Import LDIF File (QgldImportLdifInst) API

  Required Parameter Group:

1 Input data Input Char(*)
2 Length of input data Input Binary(4)
3 Format name Input Char(8)
4 Error code I/O Char(*)
5 Instance name Input Char(8)

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Library Name/Service Program: QSYS/QGLDUAPI

  Threadsafe: No

The Import LDIF File (QgldImportLdifInst) API imports directory server data to a directory server instance from a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Data Interchange Format (LDIF) file.

The IBM® Directory Server must be stopped to use this API. To stop the server, use the End TCP/IP Server (ENDTCPSVR SVR(*DIRSRV) INSTANCE(instance-name)) CL command.

Authorities and Locks

Directory Authority
The caller must provide the administrator DN and password if the caller does not have *ALLOBJ and *IOSYSCFG special authorities and the caller is not a IBM Directory Server administrator. The caller is an IBM Directory Server administrator if the IBM Tivoli® Directory Server has been configured to grant administrator access to authorized users and the caller is authorized to the Directory Server Administrator function of the operating system.

Object Authorities
The caller must have Execute (*X) authority to each directory in the path name preceding the name of the LDIF file. The caller must have Read (*R) authority to the LDIF file.

Required Parameter Group

Input data

Input data required to identify the LDIF file and the administrator name and password. The content and format of this structure are determined by the format name. See Format of Input Data for a description of these formats.

Length of input data

The length of the input data structure.

Format name

The content and format of the input data. The possible format name follows:

LDIF0100 Import LDIF file
LDIF0200 Import LDIF file with options

See Format of Input Data for a description of this format.

Error code

I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

Instance name
Input; CHAR(8)

Contains the name of the Directory Server instance have data imported to. If a NULL pointer or blanks is specified, the default instance name, QUSRDIR is used.

Format of Input Data

For details about the format of the input data, see the following section. For details about the fields in each format, see Field Descriptions.

LDIF0100 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Offset to LDIF file
4 4 BINARY(4) Length of LDIF file
8 8 BINARY(4) Offset to administrator DN
12 C BINARY(4) Length of administrator DN
16 10 BINARY(4) Offset to administrator password
20 14 BINARY(4) Length of administrator password
CHAR(*) LDIF file
CHAR(*) Administrator DN
CHAR(*) Administrator password

LDIF0200 Format

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Offset to LDIF file
4 4 BINARY(4) Length of LDIF file
8 8 BINARY(4) Offset to administrator DN
12 C BINARY(4) Length of administrator DN
16 10 BINARY(4) Offset to administrator password
20 14 BINARY(4) Length of administrator password
24 18 BINARY(4) Level indicator
Additional fields if level indicator is equal to 1 or greater:
28 1C BINARY(4) Replicate imported data
Variable length string fields:
CHAR(*) LDIF file
CHAR(*) Administrator DN
CHAR(*) Administrator password

Field Descriptions

Additional fields indicator. Additional fields supplied for a format. See the format descriptions for possible uses and values of this field.

Administrator DN. The distinguished name of the server administrator. This field is specified in UTF-16 (CCSID 13488).

Administrator password. The password for the server administrator. This field is specified in UTF-16 (CCSID 13488).

LDIF file. The integrated file system path name of the LDIF file to be used. This field is specified in UTF-16 (CCSID 13488).

Length of administrator DN. The length, in UTF-16 (CCSID 13488) characters, of the administrator DN field.

Length of administrator password. The length, in UTF-16 (CCSID 13488) characters, of the administrator password field.

Length of LDIF file. The length, in UTF-16 (CCSID 13488) characters, of the LDIF file field.

Level indicator. The level indicator of the data supplied for a format. See the format descriptions for possible uses and values of this field.

Offset to administrator DN. The offset, in bytes, from the start of the input data to the administrator DN field.

Offset to administrator password. The offset, in bytes, from the start of the input data to the administrator password field.

Offset to LDIF file. The offset, in bytes, from the start of the input data to the LDIF file field.

Replicate imported data. Indicates whether imported data should be replicated to replica servers. This option could be used, for example, when initializing an additional master server so that it does not attempt to replicate data to servers already containing this data. If format LDIF0100 is used, imported data is replicated. The following values may be specified Whether the directory server will replicate imported data. The following values may be specified:

0 Imported data is not replicated.
1 Imported data is replicated. The value 1 can only be specified if a subtree DN is specified.

Error Messages

Message ID Error Message Text
GLD0125 E IBM Directory Server failed for reason code &4.
GLD0202 E Administrator DN or password not correct.
GLD0213 E Error opening or creating file.
GLD0215 E Server has not been configured.
GLD0218 E *ALLOBJ and *IOSYSCFG special authorities required.
GLD0225 E &1 items added to directory, &2 items not added.
GLD0226 E LDAP server is read-only.

API introduced: V6R1

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