (end). The end of the source IP address range. IP address is in dotted decimal format.

Source IP address (start). The start of the source IP address range. IP address is in dotted decimal format. This value is used if only one source IP address is selected

Source port (end). The end of the source port range.

Source port (start). The start of the source port range. This value is used if only one port is selected

Start time. The starting time over which the aggregation was performed.

Time stamp. The date and time the data was retrieved from the QoS Manager. The time is formatted with a 24-hour clock, and is in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.

Token bucket depth - bytes. The number of tokens that can be stored in a given bucket.

Token bucket rate - bytes per second. The rate at which tokens can be sent into the network.

Total active connections. The total number of active connections.

Total active connections long - connections The total number of active connections. If this value is greater then 4,294,967,295 then the counter will wrap and start back at 1.

Total bytes transmitted - bytes. The total number of bytes transmitted. If this value is greater then 4,294,967,295 then the counter will wrap and start back at 1.

Total bytes transmitted long - bytes The total number of bytes transmitted.

Total connections serviced - number of connections. The total number of connections serviced.

Total connections transmitted - number of connections The total number of bytes transmitted.

Total in profile bytes - bytes. The total number of bytes transmitted in the profile. If this value is greater then 4,294,967,295 then the counter will wrap and start back at 1.

Total in profile bytes long - bytes The total number of bytes transmitted in profile.

Total in profile connections - connections. The total number of connection in the profile.

Total in profile packets - number of packets. The total number of in profile packets transmitted. If this value is greater then 4,294,967,295 then the counter will wrap and start back at 1.

Total in profile packets long - number of packets The total number of in profile packets transmitted.

Total in profile URIs - number of URIs. Total number of in profile URIs transmitted.

Total packets transmitted - number of packets. The total number of packets transmitted. If this value is greater then 4,294,967,295 then the counter will wrap and start back at 1.

Total packets transmitted long - number of packets The total number of packets transmitted.

Total URIs transmitted - number of URIs. The total number of URIs transmitted.

Traffic profile. The type of packet conditioning used on out-of-profile packets. The format may include:

1 Marking
2 Shaping
3 Dropping
4 Single marking

URI burst - number of URIs. The maximum number of new pages accepted concurrently.

URI name. A string of characters that repersents the URI.

Error Messages

Message ID Error Message Text
TCP9215 E QoS Monitor is active (not a valid state).
CPF0F03 E Error in retrieving the user space that was created by the caller.
CPF24B4 E Severe error while addressing parameter list.
CPF3C1E E Required parameter 1 omitted.
CPF3C21 E Format name 1 is not valid.
CPF3CF1 E Error code parameter not valid.
CPF9802 E Not authorized to object 2 in 3.
CPF9810 E Library 1 not found.
CPF9820 E Not authorized to use library 1.
CPF9872 E Program or service program 1 in library 2 ended. Reason code 3.

API introduced: V5R1

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