List Performance Data (QPMLPFRD) API

  Required Parameter Group:

1 Type of resource Output Char(10)
2 Sequence number of collection Output Binary(4)
3 Error Code I/O Char(*)

  Default Public Authority: *EXCLUDE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The List Performance Data (QPMLPFRD) API returns the latest collection of performance data in the user space specified for the resource on the Work with Collector (QPMWKCOL) API. When QPMLPFRD is called, it will return data immediately if any data is available; otherwise, it will wait until data becomes available and then return the data. QPMLPFRD only returns data for one type of a resource at a time. The user cannot specify the type of data that is returned by QPMLPFRD. It returns whatever resource data is available at the time. The type of resource must be tested to determine its type if more than one type is collected. The call to QPMLPFRD returns the type of resource data and the sequence number of the collection. The sequence number is increased by the user-specified interval time and can be used to see if a collection was missed. For example, if job data is being collected at 15-second intervals and the previous call to QPMLPFRD returned a sequence number of 265, the sequence number for the next collection retrieved should be 280 or else a collection was missed. This API should be called once per interval for each type of resource data being collected.

The data returned by QPMLPFRD is in a raw format and the user needs to perform delta calculations on the data before it can be used (just as in the sequence number example above). Deltas are the difference between the latest data numbers and the previous data numbers. For example, a user requests job data every 15 seconds using the Work with Collector (QPMWKCOL) API. The user then calls QPMLPFRD to copy the latest collection of data into the resource's user space. The transaction count for JOB1 is 256. In the previous collection, the transaction count for JOB1 was 251. By subtracting the previous data from the current data (256 - 251), the number of transactions performed by JOB1 in that 15 seconds is found. Thus, the user must retain the previous interval's data to calculate deltas from. After the deltas are calculated, the current data becomes the previous data in preparation for the next interval. Because QPMLPFRD replaces the data in the resource's user space with the new data, the user must either save the previous interval's data of interest or use QPMWKCOL to change the resource's user space before calling QPMLPFRD again. This also means that after starting a collection, a user must call QPMLPFRD twice before he can do any calculations.

Using deltas, the impact of missed collections is lessened by the delta calculations. For example, if you were collecting data at 15-second intervals and the sequence numbers for your last two collections were 315 and 345, a collection was missed. You can still perform delta calculations using these two collections and get data for the time period you missed. Of course, the data represents an interval of 30 seconds instead of 15. However, you should never calculate deltas for a period of greater than 4 minutes (the longest collection interval). When the time between collections exceeds 4 minutes, there is a risk that counters will wrap twice. Because there is no way to tell if counters wrapped twice, the user would perform delta calculations as normal and end up with inaccurate data.

There are three situations to consider when calculating deltas. First, the data between the two collections must be matched by item. When doing this, be aware that the number of items reported and their order could change from one collection to another due to jobs starting and ending, communications lines varying on and off, disks and IOPs being replaced and added, as well as the order that the devices report in with their data.

The second situation is when the raw-data counters wrap. For example, assume counter A can hold up to 99 and currently it is set at 96. If the system adds 10 to the count, the value of counter A becomes 6 because when it reaches 100 it starts over again at 0. When a counter wraps, it makes the delta calculation result in a negative number. To compensate for this, a wrap factor equal to the largest number the field can hold plus 1 should be added to the negative delta. The following excerpt of code (written in C) shows how a subroutine can be defined to calculate deltas.

int CalculateDelta(int CurrentData, int PrevData)
  #define MAXBIN4 2147483647
  int Delta;

  Delta = CurrentData - PrevData;
  if (Delta < 0)
    Delta = (Delta + MAXBIN4) + 1;
  return Delta;

Note: Some of the fields wrap at smaller values. See the format tables for any differences.

The third situation involves communications lines varying off and on. When a communication line goes from inactive to active, its counters might get reset. If you had been calculating deltas for such a line, you should restart the calculations (save the current data but skip the delta calculation until the next collection is processed). To determine whether you need to restart delta calculations due to a line activation, you can check for a mismatch between the current and previous value of the Number of Vary On Operations field. Also be aware that when a communications line goes inactive, it will be reported for at least one collection in the inactive state and then disappear from the list of lines reported.

QPMLPFRD relies on the Work with Collector (QPMWKCOL) API. First, QPMWKCOL must be used to start a collection before QPMLPFRD can be called. Second, the user space specified for a resource on the QPMWKCOL call is the user space that QPMLPFRD will copy the data into.

The data in the user spaces is replaced only if QPMLPFRD is called. However, internal data spaces get updated with every collection. It is these internal data spaces that are copied to the user spaces when QPMLPFRD is called. Therefore, if you do not call QPMLPFRD for every collection every interval, data will be missed. Although, as mentioned above, deltas can help compensate for missed collections, it is not recommended to make a regular practice of skipping collections. Data can also be missed if the performance collector takes a long time to retrieve it or is unable to retrieve it due to system problems.

The QPMLPFRD and QPMWKCOL APIs allow multiple users to be able to share the same data collection. This sharing minimizes the system overhead when multiple users are collecting data and ensures that each user is getting data consistent and synchronized with other users.

Authorities and Locks


Required Parameter Group

Type of resource

The type of resource the collected data is for. It will be set to one of the following values:

*JOB Job-related information (Job Format)
*POOL Pool-related information (Pool Format)
*DISK Disk-related information (Disk Format)
*IOP IOP-related information (IOP Format)
*COMM Communications-related information (Communications Data Formats)

Sequence number of collection

The sequence number of this collection of data. This value increases by one for every second.

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

Format of the Generated List

The list of performance data that the QPMLPFRD API returns into the user space consists of:

The user area and generic header are described in User spaces. For details about the remaining items, see the following sections.

When you retrieve list entry information from a user space, you must use the entry size returned in the generic header. The size of each entry may be padded at the end. If you do not use the entry size, the result may not be valid. For examples of how to process lists, see Examples: APIs and exit programs.

Except where noted, delta calculations need to be performed on all numeric (BINARY(4)) fields.

Input Parameter Section

For a description of the fields in this format, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(10) Type of resource
10 A CHAR(2) Reserved
12 C BINARY(4) Sequence number of collection

Header Section

For a description of the fields in this format, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(10) Type of resource
10 A CHAR(2) Reserved
12 C BINARY(4) Interval time
16 10 BINARY(4) Total CPU seconds used
20 14 BINARY(4) Number of CPUs
24 18 BINARY(4) Sequence number of collection
28 1C CHAR(10) System name
38 26 CHAR(6) Release level
44 2C CHAR(12) Date and time of collection
56 38 BINARY(4) Total available CPU seconds

Field Descriptions

Date and time of collection. The date and time the data collection interval ended. This will be in the format YYMMDDHHMMSS, where:

YY Year
MM Month
DD Day
HH Hour
MM Minute
SS Second

The date and time reported here are the same as those reported by the generic header, but the generic header also reports the century digit.

Interval time. The number of seconds since the initial data was collected. This value is used in calculations of utilization, counts per second, and other time-based calculations.

Number of CPUs. The number of CPUs configured on the system at the time the data sample was taken. No delta calculation should be performed on this field.

Release level. The version, release, and modification level of the operating system the data was collected on.

Reserved. An ignored field.

Sequence number of collection. The sequence number of the data collection. Each time data is collected, this number is increased by the user-specified interval time. This number might not accurately represent the elapsed time and should not be used in place of interval time for time-related calculations. This number can be used to detect missed intervals.

System name. The name of the system the data was collected on.

Total available CPU seconds. The total amount of CPU time that was available to the partition based on its configured processor capacity. This value should be used to calculate all CPU utilizations; however, it must be used for shared processor partitions and partitions where the configured capacities may change. For uncapped partitions, the CPU seconds used may exceed the available CPU seconds which indicates the amount of additional uncapped capacity that was used.

Total CPU seconds used. The total number of CPU seconds that are used during the collection interval for all processors.

Type of resource. The type of resource the collected data is for. The possible values for this field are:

*JOB Job-related information
*POOL Pool-related information
*DISK Disk-related information
*IOP IOP-related information
*COMM Communications-related information

Job Format

For a description of the fields in this format, see Job Field Descriptions.

This format returns data for each job and task that are active in the system when data is collected for the reported interval. Data is not returned for jobs and tasks that end during an interval.

The amount of job and task data that this API returns is limited to the amount of data that can fit in the user and internal job spaces. This results in a limit of approximately 18,000 jobs and tasks reported. While the spaces support thousands of jobs and tasks, the API might take longer than the collection interval to collect data on this many jobs and tasks. Collecting data for a large number of jobs and tasks might also lead to undesirable system performance impacts.

Every job (threaded or not) has a primary thread. The primary thread is the first thread started for any job and it remains active for the duration of the job. A multi-threaded job has additional threads that may start and end at any point during the life of the job.

Only limited support is provided for multi-threaded jobs. When a job has multiple threads, some of the data that is reported is incomplete. Only one entry is returned for a job regardless of how many threads are active within the job. Within this entry some fields are a total of all thread activity while other fields contain data for the primary thread only. Fields that apply only to the primary thread are identified in the table below.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(10) Job name
10 A CHAR(2) User name
20 14 CHAR(6) Job number
26 1A CHAR(1) Job type
27 1B CHAR(1) Job subtype
28 1C CHAR(1) Pass-through source job flag
29 1D CHAR(1) Pass-through target job flag
30 1E CHAR(1) Emulation job flag
31 1F CHAR(1) Client Access application job flag
32 20 CHAR(1) Target DDM job flag
33 21 CHAR(1) MRT job flag
34 22 CHAR(1) System/36™ environment job flag
35 23 CHAR(2) Job priority
37 25 CHAR(2) Job pool
39 27 CHAR(1) Machine interactive flag
40 28 CHAR(8) Reserved
48 30 BINARY(4) Database CPU time
52 34 BINARY(4) Time slice
56 38 BINARY(4) CPU time
60 3C BINARY(4) Transaction count
64 40 BINARY(4) Transaction time
68 44 BINARY(4) Synchronous database reads2
72 48 BINARY(4) Synchronous database writes2
76 4C BINARY(4) Synchronous nondatabase reads2
80 50 BINARY(4) Synchronous nondatabase writes2
84 54 BINARY(4) Asynchronous database reads2
88 58 BINARY(4) Asynchronous database writes2
92 5C BINARY(4) Asynchronous nondatabase reads2
96 60 BINARY(4) Asynchronous nondatabase writes2
100 64 BINARY(4) Communications puts
104 68 BINARY(4) Communications gets
108 6C BINARY(4) Reserved
112 70 BINARY(4) Binary overflows2
116 74 BINARY(4) Decimal overflows2
120 78 BINARY(4) Floating-point overflows2
124 7C BINARY(4) Logical database reads
128 80 BINARY(4) Logical database writes
132 84 BINARY(4) Miscellaneous database operations
136 88 BINARY(4) Permanent writes2
140 8C BINARY(4) Reserved
144 90 BINARY(4) PAG faults2
148 94 BINARY(4) Number of print lines
152 98 BINARY(4) Number of print pages
156 9C BINARY(4) Active-to-wait transitions1,2
160 A0 BINARY(4) Wait-to-ineligible transitions1,2
164 A4 BINARY(4) Active-to-ineligible transitions1,2
168 A8 CHAR(10) Line description
178 B2 CHAR(10) Secondary line description
188 BC CHAR(2) Task type
190 BE CHAR(2) Task type extender
192 C0 BINARY(4) Threads currently active
196 C4 BINARY(4) Thread count
200 C8 BINARY(4) Pages allocated
204 CC BINARY(4) Pages deallocated
208 D0 CHAR(10) Subsystem description name
218 DA CHAR(6) Reserved
 1 This counter does not wrap at the standard wrap value. Instead, it increments up to 65535, then wraps to 0.
 2 This counter is supported for primary threads only. For multithreaded jobs, the value reported may not reflect the total job activity.

Job Field Descriptions

Active-to-ineligible transitions. The total number of transitions from active state to ineligible state.

Active-to-wait transitions. The total number of transitions from active state to wait state.

Asynchronous database reads. The total number of physical asynchronous read operations for database functions.

Asynchronous database writes. The total number of physical asynchronous write operations for database functions.

Asynchronous nondatabase reads. The total number of physical asynchronous read operations for nondatabase functions.

Asynchronous nondatabase writes. The total number of physical asynchronous write operations for nondatabase functions.

Binary overflows. The number of binary overflows.

Client Access application job flag. This field will be set to 1 if this is a Client Access application job. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

CPU time. The processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by this job.

Communications gets. The number of communications read (logical) operations. These do not include remote work station activity. They include only activity related to intersystem communication function (ICF) files when the I/O is for an ICF device.

Communications puts. The number of communications writes. These do not include remote work station activity. They include only activity related to ICF files when the I/O is for an ICF device.

Database CPU time. The processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by this job for database processing. For any particular job, this field contains the total database CPU time for all threads of the job.

Decimal overflows. The number of decimal overflows.

Emulation job flag. This field will be set to 1 if this is a emulation job. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

Floating-point overflows. The number of floating point overflows.

Job name. The name of the job or task. For an interactive job, the system assigns the job the name of the work station where the job started. For a batch job, the name is specified in the command when the job is submitted. For a task name, this field will contain the first 10 characters of the 16-character task name.

Job number. The number of the job (in decimal) or task (in hexadecimal). Note that the numbering system for jobs and tasks is different such that a job and a task could have the same number.

Job pool. The pool that the job ran in.

Job priority. The job's priority over other jobs.

Job subtype. The subtype of the job. The possible values for this file are:

blank The job has no special subtype
D Immediate
E Evoke job (communications batch)
J Prestart job
P Print driver job
T Multiple requester terminal (MRT) job (System/36 environment only)
U Alternate spool user

Job type. The type of job or task. The possible values for this field are:

A Autostart job
B Batch job
I Interactive job
M Subsystem monitor job
R Spooled reader job
S System job
V Vertical Licensed Internal Code (VLIC) (tasks only)
W Spooled writer job
X Start-control-program-function (SCPF) system job

Line description. The name of the communications line this work station and its controller are attached to. This is only available for remote work stations.

Logical database reads. The number of times the database module was called. This does not include I/O operations to readers/writers, or I/O operations caused by the Copy Spooled File (CPYSPLF) or Display Spooled File (DSPSPLF) command. If SEQONLY(*YES) is specified on the Override with Database File (OVRDBF) command, these numbers show each block of records read, not the number of individual numbers read.

Logical database writes. The number of times the internal database write function was called. This does not include I/O operations to readers/writers, or I/O operations caused by the CPYSPLF or DSPSPLF commands. If SEQONLY(*YES) is specified on OVRDBF command, these numbers show each block of records written, not the number of individual records written.

Machine interactive flag. This field is set to 1 if the machine is counting the processor resources consumed by this job or task against the interactive workload. Otherwise, it is set to 0.

Miscellaneous database operations. The number of update, delete, force-end-of-data, and release operations.

MRT job flag. This field will be set to 1 if this is a multiple requester terminal (MRT) job. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

Number of print lines. The number of lines written by the program. This does not reflect what is actually printed. Spooled files can be ended or printed with multiple copies.

Number of print pages. The number of pages printed by the program.

PAG faults. The total number of times the process access group (PAG) was referred to, but was not in main storage.

Pages allocated. Total number of pages of temporary and permanent storage which have been allocated by the job since the job started.

Pages deallocated. Total number of pages of temporary and permanent storage which have been deallocated by the job since the job started.

Permanent writes. The number of permanent writes.

Pass-through source job flag. This field will be set to 1 if this is a pass-through source job. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

Pass-through target job flag. This field will be set to 1 if this is a pass-through target job. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

Reserved. An ignored field.

Secondary line description. The name of the communications line this work station and its controller are attached to. This is only available for pass-through and emulation.

Subsystem description library name The library that contains the subsystem description.

Subsystem description name The name of the subsystem in which the job is running.

Synchronous database reads. The total number of physical synchronous read operations for database functions.

Synchronous database writes. The total number of physical synchronous write operations for database functions.

Synchronous nondatabase reads. The total number of physical synchronous read operations for nondatabase functions.

Synchronous nondatabase writes. The total number of physical synchronous write operations for nondatabase functions.

System/36 environment job flag. This field will be set to 1 if this is a System/36 environment job. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

Target DDM job flag. This field will be set to 1 if this is a target DDM job. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

Task type. Type of task. Possible values are:

01 Resident task
02 Supervisor task
03 MI process task
04 System/36 environment task

Task type extender. A task type extender identifies the area of functional support provided by the task. See the task type field description for types of functions supported.

For detailed information on task type extender values, see Collection Services data files: Task type extender.

Thread count. The count of the number of threads initiated within the job.

Threads currently active. The count of the current number of active threads in the process when the data was sampled. An active thread may be actively running, suspended, or waiting for a resource. No delta calculation should be done on this field.

Time slice. The time slice value in seconds. No delta calculation should be performed on this field.

Transaction count. The number of transactions performed by the job.

Transaction time. The total transaction time (in seconds).

User name. The user profile under which the job is run. The user name is the same as the user profile name and can come from several different sources depending on the type of job. For a task, this field will be blank.

Wait-to-ineligible transitions. Total number of transitions from wait state to ineligible state.

Pool Format

For a description of the fields in this format, see Pool Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Pool number
4 4 BINARY(4) Activity level
8 8 BINARY(4) Pool size
12 C BINARY(4) Machine-reserved portion
16 10 BINARY(4) Database faults
20 14 BINARY(4) Nondatabase faults
24 18 BINARY(4) Database pages
28 1C BINARY(4) Nondatabase pages
32 20 BINARY(4) Active-to-wait transitions1
36 24 BINARY(4) Wait-to-ineligible transitions1
40 28 BINARY(4) Active-to-ineligible transitions1
44 2C BINARY(4) Active-to-wait transitions2
48 30 BINARY(4) Wait-to-ineligible transitions2
52 34 BINARY(4) Active-to-ineligible transitions2
 1 This counter does not wrap at the standard wrap value. Instead, it increments up to 32767, then wraps to 0.
 2 This counter wraps at the standard wrap value. It will increment up to 2,147,483,647 (231 - 1), then wrap to 0.

Pool Field Descriptions

Active-to-ineligible transitions. The total number of transitions by processes assigned to this pool from active state to ineligible state. There are two versions of this counter--one that wraps at the standard wrap value and one that wraps at a nonstandard wrap value.

Active-to-wait transitions. The total number of transitions by processes assigned to this pool from active state to wait state. There are two versions of this counter--one that wraps at the standard wrap value and one that wraps at a nonstandard wrap value.

Activity level. The maximum number of processes that can be active in the machine at the same time. No delta calculation should be performed on this field.

Database faults. The total number of interruptions to processes (not necessarily assigned to this pool) that were required to transfer data into the pool to permit the MI instruction to process the database function.

Database pages. The total number of pages of database data transferred from auxiliary storage to the pool to permit the instruction to run as a consequence of set access state, implicit access group movement, and internal machine actions.

Machine-reserved portion. The amount of storage (in kilobytes) from the pool that is dedicated to machine functions. No delta calculation should be performed on this field.

Nondatabase faults. The total number of interruptions to processes (not necessarily assigned to this pool) that were required to transfer data into the pool to permit the MI instruction to process the nondatabase function.

Nondatabase pages. The total number of pages of nondatabase data transferred from auxiliary storage to the pool to permit the instruction to run as: a consequence of set access state, implicit access group movement, and internal machine actions.

Pool number. The unique identifier of this pool. The value is from 1 to 64. No delta calculation should be performed on this field.

Pool size. The amount of main storage (in kilobytes) assigned to the pool. Note that if a pool is reported with a pool size of zero, then the pool does not exist. No delta calculation should be performed on this field.

Wait-to-ineligible transitions. Total number of transitions by processes assigned to this pool from wait state to ineligible state. There are two versions of this counter--one that wraps at the standard wrap value and one that wraps at a nonstandard wrap value.

Disk Format

One entry will be reported for each disk resource. Typically, there will be one disk resource per disk unit except for a multipath disk unit which has multiple disk resources associated with it.

For a description of the fields in this format, see Disk Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Reserved
4 4 BINARY(4) Reserved
8 8 CHAR(4) Disk arm number
12 C CHAR(4) Disk drive type
16 10 CHAR(1) Mirror flag
17 11 CHAR(1) Mirror status
18 12 CHAR(1) Managed by IOP
19 13 CHAR(1) Disk unit category
20 14 BINARY(4) Times the arm not busy
24 18 BINARY(4) Samples taken
28 1C BINARY(4) Drive capacity
32 20 BINARY(4) Drive available space
36 24 BINARY(4) Blocks read
40 28 BINARY(4) Blocks written
44 2C BINARY(4) Read commands
48 30 BINARY(4) Write commands
52 34 BINARY(4) Processor idle loop count
56 38 BINARY(4) Processor idle loop time
60 3C BINARY(4) Seeks > 2/3 of disk
64 40 BINARY(4) Seeks > 1/3 and < 2/3 of disk
68 44 BINARY(4) Seeks > 1/6 and < 1/3 of disk
72 48 BINARY(4) Seeks > 1/12 and < 1/6 of disk
76 4C BINARY(4) Seeks < 1/12 of disk
80 50 BINARY(4) Zero seeks
84 54 BINARY(4) Buffer overruns
88 58 BINARY(4) Buffer underruns
92 5C BINARY(4) Total queue elements
96 60 CHAR(2) ASP number
98 62 CHAR(2) Reserved
100 64 BINARY(4) Reserved
104 68 BINARY(4) Reserved
108 6C CHAR(10) IOP resource name
118 76 CHAR(10) Unit resource name
128 80 CHAR(1) Compressed unit
129 81 CHAR(1) Reserved
130 82 CHAR(10) ASP resource name
140 8C BINARY(4) ASP number - extended
144 90 CHAR(1) Multipath unit
145 91 CHAR(1) Initial path of multipath unit
146 92 CHAR(1) Production copy of remotely mirrored independent ASP
147 93 CHAR(1) Mirror copy of remotely mirrored independent ASP
148 94 BINARY(4) Disk drive sector size
152 98 BINARY(8) Drive capacity - extended
160 A0 BINARY(8) Drive available space - extended
168 A8 BINARY(4) Disk service time (milliseconds)
170 B0 BINARY(4) Disk wait time (milliseconds)

Disk Field Descriptions

ASP resource name. The resource name of the ASP to which this unit currently is allocated. A value of blanks specifies the system ASP or a basic ASP.

ASP number. The auxiliary storage pool (ASP) to which this unit is currently allocated. The values are:

-1 The ASP number is greater than 99 and cannot be reported in this field. Use the value in the ASP number - extended field instead.
00 This unit currently is not allocated.
01 The system ASP.
02-32 A basic ASP.
33-99 An independent ASP.

ASP number - extended. The field is defined the same as the ASP number field except that it also can report ASP numbers greater than 99. The values reported are:

0 This unit currently is not allocated.
1 The system ASP.
2-32 A basic ASP.
33-255 An independent ASP.

No delta calculation should be done on this field.

Blocks read. The number of blocks read. Block is one sector on the disk drive.

Blocks written. The number of blocks written. Block is one sector on the disk drive.

Buffer overruns. The number of times that data was available to be read into the disk controller buffer from the disk, but the disk controller buffer still contained valid data that was not retrieved by the storage device controller. Consequently, the disk had to take an additional revolution until the buffer was available to accept data.

Buffer underruns. The number of times that the disk controller was ready to transfer data to the disk on a write operation, but the disk controller buffer was empty. The data was not transferred in time by the disk IOP to the disk controller buffer. The disk was forced to take an extra revolution awaiting the data.

Compressed unit. A compressed unit indicator. The values are:

'0' This unit is not compressed.
'1' This unit is compressed.

Disk arm number. The identifier of the unit. Each actuator arm on the disk drives that are available to the machine represents a unit of auxiliary storage. The value of the unit number is assigned by the system when the unit is allocated to an ASP. If the disk arm number is 0000, then the arm is not configured. Both arms of a mirrored-arm pair have the same disk arm number and can be differentiated by the mirror flag value.

Disk drive sector size. Physical sector size for this disk unit. No delta calculations should be done on this field.

Disk drive type. The type of disk drive, such as 9332, 9335, or 6100.

Disk service time. Combined service time of all disk operations in milliseconds. Set to zero if data is not available.

Disk unit category. This field indicates if this disk unit has some special characteristics, which may require a special interpretation of its performance data. The values are:

X'00' No special category applies
X'01' This disk unit is located in Enterprise Storage Server® (ESS)

Disk wait time. Combined wait (queue) time of all disk operations in milliseconds. Set to zero if data is not available.

Drive available space. The total number of kilobytes of auxiliary storage space that is not currently assigned to objects or to internal machine functions. When this field is set to the largest positive value it can hold (2147483647), the drive capacity is too large for this field and the field Drive available space - extended should be used instead. No delta calculations should be done on this field.

Drive available space - extended. The total number of kilobytes of auxiliary storage space that is not currently assigned to objects or to internal machine functions. No delta calculations should be done on this field.

Drive capacity. The total number of kilobytes of auxiliary storage provided on the unit for the storage of objects and internal machine functions. When this field is set to the largest positive value it can hold (2147483647), the drive capacity is too large for this field and the field Drive capacity - extended should be used instead. No delta calculations should be done on this field.

Drive capacity - extended. The total number of kilobytes of auxiliary storage provided on the unit for the storage of objects and internal machine functions. No delta calculations should be done on this field.

Initial path of multipath unit. The value of this field is '1' when the disk resource represents the initial path of a multipath disk unit; otherwise, it is '0'. The initial path is the first path observed by the system. As such, it can change after an IPL. The resource name of the initial path can be used for reporting a multipath disk unit under a single resource name.

IOP resource name. System-unique name to identify the IOP.

Managed by IOP. The flag indicating whether this disk unit is managed by IOP. The values are:

'0' This disk unit is not managed by IOP
'1' This disk unit is managed by IOP

Mirror copy of remotely mirrored independent ASP. The value of this field is '1' when the disk unit is in a mirror copy of a remotely mirrored independent ASP; otherwise, it is '0'.

Mirror flag. The flag indicating whether this disk arm is locally mirrored. The values are:

blank The arm is not locally mirrored.
'A' The first arm of a locally mirrored pair.
'B' The second arm of a locally mirrored pair.

Mirror status. The status of local mirroring. The values are:

Multipath unit. The value of this field is '1' when the disk resource represents a multipath disk unit; otherwise, it is '0'. Performance data will be reported for each disk resource associated with a multipath disk unit. For a multipath disk unit, the following counters come from the device so their values are duplicated for each disk resource reported:

Other field values that are duplicated include drive capacity and drive available space.

The arm number and mirror flag of a particular multipath disk unit can be used to identify the entries associated with that unit.

Processor idle loop count. The number of times the disk controller passed through the idle loop. The count is increased differently for the 9332 and 9335 disk drives. For the 9332, this counter is increased only if the disk controller is totally idle (no I/O operations are active). For the 9335, even though the disk controller may be idle and the counter gets increased, an I/O operation can be active (for example, seek is being performed). This field is nonzero for drive types that support a dedicated disk processor and is zero for other drive types.

Processor idle loop time. The time (in hundredths of microseconds) to make one pass through the idle loop. The value reported could be a multiple of the actual processor idle loop time. In that case, the value reported for the processor idle loop count is reduced by the same multiple so that the calculated disk processor utilization is correct. This field applies to drive types that support a dedicated disk processor and is zero for other drive types. No delta calculation should be done on this field.

Production copy of remotely mirrored independent ASP. The value of this field is '1' when the disk unit is in a production copy of a remotely mirrored independent ASP; otherwise, it is '0'.

Read commands. The number of read data commands.

Reserved. An ignored field.

Samples taken. The number of samples taken at approximately two per second.

Seeks < 1/12 of disk. The number of times the arm traveled from its current position to less than 1/12 of the disk on a seek request.

Seeks > 1/12 and < 1/6 of disk. The number of times the arm traveled more than 1/12 but less than 1/6 of the disk on a seek request.

Seeks > 1/6 and < 1/3 of disk. The number of times the arm traveled more than 1/6 but less than 1/3 of the disk on a seek request.

Seeks > 1/3 and < 2/3 of disk. The number of times the arm traveled more than 1/3 but less than 2/3 of the disk on a seek request.

Seeks > 2/3 of disk. The number of times the arm traveled more than 2/3 of the disk on a seek request.

Times the arm not busy. The number of times there were no outstanding I/O operations active at sample time.

Total queue elements. The number of I/O operations waiting service at sample time. This number includes the I/O operation that is in progress. Divide this by the number of samples taken to get the average queue length.

Unit resource name. Typically, there will be one disk (unit) resource per disk unit except for a multipath disk unit which has multiple disk resources associated with it (see multipath unit).

Write commands. The number of write data commands.

Zero seeks. The number of times the access arm did not physically move on a seek request. The operation may have resulted in a head switch.

IOP Format

For a description of the fields in this format, see IOP Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Reserved
4 4 BINARY(4) Reserved
8 8 CHAR(1) IOP type
9 9 CHAR(4) Resource type
13 D CHAR(3) Reserved
16 10 BINARY(4) Idle loop count
20 14 BINARY(4) Idle loop time
24 18 BINARY(4) RAM utilization
28 1C BINARY(4) IOP system function time
32 20 BINARY(4) All protocols communications time
36 24 BINARY(4) SDLC communications time
40 28 BINARY(4) Asynchronous communications time
44 2C BINARY(4) Bisynchronous communications time
48 30 BINARY(4) X.25 LLC communications time
52 34 BINARY(4) X.25 PLC communications time
56 38 BINARY(4) X.25 DLC communications time
60 3C BINARY(4) LAN communications time
64 40 BINARY(4) SDLC short-hold mode time
68 44 BINARY(4) ISDN LAPE and LAPD time
72 48 BINARY(4) ISDN Q931 communications time
76 4C BINARY(4) Disk time
80 50 CHAR(1) Function 1 identifier
81 51 CHAR(1) Function 2 identifier
82 52 CHAR(1) Function 3 identifier
83 53 CHAR(1) Function 4 identifier
84 54 CHAR(1) Function 5 identifier
85 55 CHAR(3) Reserved
88 58 BINARY(4) Function 1 time
92 5C BINARY(4) Function 2 time
96 60 BINARY(4) Function 3 time
100 64 BINARY(4) Function 4 time
104 68 BINARY(4) Function 5 time
108 6C BINARY(4) Processor 2 time
112 70 CHAR(10) IOP resource name
122 7A CHAR(2) Reserved
124 7C BINARY(4) Reserved
128 80 BINARY(4) Twinaxial time
132 84 BINARY(4) Other function time
136 88 BINARY(4) Interrupt level time
140 8C BINARY(4) Remote access time

IOP Field Descriptions

All protocols communications time. The total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by all of the communication protocol tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor. This field only applies to communications and multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

Asynchronous communications time. The total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by asynchronous communications tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor. This field only applies to communications and multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

Bisynchronous communications time. The total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by bisynchronous communications tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor. This field only applies to communications and multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

Disk time. The total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by disk tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor. This field only applies to multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

Function 1-5 identifier. The identifier for additional functions that may be running in the primary IOP processor. Each function identifier has an associated function time value. Function identifier may have the following values:

This field only applies to communications and multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it will be set to X'00'.

Function 1-5 time. The total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by the IOP function that is running in the primary IOP processor. This field only applies to communications and multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

Idle loop count. The number of times the primary IOP processor ran an idle loop. This is done when the IOP has no work to perform. This count is used with idle loop time to calculate the primary IOP processor utilization in seconds:

  U = IT - (ILC * ILT / 100,000,000)


U is the processor utilization in seconds for the interval
IT is the change in the interval time during the interval
ILC is the change in the idle loop count during the interval
ILT is the idle loop time

Idle loop time. The time (in hundredths of microseconds) for the primary IOP processor to run the idle loop once. The value reported could be a multiple of the actual idle loop time. In that case, the value reported for the idle loop count is reduced by the same multiple so that the calculated IOP processor utilitzation is correct. No delta calculation should be done on this field.

Interrupt level time. The total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by interrupt level processing that is running in the primary IOP processor. This does not include interrupt level processing time that can be associated with a particular task. This field only applies to multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it is set to 0.

IOP resource name. System-unique name to identify the IOP.

IOP system function time. The total time (in milliseconds) used by the IOP for basic system function that is running in the primary IOP processor. This field only applies to communications and multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

IOP type. The type of IOP. The possible values for this field are:

C Communications IOP
D Disk IOP
L Local work station IOP
M Multifunction IOP

Note that QPMLPFRD will report I/O processor (IOP) statistics differently starting with Version 3 Release 7. Performance statistics for IOPs introduced in Version 3 Release 7 or later will be reported as multifunction IOPs even if the IOP supports only one of the three IOP functions (communications, disk, or local workstation). There will be no change in the reporting of performance statistics for IOPs introduced before Version 3 Release 7, which will still be reported under the appropriate IOP type (communications, disk, local workstation, or multifunction).

ISDN LAPE and LAPD time. The total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by integrated services digital network (ISDN) communications tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor. This field only applies to communications and multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it will be set to 0. The ISDN communications tasks are:

LAPD Link access procedure D-channel
LAPE Enhanced version of LAPD

ISDN Q.931 communications time. The total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by ISDN Q.931 communications tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor. This field only applies to communications and multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

LAN communications time. The total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by the token-ring network, Ethernet, frame relay, fiber distributed data interface (FDDI), and asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) communications tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor. This includes processing time due to token-ring and Ethernet LAN emulation. This field only applies to communications and multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

Other function time. The total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by other IOP functions that are running in the primary IOP processor. Other functions include those that cannot be reported in the function 1-5 identifier fields because all of the function 1-5 identifier fields are in use. This field applies to communications and multifunction IOPs only. Otherwise, it is set to 0.

Processor 2 time. The utilization (in milliseconds) of the second IOP processor, which handles specialized functions. This field applies to wireless IOPs, and is zero for other IOPs.

RAM utilization. Available local storage (in bytes). The number of bytes of free local storage in the IOP. The free local storage will probably be noncontiguous because of fragmentation. This field only applies to communications and multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it will be set to 0. No delta calculations should be done on this field.

Remote access time. The total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by remote access tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor. This field applies to multifunction IOPs only. Otherwise, it is set to 0.

Reserved. An ignored field.

Resource type. The model number of the IOP.

SDLC communications time. The total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by SDLC communications tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor. This field only applies to communications and multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

SDLC short-hold mode time. The total processing unit time (in milliseconds) that is used by SDLC short-hold mode tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor. This field only applies to communications and multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

Twinaxial time. The total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by workstation and local twinaxial tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor. This field only applies to multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

X.25 DLC communications time. The total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by X.25 data link control (DLC) and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) communications tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor. This field only applies to communications and multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

X.25 LLC communications time. The total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by X.25 logical link control (LLC) communications tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor. This field only applies to communications and multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

X.25 PLC communications time. The total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by X.25 packet layer communications (PLC) tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor. This field only applies to communications and multifunction IOPs. Otherwise, it will be set to 0.

Communications Data Formats

The formats for communications data are handled differently from the formats for other types of resources. All communications protocols are kept in the same space, but, because each protocol has unique data fields, each individual field in the space will have a different meaning depending on the protocol. Therefore, different formats are presented for each protocol. Also, because the protocols vary in the number of data fields, some protocol formats will not use all the space provided (each record in the space has the same length). The communications data formats are:

Asynchronous Format

For a description of the fields in this format, see Asynchronous Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Reserved
4 4 BINARY(4) Reserved
8 8 CHAR(1) Protocol
9 9 CHAR(10) Line description
19 13 CHAR(1) Line active
20 14 CHAR(12) Reserved
32 20 BINARY(4) Line speed
36 24 BINARY(4) Number of vary on operations
40 28 BINARY(4) Active time
44 2C BINARY(4) Bytes transmitted
48 30 BINARY(4) Bytes received
52 34 BINARY(4) Protocol data units transmitted
56 38 BINARY(4) Protocol data units received
60 3C BINARY(4) Protocol data units received in error
64 40 CHAR(10) IOP resource name

Asynchronous Field Descriptions

Active time. The amount of time in seconds that the line was active (varied on). This field should be used instead of interval time for all time-dependent fields calculated (for example, line utilization) to get accurate statistics.

Bytes received. The number of bytes received (data and control characters), including characters received in error.

Bytes transmitted. The number of bytes transmitted (data and control characters) including bytes transmitted again because of errors.

IOP resource name. System-unique name to identify the IOP.

Line active. The state of the line when the collection interval ended. The values are:

0 The line is not active.
1 The line is active.

Line description. The name of the description for this line.

Line speed. The speed of this line in bits per second (bps). No delta calculation should be performed on this field.

Number of vary on operations. The total number of vary on operations.

Protocol. Protocol type. This will be set to A for asynchronous.

Protocol data units received. The total number of protocol data units received.

Protocol data units received in error. The total number of protocol data units received with parity and stop bit errors.

Protocol data units transmitted. The total number of protocol data units successfully transmitted and the data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE) acknowledged.

Bisynchronous Format

For a description of the fields in this format, see Bisynchronous Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Reserved
4 4 BINARY(4) Reserved
8 8 CHAR(1) Protocol
9 9 CHAR(10) Line description
19 13 CHAR(1) Line active
20 14 CHAR(12) Reserved
32 20 BINARY(4) Line speed
36 24 BINARY(4) Number of vary on operations
40 28 BINARY(4) Active time
44 2C BINARY(4) Bytes transmitted
48 30 BINARY(4) Bytes received
52 34 BINARY(4) Data characters transmitted
56 38 BINARY(4) Data characters received
60 3C BINARY(4) Data characters retransmitted
64 40 BINARY(4) Data characters received in error
68 44 BINARY(4) Characters received in error
72 48 BINARY(4) NAK received to text sent
76 4C BINARY(4) Wrong ACK to text sent
80 50 BINARY(4) Enquiry to text sent
84 54 BINARY(4) Invalid (unrecognized) format
88 58 BINARY(4) Enquiry to ACK
92 5C BINARY(4) Disconnect received (abort)
96 60 BINARY(4) EOT received (abort)
100 64 BINARY(4) Disconnect received (forward abort)
104 68 BINARY(4) EOT received (forward abort)
108 6C BINARY(4) Data blocks transmitted
112 70 BINARY(4) Data blocks received
116 74 CHAR(10) IOP Resource name

Bisynchronous Field Descriptions

Active time. The amount of time in seconds that the line was active (varied on). This field should be used instead of interval time for all time-dependent fields calculated (for example, line utilization) to get accurate statistics.

Bytes received. The number of bytes received (data and control characters), including bytes received in error.

Bytes transmitted. The number of bytes transmitted (data and control characters) including bytes transmitted again because of errors.

Characters received in error. The number of characters received with a block-check character error.

Data blocks received. The number of data blocks received.

Data blocks transmitted. The number of data blocks transmitted.

Data characters received. The number of data characters received successfully (excluding synchronous characters) while in data mode.

Data characters received in error. The number of data characters received with a block-check character error while in data mode.

Data characters retransmitted. The number of data characters transmitted again.

Data characters transmitted. The number of data characters transmitted successfully while in data mode.

Disconnect received (abort). The number of times the remote station issued a disconnect with abnormal end. This could occur when error recovery did not succeed or the binary synchronous job was ended.

Disconnect received (forward abort). The number of times the host station issued a disconnect with abnormal end. This could occur when error recovery did not succeed or the binary synchronous job was ended.

EOT received (abort). The end of transmission was received (abnormal end). This is similar to a disconnect.

EOT received (forward abort). The end of transmission was received (forward abnormal end). This is similar to a disconnect.

Enquiry to ACK. An enquiry to acknowledged character. The remote station returned an acknowledgment (for example, ACK0), and the host system sent an ENQ character. This indicates that the host station did not recognize the acknowledgment as a valid acknowledgment.

Enquiry to text sent. The number of times text was sent by a station and an ENQ character was returned. The receiving station expected some form of acknowledgment, such as an ACK0, ACK1, or NAK.

IOP resource name. System-unique name to identify the IOP.

Invalid (unrecognized) format. The number of times one of the delimiter characters that encloses the data in brackets being sent or received is not valid.

Line active. The state of the line when the collection interval ended. The values are:

0 The line is not active.
1 The line is active.

Line description. The name of the description for this line.

Line speed. The speed of this line in bits per second (bps). No delta calculation should be performed on this field.

NAK received to text sent. Negative acknowledgment character received to text sent. The number of times the remote station did not understand the command sent from the host system.

Number of vary on operations. The total number of vary on operations.

Protocol. The protocol type. This will be set to B for bisynchronous.

Reserved. An ignored field.

Wrong ACK to text sent. Wrong acknowledgment character to text sent. The host system received an acknowledgment from the remote device that was not expected. For example, the host system expected an ACK0 and received an ACK1.

Token-Ring Format

Token-ring format was formerly known as establishment communications link (ECL) format.

This format reports token-ring LAN protocol statistics for asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) ports that support token-ring LAN emulation and for token-ring ports.a

For a description of the fields in this format, see Token-Ring Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Reserved
4 4 BINARY(4) Reserved
8 8 CHAR(1) Protocol
9 9 CHAR(10) Line description
19 13 CHAR(1) Line active
20 14 CHAR(12) Reserved
32 20 BINARY(4) Line speed
36 24 BINARY(4) Number of vary on operations
40 28 BINARY(4) Active time
44 2C BINARY(4) I-frame characters transmitted
48 30 BINARY(4) I-frame characters received
52 34 BINARY(4) RNR frames transmitted
56 38 BINARY(4) RNR frames received
60 3C BINARY(4) Reject frames transmitted
64 40 BINARY(4) Reject frames received
68 44 BINARY(4) I-frames transmitted
72 48 BINARY(4) I-frames received
76 4C BINARY(4) SABME frames transmitted
80 50 BINARY(4) SABME frames received
84 54 BINARY(4) N2 retries expiration count
88 58 BINARY(4) T1 timer expiration count
92 5C BINARY(4) Frames transmitted2
96 60 BINARY(4) Frames received2
100 64 BINARY(4) Routing I-frames transmitted1,2
104 68 BINARY(4) Routing I-frames received1,2
108 6C BINARY(4) Line errors2
112 70 BINARY(4) Internal errors1,2
116 74 BINARY(4) Burst error2
120 78 BINARY(4) ARI/FCI error2
124 7C BINARY(4) Abort delimiter2
128 80 BINARY(4) Lost frame1,2
132 84 BINARY(4) Receive congestion2
136 88 BINARY(4) Frame-copied error2
140 8C BINARY(4) Frequency error1,2
144 90 BINARY(4) Token error1,2
148 94 BINARY(4) Direct memory access bus error1,2
152 98 BINARY(4) Direct memory access parity error1,2
156 9C BINARY(4) Address not recognized1,2
160 A0 BINARY(4) Frame-not-copied error1,2
164 A4 BINARY(4) Transmit strip error1,2
168 A8 BINARY(4) Unauthorized AP1,2
172 AC BINARY(4) Unauthorized MAC frame1,2
176 B0 BINARY(4) Soft error1,2
180 B4 BINARY(4) Transmit beacon1,2
184 B8 BINARY(4) IOA status overrun1,2
188 BC BINARY(4) Frames discarded1,2
192 C0 BINARY(4) Spurious interrupts1,2
196 C4 BINARY(4) Total MAC bytes received OK
200 C8 BINARY(4) Total MAC bytes transmitted OK
204 CC BINARY(4) Total frames not transmitted - hardware error2
208 D0 BINARY(4) Ring use count2
212 D4 BINARY(4) Ring sample count2
216 D8 BINARY(4) FCS/code violations in repeated frames2
220 DC BINARY(4) Frames transmitted and failed to return2
224 E0 BINARY(4) Number of underruns2
228 E4 CHAR(10) IOP resource name
238 EE CHAR(1) Duplex
239 EF CHAR(1) Reserved
240 F0 BINARY(8) Line speed - long
248 F8 BINARY(8) I-frame characters transmitted - long
256 100 BINARY(8) I-frame characters received - long
264 108 BINARY(8) I-frames transmitted - long
272 110 BINARY(8) I-frames received - long
280 118 BINARY(8) Frames transmitted - long2
288 120 BINARY(8) Frames received - long2
296 128 BINARY(8) Routing I-frames transmitted - long1,2
304 130 BINARY(8) Routing I-frames received - long1,2
312 138 BINARY(8) Total MAC bytes received OK - long
320 140 BINARY(8) Total MAC bytes transmitted OK - long
328 148 BINARY(4) Unsupported protocol frames1,2
332 14C BINARY(4) Reserved
 1 Not applicable for file server I/O processor.
 2 Not applicable for token-ring LAN emulation over ATM.

Token-Ring Field Descriptions

ARI/FCI error. Address-recognized indicator or frame-copied indicator error. This is a physical control field-extension field error.

Abort delimiter. The number of times an abnormal ending delimiter was transmitted because of an internal error.

Active time. The amount of time in seconds that the line was active (varied on). This field should be used instead of interval time for all time-dependent fields calculated (for example, line utilization) to get accurate statistics.

Address not recognized. Total number of frames with address-not-recognized error.

Burst error. The number of burst errors. Burst of same polarity is detected by the physical unit after the starting delimiter of a frame or token.

Direct memory access bus error. Direct memory access (DMA) error for the IOP/IOA bus.

Direct memory access parity error. DMA parity error for the IOP/IOA.

Duplex. The duplex state of the line. For some lines, this value might change over time. This field can have the following values:

blank The duplex state is not known.
F Full duplex: The line can simultaneously transmit and receive data.
H Half duplex: The line can either transmit data or receive data, but the line cannot simultaneously transmit and receive data.

FCS/code violations in repeated frames. This counter is incremented for every frame that has a code violation or fails the frame check sequence (FCS) cyclic redundancy check.

Frame-copied error. The number of times a frame with a specific destination address was copied by another adapter.

Frames discarded. The total number of frames discarded.

Frame-not-copied error. Total number of frames with frame not copied error.

Frames received. The total number of frames (logical link control (LLC) and medium access control (MAC)) received. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the frames received - long field.

Frames received - long. The same as the frames received field, but larger.

Frames transmitted. The total number of frames (LLC and MAC) transmitted. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the frames transmitted - long field.

Frames transmitted - long. The same as the frames transmitted field, but larger.

Frames transmitted and failed to return. This counter is incremented when a transmitted frame fails to return.

Frequency error. The number of frequency errors on the adapter.

I-frame characters received. The total number of characters received in all I-frames. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the I-frame characters received - long field.

I-frame characters received - long. The same as the I-frame characters received field, but larger.

I-frame characters transmitted. The total number of characters transmitted in all I-frames. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the I-frame characters transmitted - long field.

I-frame characters transmitted - long. The same as the I-frame characters transmitted field, but larger.

I-frames received. The number of I-frames received. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the I-frames received - long field.

I-frames received - long. The same as the I-frames received field, but larger.

I-frames transmitted. The number of I-frames transmitted, excluding I-frames transmitted again. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the I-frames transmitted - long field.

I-frames transmitted - long. The same as the I-frames transmitted field, but larger.

IOA status overrun. The number of adapter interrupt status queue overruns. The earliest results are discarded.

IOP resource name. System-unique name to identify the IOP.

Internal errors. The number of adapter internal errors.

0 The line is not active.
1 The line is active.

Line description. The name of the description for this line.

Line errors. The number of code violations of frame-check sequence errors.

Line speed. The speed of this line in bits per second (bps). No delta calculation should be performed on this field. A value of -1 is reported if the size of this field is too small to report the actual value. When -1 is reported, the actual value must be obtained from the line speed - long field.

Line speed - long. The same as the line speed field, but larger.

Lost frame. The number of times the adapter could not remove its own frame from the ring.

N2 retries expiration count. This count is updated when the host has attempted to contact a station n times, and the T1 timer ended n times before the station responded.

Number of underruns. This counter is incremented each time a DMA underrun is detected.

Number of vary on operations. The total number of vary on operations.

Protocol. Protocol type. This will be set to E for establishment communications link (ECL).

Receive congestion. The number of times a frame was not copied because no buffer was available for the IOA to receive.

Reject frames received. The number of reject frames received.

Reject frames transmitted. The number of reject frames transmitted.

Reserved. An ignored field.

Ring sample count. The number of times the ring use count was sampled or accumulated.

Ring utilization % = Ring use count/Ring sample count

Ring use count. The number of times the ring was in use.

Routing I-frames received. Total number of frames (LLC and MAC) with a routing-information field received. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the routing I-frames received - long field.

Routing I-frames received - long. The same as the routing I-frames received field, but larger.

Routing I-frames transmitted. Total number of frames (LLC and MAC) with a routing-information field transmitted. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the routing I-frames transmitted - long field.

Routing I-frames transmitted - long. The same as the routing I-frames transmitted field, but larger.

RNR frames received. The number of receive-not-ready frames received.

RNR frames transmitted. The number of receive-not-ready frames transmitted.

SABME frames received. The number of set-asynchronous-balanced-mode-extended frames received.

SABME frames transmitted. The number of set-asynchronous-balanced-mode-extended frames transmitted.

Soft error. The total number of soft errors as reported by the adapter. A soft error is an intermittent error on a network that requires retransmission.

Spurious interrupts. The total number of interrupts that medium access control (MAC) could not decode.

T1 timer expiration count. The number of times the T1 timer ended.

Token error. When this adapter serves as ring monitor, the number of times the adapter token timer ended without detecting any frames or tokens on the ring.

Total frames not transmitted - hardware error. A count of frames that could not be transmitted due to the hardware not signaling transmission completion for an excessive period of time.

Total MAC bytes received OK. The count of bytes in frames that were successfully received. It includes bytes from received multicast and broadcast frames. This number includes everything, starting from destination address up to but excluding FCS. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the total MAC bytes received OK - long field.

Total MAC bytes received OK - long. The same as the total MAC bytes received OK field, but larger.

Total MAC bytes transmitted OK. The total number of bytes transmitted successfully. This number includes everything, starting from destination address up to but excluding FCS. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the total MAC bytes transmitted OK - long field.

Total MAC bytes transmitted OK - long. The same as the total MAC bytes transmitted OK field, but larger.

Transmit beacon. The total number of beacon frames transmitted.

Transmit strip error. The total number of adapter-frame-transmit or frame-stripping-process errors.

Unauthorized AP. Unauthorized access priority. The number of times the access priority request is not authorized.

Unauthorized MAC frame. The number of unauthorized MAC frames. The adapter is not authorized to send a MAC frame if:

Unsupported protocol frames. Number of frames that were discarded because they specified an unsupported protocol. This count is included in the frames discarded counter.

Ethernet Format

This format reports Ethernet LAN protocol statistics for asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) ports that support Ethernet LAN emulation and for Ethernet ports.

Start of change

When Ethernet Link Aggregation is in use, there will be multiple entries per line description (one per active port) reported in the data. Port resource name should be used to uniquely identify entries as line name will no longer be unique in the data.

End of change

For a description of the fields in this format, see Ethernet Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Reserved
4 4 BINARY(4) Reserved
8 8 CHAR(1) Protocol
9 9 CHAR(10) Line description
19 13 CHAR(1) Line active
Start of change20 14 CHAR(10) Port resource nameEnd of change
Start of change30 1E CHAR(2) ReservedEnd of change
32 20 BINARY(4) Line speed
36 24 BINARY(4) Number of vary on operations
40 28 BINARY(4) Active time
44 2C BINARY(4) I-frame characters transmitted
48 30 BINARY(4) I-frame characters received
52 34 BINARY(4) RNR frames transmitted
56 38 BINARY(4) RNR frames received
60 3C BINARY(4) Reject frames transmitted
64 40 BINARY(4) Reject frames received
68 44 BINARY(4) I-frames transmitted
72 48 BINARY(4) I-frames received
76 4C BINARY(4) SABME frames transmitted
80 50 BINARY(4) SABME frames received
84 54 BINARY(4) N2 retries expiration count
88 58 BINARY(4) T1 timer expiration count
92 5C BINARY(4) Total frames transmitted4
96 60 BINARY(4) Total frames received4
100 64 BINARY(4) Inbound frames missed1,4
104 68 BINARY(4) CRC error4
108 6C BINARY(4) More than 16 retries4
112 70 BINARY(4) Out-of-window collisions1,2,4
116 74 BINARY(4) Alignment error4
120 78 BINARY(4) Carrier loss2,4
124 7C BINARY(4) Time domain reflectometry1,2,4
128 80 BINARY(4) Receive buffer errors1,4
132 84 BINARY(4) Spurious interrupts1,2,4
136 88 BINARY(4) Discarded inbound frames1,4
140 8C BINARY(4) Receive overruns4
144 90 BINARY(4) Memory error1,2,4
148 94 BINARY(4) Interrupt overrun1,4
152 98 BINARY(4) Transmit underflow4
156 9C BINARY(4) Babble errors1,2,4
160 A0 BINARY(4) Signal quality error1,2,4
164 A4 BINARY(4) More than one retry to transmit4
168 A8 BINARY(4) Exactly one retry to transmit2,4
172 AC BINARY(4) Deferred conditions4
176 B0 BINARY(4) Transmit frames discarded3,4
180 B4 BINARY(4) Total MAC bytes received OK
184 B8 BINARY(4) Total MAC bytes transmitted OK
188 BC BINARY(4) Total frames not transmitted - hardware error4
192 C0 BINARY(4) Total mail frames discarded3,4
196 C4 CHAR(10) IOP resource name
206 CE CHAR(1) Duplex
207 CF CHAR(1) Reserved
208 D0 BINARY(8) Line speed - long
216 D8 BINARY(8) I-frame characters transmitted - long
224 E0 BINARY(8) I-frame characters received - long
232 E8 BINARY(8) I-frames transmitted - long
240 F0 BINARY(8) I-frames received - long
248 F8 BINARY(8) Total frames transmitted - long4
256 100 BINARY(8) Total frames received - long4
264 108 BINARY(8) Total MAC bytes received OK - long
272 110 BINARY(8) Total MAC bytes transmitted OK - long
280 118 BINARY(4) Unsupported protocol frames1,2,4
284 11C BINARY(4) Reserved
 1 Not applicable for file server I/O processor.
 2 Not applicable for wireless LAN support.
 3 Wireless LAN support only.
 4 Not applicable for Ethernet LAN emulation over ATM.

Ethernet Field Descriptions

Active time. The amount of time in seconds that the line was active (varied on). This field should be used instead of interval time for all time-dependent fields calculated (for example, line utilization) to get accurate statistics.

Alignment error. The number of times an inbound frame contained a noninteger number of bytes and a cyclic-redundancy-check (CRC) error.

Babble errors. The number of times the transmitter exceeded the maximum allowable time on the channel.

Carrier loss. Access to the network has been disconnected.

CRC error. The number of cyclic-redundancy-check (CRC) errors detected by the receiver.

Deferred conditions. The number of times the chip set on the IOAs deferred transmission due to a busy channel.

Discarded inbound frames. The number of receiver-discarded frames due to the lack of queue entries.

Duplex. The duplex state of the line. For some lines, this value might change over time. This field can have the following values:

blank The duplex state is not known.
F Full duplex: The line can simultaneously transmit and receive data.
H Half duplex: The line can either transmit data or receive data, but the line cannot simultaneously transmit and receive data.

Exactly one retry to transmit. The number of frames that required one retry for successful transmission.

I-frame characters received. The total number of characters received in all I-frames. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the I-frame characters received - long field.

I-frame characters received - long. The same as the I-frame characters received field, but larger.

I-frame characters transmitted. The total number of characters transmitted in all I-frames. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the I-frame characters transmitted - long field.

I-frame characters transmitted - long. The same as the I-frame characters transmitted field, but larger.

I-frames received. The number of I-frames received. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the I-frames received - long field.

I-frames received - long. The same as the I-frames received field, but larger.

I-frames transmitted. The number of I-frames transmitted, excluding I-frames transmitted again. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the I-frames transmitted - long field.

I-frames transmitted - long. The same as the I-frames transmitted field, but larger.

IOP resource name. System-unique name to identify the IOP.

Inbound frames missed. The number of times a receive buffer error or missed frame was detected by the IOA.

Interrupt overrun. The number of interrupts not processed due to lack of status queue entries.

Line active. The state of the line when the collection interval ended. The values are:

0 The line is not active.
1 The line is active.

Line description. The name of the description for this line.

Line speed. The speed of this line in bits per second (bps). For some lines, this value might change over time. No delta calculation should be performed on this field. A value of -1 is reported if the size of this field is too small to report the actual value. When -1 is reported, the actual value must be obtained from the line speed - long field.

Line speed - long. The same as the line speed field, but larger.

Memory error. The number of times the IOA did not receive a ready signal within 25.6 microseconds of asserting the address on the data or address lines.

More than one retry to transmit. The number of frames that required more than one retry for successful transmission.

More than 16 retries. The number of frames unsuccessfully transmitted due to excessive retries.

N2 retries expiration count. This count is updated when the host has attempted to contact a station n times, and the T1 timer ended n times before the station responded.

Number of vary on operations. The total number of vary on operations.

Out-of-window collisions. The number of collisions that occurred after the allotted time interval for a collision to occur and after the transmission attempt to be retried.

Start of change

Port resource name. System-unique name to identify the port.

End of change

Protocol. Protocol type. This will be set to T for Ethernet.

Reserved. An ignored field.

RNR frames received. The number of receive-not-ready frames received.

RNR frames transmitted. The number of receive-not-ready frames transmitted.

Receive buffer errors. The number of hardware buffer overflows that occurred upon receiving a frame.

Receive overruns. The number of times the receiver has lost all or part of an incoming frame due to buffer shortage.

Reject frames received. The number of reject frames received.

Reject frames transmitted. The number of reject frames transmitted.

SABME frames received. The number of set-asynchronous-balanced-mode-extended frames received.

SABME frames transmitted. The number of set-asynchronous-balanced-mode-extended frames transmitted.

Signal quality error. The number of times a signal indicating the transmit is successfully complete did not arrive within 2 microseconds of successful transmission.

Spurious interrupts. The number of times an interrupt was received but could not be decoded into a recognizable interrupt.

T1 timer expiration count. The number of times the T1 timer ended.

Time domain reflectometry. Counter used to approximate distance to a cable fault. This value is associated with the last occurrence of more than 16 retries.

Total frames not transmitted - hardware error. A count of frames that could not be transmitted due to the hardware not signaling transmission completion for an excessive period of time.

Total frames received. The total number of type II frames received. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the total frames received - long field.

Total frames received - long. The same as the total frames received field, but larger.

Total frames transmitted. The total number of type II frames transmitted. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the total frames transmitted - long field.

Total frames transmitted - long. The same as the total frames transmitted field, but larger.

Total MAC bytes received OK. The count of bytes in frames that were successfully received. It includes bytes from received multicast and broadcast frames. This number includes everything, starting from destination address up to but excluding FCS. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the total MAC bytes received OK - long field.

Total MAC bytes received OK - long. The same as the total MAC bytes received OK field, but larger.

Total MAC bytes transmitted OK. The total number of bytes transmitted successfully. This number includes everything, starting from destination address up to but excluding FCS. For high-speed lines, this counter might wrap multiple times during the interval, resulting in a calculated delta value that is incorrect. To avoid this problem, use the total MAC bytes transmitted OK - long field.

Total MAC bytes transmitted OK - long. The same as the total MAC bytes transmitted OK field, but larger.

Total mail frames discarded. The number of stored and forward mail products dropped.

Transmitted frames discarded. The number of outbound frames discarded by input/output adapter (IOA).

Transmit underflow. The number of times the transmitter has truncated a message due to the late data received from main storage.

Unsupported protocol frames. Number of frames that were discarded because they specified an unsupported protocol. This count is included in the discarded inbound frames counter.

IDLC Format

For a description of the fields in this format, see IDLC Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Reserved
4 4 BINARY(4) Reserved
8 8 CHAR(1) Protocol
9 9 CHAR(10) Line description
19 13 CHAR(10) Network interface description
29 1D CHAR(1) Line active
30 1E CHAR(2) Reserved
32 20 BINARY(4) Line speed
36 24 BINARY(4) Number of vary on operations
40 28 BINARY(4) Active time
44 2C BINARY(4) Bytes transmitted
48 30 BINARY(4) Bytes received
52 34 BINARY(4) Receive CRC errors
56 38 BINARY(4) Short frame errors
60 3C BINARY(4) Aborts received
64 40 BINARY(4) Sequence errors
68 44 BINARY(4) Frames transmitted
72 48 BINARY(4) Frames retransmitted
76 4C BINARY(4) Frames received
80 50 BINARY(4) Frames received in error
84 54 CHAR(1) B1 channel
85 55 CHAR(1) B2 channel
86 56 CHAR(10) IOP resource name
96 60 CHAR(4) B channel used

IDLC Field Descriptions

Aborts received. The number of frames received that contained high-level data link control (HDLC) abort indicators. This indicates that the remote equipment ended frames before they were complete.

Active time. The amount of time in seconds that the line was active (varied on). This field should be used instead of interval time for all time-dependent fields calculated (for example, line utilization) to get accurate statistics.

B channel used. The B channel used is associated with a bit in this field being set to 1. Bit 0 (most significant bit) and 31 (least significant bit) are reserved. Bits 1 to 30 are associated with B channels 30 to 1, respectively.

B1 channel. The user can send data on this channel. This is set to 1 if the B1 channel was used.

B2 channel. The user can send data on this channel. This is set to 1 if the B2 channel was used.

Bytes received. The total number of bytes received from the remote link station. This includes no errors.

Bytes transmitted. The total number of bytes transmitted to a remote link station. This includes bytes retransmitted and bytes sent on transmissions stopped by transmit underrun, in addition to successful transmissions.

Frames received. Total number of information (I), unnumbered information (UI), and supervisory (S) frames received from the remote link station. This includes no errors.

Frames received in error. The sum of receive CRC errors, short frame errors, overrun, underrun, aborts received, and frame sequence errors.

Frames retransmitted. The number of frames that required retransmission due to errors. Errors can be caused by a remote device that is failing or by not receiving data fast enough.

Frames transmitted. Total number of information (I), unnumbered information (UI), and supervisory (S) frames sent to a remote link station. This includes frames retransmitted and frames sent on transmissions stopped by transmit underruns, in addition to successful transmissions.

IOP resource name. System-unique name to identify the IOP.

Line active. The state of the line when the collection interval ended. The values are:

0 The line is not active.
1 The line is active.

Line description. The name of the description for this line.

Line speed. The speed of this line in bits per second (bps). No delta calculation should be performed on this field.

Network interface description. The name of the network interface description.

Number of vary on operations. The total number of vary on operations.

Protocol. Protocol type. This will be set to I for IDLC.

Reserved. An ignored field.

Receive CRC errors. The number of received frames that contain a cyclic-redundancy-check (CRC) error. This indicates that the data was not received error-free.

Sequence errors. The number of frames received during the time interval that contained sequence numbers indicating that frames were lost.

Short frame errors. The number of short frames received. A short frame is a frame that has fewer octets between its start flag and end flag than are permitted.

LAPD Format

For a description of the fields in this format, see LAPD Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Reserved
4 4 BINARY(4) Reserved
8 8 CHAR(1) Protocol
9 9 CHAR(10) Network interface description
19 13 CHAR(1) Line active
20 14 CHAR(12) Reserved
32 20 BINARY(4) Line speed
36 24 BINARY(4) Number of vary on operations
40 28 BINARY(4) Active time
44 2C BINARY(4) Bytes transmitted
48 30 BINARY(4) Bytes received
52 34 BINARY(4) Loss of frame alignment
56 38 BINARY(4) Reserved
60 3C BINARY(4) Reserved
64 40 BINARY(4) Reserved
68 44 BINARY(4) Reserved
72 48 BINARY(4) Errored Seconds
76 4C BINARY(4) Severely Errored Seconds
80 50 BINARY(4) Collision detect
84 54 BINARY(4) Receive CRC errors
88 58 BINARY(4) Short frame errors
92 5C BINARY(4) Aborts received
96 60 BINARY(4) Sequence errors
100 64 BINARY(4) Frames transmitted
104 68 BINARY(4) Frames retransmitted
108 6C BINARY(4) Frames received
112 70 BINARY(4) Frames received in error
116 74 BINARY(4) Total outgoing calls
120 78 BINARY(4) Retry for outgoing calls
124 7C BINARY(4) Total incoming calls
128 80 BINARY(4) Retry for incoming calls
132 84 CHAR(1) S1 maintenance channel
133 85 CHAR(10) IOP resource name

LAPD Field Descriptions

Aborts received. The number of frames received that contained high-level data link control (HDLC) abort indicators. This indicates that the remote equipment ended frames before they were complete.

Active time. The amount of time in seconds that the line was active (varied on). This field should be used instead of interval time for all time-dependent fields calculated (for example, line utilization) to get accurate statistics.

Bytes received. The total number of bytes received from the remote link station. This includes no errors.

Bytes transmitted. The total number of bytes transmitted to a remote link station. This includes bytes retransmitted and bytes sent on transmissions stopped by transmit underrun, in addition to successful transmissions.

Collision detect. The number of times the terminal equipment (TE) detected that its transmitted frame has been corrupted by another TE attempting to use the same bus.

Errored Seconds. The number of seconds that had one or more Path Coding Violations, one or more Out of Frame defects, one or more Controlled Slip events, or a detected Alarm Indication Signal defect.

Frames received. The total number of information (I), unnumbered information (UI), and supervisory (S) frames received from the remote link station. This includes no errors.

Frames received in error. The sum of receive CRC errors, short frame errors, overrun, underrun, aborts received, and frame sequence errors.

Frames retransmitted. The number of frames requiring retransmission due to errors. Errors can be caused by a remote device that is failing or cannot receive data fast enough.

Frames transmitted. The total number of information (I), unnumbered information (UI), and supervisory (S) frames sent to a remote link station. This includes frames retransmitted and frames sent on transmissions stopped by transmit underrun, in addition to successful transmissions.

IOP resource name. System-unique name to identify the IOP.

Line active. The state of the line when the collection interval ended. The values are:

0 The line is not active.
1 The line is active.

Line speed. The speed of this line in bits per second (bps). No delta calculation should be performed on this field.

Loss of frame alignment. The total number of times when a time period equivalent to two 48-bit frames has elapsed without having detected valid pairs of line code violations.

Network interface description. The name of the network interface description.

Number of vary on operations. The total number of vary on operations.

Protocol. Protocol type. This will be set to D for LAPD.

Receive CRC errors. The number of frames received that contain a cyclic-redundancy-check (CRC) error.

Reserved. An ignored field.

Retry for incoming calls. The number of incoming calls that were rejected by the network.

Retry for outgoing calls. The number of outgoing calls that were rejected by the network.

S1 maintenance channel. This field will be set to one if this ISDN had maintenance channel active.

Sequence errors. The number of received frames that contained sequence numbers that indicated frames were lost.

Severely Errored Seconds.

Short frame errors. The number of short frames received. A short frame is a frame that has fewer octets between its start flag and end flag than are permitted.

Total incoming calls. The total number of incoming call attempts.

Total outgoing calls. The total number of outgoing call attempts.

SDLC Format

For a description of the fields in this format, see SDLC Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Reserved
4 4 BINARY(4) Reserved
8 8 CHAR(1) Protocol
9 9 CHAR(10) Line description
19 13 CHAR(1) Line active
20 14 CHAR(12) Reserved
32 20 BINARY(4) Line speed
36 24 BINARY(4) Number of vary on operations
40 28 BINARY(4) Active time
44 2C BINARY(4) Bytes transmitted
48 30 BINARY(4) Bytes received
52 34 BINARY(4) I-frames retransmitted
56 38 BINARY(4) Error-free frames received
60 3C BINARY(4) Frames received in error
64 40 BINARY(4) Invalid frames received
68 44 BINARY(4) Link resets
72 48 BINARY(4) I-frames transmitted
76 4C BINARY(4) Frames retransmitted
80 50 BINARY(4) RR frames transmitted
84 54 BINARY(4) RR frames received
88 58 BINARY(4) RNR frames transmitted
92 5C BINARY(4) RNR frames received
96 60 BINARY(4) Polling wait time
100 64 CHAR(10) IOP resource name

SDLC Field Descriptions

Active time. The amount of time in seconds that the line was active (varied on). This field should be used instead of interval time for all time-dependent fields calculated (for example, line utilization) to get accurate statistics.

Bytes received. The number of bytes received (data and control characters), including bytes received in error.

Bytes transmitted. The number of bytes transmitted (data and control characters) including bytes transmitted again because of errors.

Error-free frames received. The number of I-frames, supervisory frames, and frames not numbered that were received without error (whether or not they were transmitted again from the remote side).

Frames received in error. The number of I-frames, supervisory frames, and frames not numbered that were received in error. The following are the error possibilities:

Frames retransmitted. The number of I-frames, supervisory frames, and frames not numbered that were transmitted again.

I-frames retransmitted. The number of I-frames transmitted again.

I-frames transmitted. The number of I-frames transmitted.

IOP resource name. System-unique name to identify the IOP.

Invalid frames received. The number of invalid frames received. These are frames received with either a short frame error (frame is less than 32 bits) or a residue error (frame is not on a byte boundary).

Line active. The state of the line when the collection interval ended. The values are:

0 The line is not active.
1 The line is active.

Line description. The name of the description for this line.

Line speed. The speed of this line in bits per second (bps). No delta calculation should be performed on this field.

Link resets. The number of times a set normal response mode (SNRM) was received when the station was already in normal response mode.

Number of vary on operations. The total number of vary on operations.

Polling wait time. The length of time (in tenths of seconds) that the system waits for the response to a poll while in normal disconnect mode before polling the next station. No delta calculation should be done on this field.

Protocol. Protocol type. This will be set to S for SDLC.

RNR frames received. The number of receive-not-ready supervisory frames received.

RNR frames transmitted. The number of receive-not-ready supervisory frames transmitted.

RR frames received. The number of receive-ready supervisory frames received.

RR frames transmitted. The number of receive-ready supervisory frames transmitted.

X.25 Format

For a description of the fields in this format, see X.25 Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Reserved
4 4 BINARY(4) Reserved
8 8 CHAR(1) Protocol
9 9 CHAR(10) Line description
19 13 CHAR(1) Line active
20 14 CHAR(12) Reserved
32 20 BINARY(4) Line speed
36 24 BINARY(4) Number of vary on operations
40 28 BINARY(4) Active time
44 2C BINARY(4) Bytes transmitted
48 30 BINARY(4) Bytes received
52 34 BINARY(4) I-frames retransmitted
56 38 BINARY(4) Frames received in error
60 3C BINARY(4) Invalid frames received
64 40 BINARY(4) Link resets
68 44 BINARY(4) I-frames transmitted
72 48 BINARY(4) Error-free frames received
76 4C BINARY(4) RR frames transmitted
80 50 BINARY(4) RR frames received
84 54 BINARY(4) RNR frames transmitted
88 58 BINARY(4) RNR frames received
92 5C BINARY(4) Reset packets transmitted
96 60 BINARY(4) Reset packets received
100 64 CHAR(10) IOP resource name

X.25 Field Descriptions

Active time. The amount of time in seconds that the line was active (varied on). This field should be used instead of interval time for all time-dependent fields calculated (for example, line utilization) to get accurate statistics.

Bytes received. The number of bytes received (data and control characters), including bytes received in error.

Bytes transmitted. The number of bytes transmitted (data and control characters) including bytes transmitted again because of errors.

Error-free frames received. The number of I-frames, supervisory frames, and frames not numbered that were received without error (whether or not they were transmitted again from the remote side).

Frames received in error. The number of I-frames, supervisory frames, and frames not numbered that were received in error. The following are the error possibilities:

I-frames retransmitted. The number of I-frames transmitted again.

I-frames transmitted. The number of I-frames transmitted excluding I-frames transmitted again.

IOP resource name. System-unique name to identify the IOP.

Invalid frames received. The number of invalid frames received. These are frames received with either a short frame error (frame is less than 32 bits) or a residue error (frame is not on a byte boundary).

Line active. The state of the line when the collection interval ended. The values are:

0 The line is not active.
1 The line is active.

Line description. The name of the description for this line.

Line speed. The speed of this line in bits per second (bps). No delta calculation should be performed on this field.

Link resets. The number of times a set normal response mode (SNRM) was received when the station was already in normal response mode.

Number of vary on operations. The total number of vary on operations.

Protocol. Protocol type. This will be set to X for X.25.

Reserved. An ignored field.

Reset packets received. The number of reset packets received.

Reset packets transmitted. The number of reset packets transmitted.

RNR frames received. The number of receive-not-ready supervisory frames received.

RNR frames transmitted. The number of receive-not-ready supervisory frames transmitted.

RR frames received. The number of receive-ready supervisory frames received.

RR frames transmitted. The number of receive-ready supervisory frames transmitted.

PPP Format

For a description of the fields in this format, see PPP Field Descriptions.

PPP lines are full duplex.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Reserved
4 4 BINARY(4) Reserved
8 8 CHAR(1) Protocol
9 9 CHAR(10) Line description
19 13 CHAR(1) Line active
20 14 CHAR(8) Reserved
28 1C BINARY(8) Line speed
36 24 BINARY(4) Number of vary on operations
40 28 BINARY(4) Active time
44 2C CHAR(10) IOP resource name
54 36 CHAR(2) Reserved
56 38 BINARY(8) Bytes transmitted
64 40 BINARY(8) Bytes received
72 48 BINARY(8) Frames transmitted
80 50 BINARY(8) Error-free frames received
88 58 BINARY(4) Frames received in error
92 5C BINARY(4) Invalid frames received

PPP Field Descriptions

Active time. The amount of time in seconds that the line was active (varied on). This field should be used instead of interval time for all time-dependent fields calculated (for example, line utilization) to get accurate statistics.

Bytes received. The number of bytes received, including all bytes in frames that had any kind of error.

Bytes transmitted. The number of bytes transmitted, including bytes transmitted again.

Error-free frames received. The number of frames received without error.

Frames received in error. The number of frames received with one of the following errors: a frame check sequence error, an abnormal end, a receive overrun, or a frame truncated error.

Frames transmitted. The number of frames transmitted.

Invalid frames received. The number of frames received with a residue error (frame is not on a byte boundary).

IOP resource name. System-unique name to identify the IOP.

Line active. The state of the line when the collection interval ended. The values are:

0 The line is not active.
1 The line is active.

Line description. The name of the description for this line.

Line speed. The speed of this line in bits per second (bps). No delta calculation should be performed on this field.

Number of vary on operations. The total number of vary on operations.

Protocol. Protocol type. This is set to P for PPP.

Reserved. An ignored field.

Error Messages

Message ID Error Message Text
CPF0A42 E Collector ended abnormally.
CPF0A43 E Data not available.
CPF0A44 E Collection not active for user.
CPF0A45 E Cannot copy data to user space &1.
CPF0A47 E User space &1 in lib &2 not large enough.
CPF24B4 E Severe error while addressing parameter list.
CPF3C90 E Literal value cannot be changed.
CPF3CF1 E Error code parameter not valid.
CPF9872 E Program or service program &1 in library &2 ended. Reason code &3.

API introduced: V2R3

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