Retrieve Program Variable (QTERTVPV) API

  Required Parameter Group:

1 Receiver variable Output Char(*)
2 Length of receiver variable Input Binary(4)
3 Program variable Input Char(132)
4 Basing pointer Input Array(5) of Char(132)
5 Starting position Input Binary(4)
6 Length of string Input Binary(4)
7 Output format Input Char(10)
8 Program Input Char(10)
9 Recursion level Input Binary(4)
10 Error code I/O Char(*)

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: No

The Retrieve Program Variable (QTERTVPV) API retrieves the current value of a program variable in a program that is being debugged. The information is returned to the calling program in a receiver variable. The amount of returned information is limited to the size of the receiver variable. This information is similar to the information returned using the Display Program Variable (DSPPGMVAR) command.


This API is valid only in debug mode and supports original program model (OPM) programs only. It cannot be used if the user is servicing another job and that job is on a job queue, or is held, suspended, or ended.

Authorities and Locks


Required Parameter Group

Receiver variable

The variable that is to receive the information requested. The minimum size for this area is 8 bytes. If the size of this area is smaller than the available information, the API returns only the data that the area can hold.

See Format of Receiver Variable for details about the format.

Length of receiver variable

The length of the receiver variable. If this value is larger than the actual size of storage allocated for the receiver variable, the results are not predictable. The minimum length is 8 bytes.

Program variable

The name of the program variable whose value is to be retrieved. Possible values follow:

*CHAR This special value is specified instead of a variable name if a basing pointer is also specified. This special value returns a character view of the area addressed by a pointer.
Program variable name The name of the program variable. For more information about program variables, see the Control language topic collection.

Basing pointer
INPUT; ARRAY(5) of CHAR(132)

In languages where a program variable may be based on a pointer variable, you can specify the basing pointers for the variable to be retrieved. Up to five basing pointers may be specified. If the basing pointer is an element in an array, the subscript representing an element in the array must be specified. Up to 132 characters can be specified for one basing pointer name. If no basing pointer is specified, then the structure must be initialized to blanks. If one or more basing pointers are specified, then the subsequent array entries must be initialized to blanks. For more information about basing pointers, see the Control language topic collection.

Starting position

For string variables only, the starting position in the string from which its value is being retrieved. For a bit string, the value is the starting bit position. For a character string, the value is the starting character position.

This parameter is ignored on nonstring variables but must be initialized to any number greater than 0.

Length of string

For string variables only, the length of the string retrieved, starting at the position specified by the start parameter. For a bit string, this value is the number of bits to retrieve. For a character string, this value is the number of characters to retrieve.

0 The value of the string variable is retrieved to the end of the string or retrieved for 200 bytes, whichever is less. If the string variable has a maximum length of zero, only 0 is allowed.
Retrieve length The length of data to retrieve.

This parameter is ignored on nonstring variables but must be initialized to any number 0 or greater.

Output format

The format in which the value is to be returned.

*CHAR The value of the program variable is returned in character form.
*HEX The value of the program variable is returned in hexadecimal form.


The name of the program that contains the program variable to be retrieved.

*DFTPGM The program currently specified as the default program will be used.
Program name The name of the program whose program variable is retrieved.

Recursion level

The recursion level of the program that contains the program variable.

0 The last (most recent) call of the program is the one from which the automatic program variable is retrieved.
n The number of the recursion level of the program from which the automatic program variable is retrieved.

This parameter is ignored on static variables but must be initialized to any number 0 or greater.

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

Format of Receiver Variable

The following table shows the information supplied in the receiver variable parameter. For more information about each field, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Bytes returned
4 4 BINARY(4) Bytes available
8 8 BINARY(4) Variable type
12 C BINARY(4) Data error
16 10 POINTER Pointer to variable
32 20 BINARY(4) Bit position
36 24 BINARY(4) Variable length
40 28 BINARY(4) Variable precision
44 2C BINARY(4) Number of array dimensions
48 30 BINARY(4) Number of array elements returned
52 34 ARRAY(15) of BINARY(4) Subscript bounds
172 AC BINARY(4) Element length
176 B0 BINARY(4) Character string length
180 B4 CHAR(64) Reserved
244 F4 CHAR(*) Data retrieved

The following tables show the information supplied in the data retrieved field. The variable type field, which is enclosed in parentheses, indicates which table is used.

Data for Binary Numeric (1)

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
244 F4 CHAR(7) Message ID
251 FB CHAR(1) Reserved
252 FC CHAR(*) Variable value

Data for Floating Point (2)

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
244 F4 CHAR(7) Message ID
251 FB CHAR(1) Reserved
252 FC CHAR(*) Variable value

Data for Zoned Decimal (3)

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
244 F4 CHAR(7) Message ID
251 FB CHAR(1) Reserved
252 FC CHAR(*) Variable value

Data for Packed Decimal (4)

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
244 F4 CHAR(7) Message ID
251 FB CHAR(1) Reserved
252 FC CHAR(*) Variable value

Data for Fixed Character (5)

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
244 F4 CHAR(7) Message ID
251 FB CHAR(1) Reserved
252 FC CHAR(*) Variable value

Data for Varying Character (6)

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
244 F4 CHAR(7) Message ID
251 FB CHAR(1) Reserved
252 FC BINARY(4) Varying character length
256 100 CHAR(*) Variable value

Data for Fixed Bit (7)

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
244 F4 CHAR(7) Message ID
251 FB CHAR(1) Reserved
252 FC CHAR(*) Variable value

Data for Unsigned Binary (8)

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
244 F4 CHAR(7) Message ID
251 FB CHAR(1) Reserved
252 FC CHAR(*) Variable value

Data for Space Pointer (9)

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
244 F4 CHAR(7) Message ID
251 FB CHAR(1) Reserved
252 FC CHAR(8) Hexadecimal offset
260 104 CHAR(8) Reserved
268 10C CHAR(30) Object addressed by pointer
298 12A CHAR(10) Library name
308 134 CHAR(8) Object type

Data for Data Pointer (10)

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
244 F4 CHAR(7) Message ID
251 FA CHAR(1) Reserved
252 FB CHAR(8) Hexadecimal offset
260 104 CHAR(30) Object addressed by pointer
290 122 CHAR(10) Library name
300 12C CHAR(8) Object type
308 134 BINARY(4) Data type
312 138 BINARY(4) Data length
316 13C BINARY(4) Data precision
320 140 BINARY(4) Data string length
324 144 BINARY(4) Element length
328 148 CHAR(*) Data

Data for Instruction Definition List (11)

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
244 F4 CHAR(7) Message ID
251 FB CHAR(1) Reserved
252 FC CHAR(8) Instruction number
260 104 CHAR(8) Reserved
268 10C CHAR(30) Object addressed by pointer
298 12A CHAR(10) Library name
308 134 CHAR(8) Object type

Data for System Pointer (12)

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
244 F4 CHAR(7) Message ID
251 FB CHAR(1) Reserved
252 FC CHAR(16) Authorization
268 10C CHAR(30) Object addressed by pointer
298 12A CHAR(10) Library name
308 134 CHAR(8) Object type

Data for Machine Space Pointer (13)

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
244 F4 CHAR(7) Message ID
251 FB CHAR(1) Reserved
252 FC CHAR(8) Hexadecimal offset
260 104 CHAR(8) Reserved
268 10C CHAR(30) Object addressed by pointer
298 12A CHAR(10) Library name
308 134 CHAR(8) Object type

Data for Exception Description (14)

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
244 F4 CHAR(7) Message ID
251 FB CHAR(1) Reserved
252 FC CHAR(1) Control
253 FD CHAR(1) Handler type
254 FE CHAR(8) Instruction number
262 106 CHAR(10) Program name
272 110 CHAR(10) Library name
282 11A CHAR(2) Reserved
284 11C BINARY(4) Compare string length
288 120 CHAR(28) Compare string
316 13C CHAR(1) Job log
317 13D CHAR(3) Message type
320 140 BINARY(4) Number of message IDs
324 144 ARRAY(*) of CHAR(7) Array of messages

Field Descriptions

Array of messages. An array of the number of message IDs is returned.

Authorization. Pointer authorization.

Bit position. The starting bit position, 1-8, for bit strings returned in *HEX format. The least significant bit is 1 and 8 the most significant bit. This field will be initialized to 0 for any other variable type.

Bytes available. The number of bytes of data available to be returned. All available data is returned if enough space is provided.

Bytes returned. The number of bytes of data returned.

Character string length. For output format *CHAR, this value is the length of the returned character string. For output format *HEX, this value is initialized to 0. For fixed character, varying character, and fixed bit variables this field contains the actual length of the data returned for *CHAR and *HEX output formats. For pointers and exception monitors this field is 0.

Comparison string. The specified comparison string.

Comparison string length. The length of the comparison string. This value is 0 if a value is not specified.

Control. Exception monitor control action. The following values may be returned:

X'00' Default
X'01' Off
X'02' Resignal
X'04' Defer
X'05' Handle

Data. The data addressed by the pointer. This field is returned in the corresponding output format for the variable type (data type).

Data error. Whether an error was returned when returning a variable.

0 No errors were returned with the variable data.
1 One or more errors were returned with the variable data.

Data length. The length of the data addressed by the pointer. This is the same value as in the variable length field in the header.

Data precision. The precision of the data addressed by the pointer. This is the same value as in the variable precision field in the header.

Data retrieved. If an error is encountered while retrieving the data, CPD messages may be returned instead of the variable data. The structure of this parameter is dependent on the object type. The format of the data depends on the variable type field.

Data string length. The string length of the data addressed by the pointer. This is the same value as in the variable string length field in the header.

Data type. The type of data addressed by the pointer. This is the same value as in the variable type field in the header.

Element length. The length of the data element returned. If this field is 0, each element can be a different length and the user must go to the element to get the element length.

Handler type. Exception monitor handler type.

'00'X External handler
'01'X Call internal handler
'02'X Branch point handler

Hexadecimal offset. Hexadecimal offset of the space pointed to by the space or machine space pointer.

Instruction number. The exception handler instruction number for a monitor with an internal handler or X'0' for an external handler.

Job log. Put messages on job log.

0 No
1 Yes

Library name. The library containing the object addressed by the pointer, *LIBL, or X'0' for internal monitors.

Message ID. If an error was received with the variable data, this field contains the diagnostic message ID. If no error was received with the variable's data, this field contains blanks.

Message type. Message types being monitored.

100 Escape
010 Notify
001 Status

More than one message type can be monitored at a time. If the first and third characters are 1's, then escape and status messages are being monitored.

Number of array dimensions. If the variable is an array or an element of an array, this field is the number of array dimensions. Otherwise, this field is initialized to 0.

Number of array elements returned. If the variable is an array, this field is the number of array elements returned. Otherwise, this field is initialized to 0.

Number of message IDs. The number of message identifiers being monitored.

Object addressed by pointer. The fully qualified name of the object addressed by the pointer.

Object type. The Machine Interface (MI) type of the object addressed by the pointer.

Pointer to variable. Pointer to variable, if applicable. For example, a pointer is not returned to a variable of type machine space pointer or for an exception description. For system security reasons a pointer is not returned if the security level is 50 and if the job using the API is servicing and debugging another job.

Program name. External handler program name or X'0' for an internal monitor.

Reserved. An ignored field.

Subscript bounds. The subscript lower bounds and subscript upper bounds for each array dimension. If the variable is not an element of an array, or the dimension is not used, the subscript lower and upper bounds are initialized to 0.

Varying character length. The actual length of the varying character string.

Variable length. The length of the variable value. For bit strings, this value is the number of bits. For packed and zoned variables, this value is the number of digits. For pointers and exception monitors this field is 0. For all other variable types, this value is the number of bytes.

Variable precision. The number of decimal digits or fractional digits for zoned and packed variables. For any other variable type, this field will be initialized to 0.

Variable type. The following are the possible variable types:

1 Binary numeric
2 Floating point
3 Zoned decimal
4 Packed decimal
5 Fixed character
6 Varying character
7 Fixed bit
8 Unsigned binary
9 Space pointer
10 Data pointer
11 Instruction definition list
12 System pointer
13 Machine space pointer
14 Exception description

Variable value. The value of the variable being retrieved.

The following messages may be returned in this field:

CPD1901 Variable contains invalid decimal data.
CPD1902 Pointer to be displayed not set to any address.
CPD1903 Floating-point value displayed is not exact.
CPD1904 Object not found for system pointer with initial value.
CPD1905 Variable not found for data pointer with initial value.
CPD1906 Variable to be displayed contained in deleted object.
CPD1907 Variable refers to object with freed storage.
CPD1908 Space addressing error for variable.
CPD1909 Pointer alignment error. Pointer not on 16-byte boundary.
CPD1910 High-level language (HLL) pointer invalid.
CPD1911 START plus LEN values exceed length of string.
CPD1913 Space addressing error for variable.
CPD1914 Pointer addresses a deleted object.

Error Messages

Message ID Error Message Text
CPF1902 E No default program exists.
CPF1903 E Program &1 not in debug mode.
CPF1905 E Starting position parameter is not valid.
CPF1906 E Command is not valid. No programs in debug mode.
CPF1915 E Length parameter is not valid.
CPF1919 E Recursion level parameter is not valid.
CPF1927 E Output format name not valid.
CPF1938 E Command is not allowed while serviced job is not active.
CPF1939 E Time-out occurred waiting for a reply from the serviced job.
CPF1941 E Serviced job has completed. Debug commands are not allowed.
CPF24B4 E Severe error while addressing parameter list.
CPF3C19 E Error occurred with receiver variable specified.
CPF3C24 E Length of the receiver variable is not valid.
CPF7133 E Variable or basing pointer name missing.
CPF9549 E Error addressing API parameter.
CPF9872 E Program or service program &1 in library &2 ended. Reason code &3.

API introduced: V2R3

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