Convert Image (QIMGCVTI, QimgCvtImg) API

  Required Parameter Group:

1 Control structure Input Char(*)
2 Input image structure Input Char(*)
3 Main storage input image Input Char(*)
4 Output image structure Input Char(*)
5 Main storage output image Output Char(*)
6 Feedback structure Output Char(*)
7 Error code I/O Char(*)

  Service Program Name: QIMGCIMG

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: No

The Convert Image (OPM, QIMGCVTI; ILE, QimgCvtImg) API converts an image or print data stream from one format to another, and optionally prints the result. The input and output data streams can reside in a stream file, a spooled file, or main storage. The supported input data stream formats are Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), Tag Image File Format (TIFF), OS/2® and Windows® Bitmap (BMP), and PostScript Level. The supported output data stream formats are Advanced Function Presentation™, Hewlett-Packard Printer Control Language (PCL), and PostScript Level 1.

In addition to the input data stream formats listed above, the following input data stream formats may be supported through the use of a valid registered exit program: Hewlett-Packard Printer Control Language (PCL) and Portable Document Format (PDF). In addition to the output data stream formats listed above, the following output data stream format may be supported through the use of a valid registered exit program: PostScript (including Level 2 and above). By specifying UNKNOWN for the input data stream or the output data stream, the user may also, through the use of a valid registered exit program, transform data streams that are not listed here.

For more information, see the Printing topic collections.

Authorities and Locks

Image Configuration Authority
Image Configuration Lock
Input Stream File Authority
Input Stream File Open Sharing Mode
Share with readers
All Directory in Input Path Authority
Input Spooled File Authority
See Input Spooled File Authorities.
Input Spooled File Lock
Font Stream File Authority
Font Stream File Open Sharing Mode
Share with readers
All Directory in Font Path Authority
Output Stream File Authority
Output Stream File Open Sharing Mode
Share with neither readers nor writers
All Directory in Output Path Authority
Lowest Directory in Output Path Authority
Printer Device Authority
Output Queue Authority
Printer File Authority
Printer File Lock

Input Spooled File Authorities

The requester is authorized to the input spooled file if one or more of the following conditions are met:

Required Parameter Group

Control structure

Information that controls the conversion process. This information does not pertain specifically to either the input or output image or print data streams. See Control Structure Format for information about the format.

Input image structure

A description of the input image or print data stream. See Input Image Structure Format for information about the format.

Main storage input image

When the format field of the input image structure is IMGI0300, this parameter contains the input image or print data stream.

When this parameter does not contain the input data stream, it must contain 4 bytes of hexadecimal zeros.

Output image structure

A description of the output image or print data stream and where it is to be written. See Output Image Structure Format for information about the format.

Main storage output image

When the format field of the output image structure is IMGO0300, this parameter is the destination of the converted image or print data stream.

  1. The space provided field of the output image structure specifies the available size of this storage area.
  2. The output data stream length field of the feedback structure specifies the amount of storage used by the converted data stream.
  3. If the space provided field is insufficient to contain the converted data stream, an error condition is returned, and no data stream is returned in this parameter.

Feedback structure

Additional output information from the API, such as a spooled file identifier, size of main storage output, or a handle for future API calls for multiple page output. See Feedback Structure Format for information about the format.

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

Control Structure Format

The table below shows the organization of the control structure parameter. For detailed descriptions of each field, see Field Descriptions.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Length
4 4 CHAR(8) Format
12 C BINARY(4) Operation
16 10 CHAR(32) Handle for multipage output
48 30 BINARY(4) Space provided for feedback structure
52 34 CHAR(8) Feedback structure format
60 3C BINARY(4) Reverse
64 40 BINARY(4) Color reduction
68 44 BINARY(4) Resize
72 48 BINARY(4) Stretch
76 4C BINARY(4) Horizontal justify
80 50 BINARY(4) Vertical justify
84 54 BINARY(4) Keep color
88 58 BINARY(4) Keep quality
92 5C BINARY(4) Cancel on error
96 60 BINARY(4) Severity level

Field Descriptions

Cancel on error. Whether the conversion should be ended when a non catastrophic error condition is detected. When yes is specified, the severity level field may be used to control which errors end the conversion.

Possible values are:

0 No
1 Yes

Color reduction. Whether or not to reduce the output data stream's pixel information content. If color reduction is set to same, the pixel information content of the output data stream will be either that of the input data stream or the destination device, whichever is less. Setting color reduction to gray scale will reduce the output pixel information content to gray scale if it would have been color and will otherwise have no effect. Setting color reduction to black and white will force the output to black and white. See Color Reduction Field for more details.

Possible values are:

0 Same
1 Gray scale
2 Black and white

Feedback structure format. The format of the feedback structure. See Feedback Structure Format for a description of the feedback structure. This field must contain the value IMGF0100.

Format. The format of the control structure. This field must contain the value IMGC0100.

Handle for multipage output. This parameter is not passed to any transform program registered under exit point QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS. The handle that was returned in the feedback structure of a prior call to this API that specified first for the operation field. See Feedback Structure Format and Multipage Output for more information.

The handle is required when append, last, or end is specified for the operation field. For all other values of operation, this field must be set to hexadecimal zeros.

Horizontal justify. The horizontal position of an image on the page if the image is smaller than the page.

Possible values are:

0 Center
1 Left
2 Right

Note: This field has no effect for PostScript input data streams. It also may not work as expected if the input image is larger than the page.

Keep color. Whether all coloring in the source data stream must be kept. If the conversion would result in loss of the number of colors or number of gray scale shades, it is ended with an error condition and no converted data stream is produced.

Possible values are:

0 No
1 Yes

Note: This field has no effect for PostScript input data streams.

Keep quality. This parameter is not passed to any transform program registered under exit point QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS. Whether image or print resolution must be kept. If the conversion would result in loss of resolution, it is ended with an error condition and no converted data stream is produced.

Possible values are:

0 No
1 Yes

Note: This field has no effect for PostScript input data streams or for any other data streams which do not contain resolution information.

Length. The length of the control structure. This length must be 52 when the end option is specified for the operation field. In all other cases, this length must be 100, or an error is returned.

Operation. Whether or not a conversion is done, and if so, when the conversion is to take place.

Possible values are:

0 Calculate. An immediate or delayed conversion is selected, based on the destination of the converted data stream. If the destination is a spooled file, delayed is selected; otherwise, immediate is selected.
1 Immediate. The input data stream is converted before control is returned to the API caller.
2 Delayed. The input data stream is placed in a spooled file and converted (if necessary) when the spooled file is printed. This value is only valid for output format IMGO0200.
3 No conversion. The input data stream is copied to the output destination as is.
4 First. A multipage conversion is initiated with the first input data stream.
5 Append. A multipage conversion is continued with another input data stream.
6 Last. A multipage conversion is ended with the last input data stream.
7 End. A multipage conversion is ended with no input data stream.

The calculate option selects the immediate or delayed option, based on the destination of the converted data stream.

The delayed option is only valid when output is spooled. See format IMGO0200 in Output Image Structure Format for output specifications.

When no conversion is specified for operation and output is spooled to a PCL or PostScript printer, the input data stream is passed through to the printer. The caller must ensure that the input image or print data stream is compatible with the destination printer. Otherwise, results are unpredictable.

When first, append, or last is specified, the input is converted before control is returned to the API caller.

Refer to Multipage Output for more details about the first, append, last, and end options.

Multipage conversion is not supported when transforming to an exit program.

Resize. This parameter is not passed to any transform program registered under exit point QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS. Controls resizing of the output print or image data stream relative to the page size. Resize does not change the aspect ratio of the image unless the stretch field is set to 1 (yes).

Possible values are:

0 Scale down if needed to fit page
1 Keep size
2 Keep pixels
3 Scale up or down to fit page
4 Scale up to fit page.

Note: Resize works by changing the resolution in the output data stream and relies on the printer's ability to support that resolution. Consequently, resize will not work on all printers. Resize has no effect for PostScript input data streams.

Reverse. If yes, black becomes white and white becomes black. This parameter has no effect for color output. It also has no effect for color images output as gray on a Printer Control Language (PCL) color printer.

Possible values are:

0 No
1 Yes

Note: This can also be done by changing the photometric interpretation of pixels for the input or output data stream, either using image configurations or the photometric interpretation fields that describe the input and output data streams.

Severity level. The severity level of error required to end the conversion or print request when yes is specified for the cancel on error field. Valid values are 0 through 99.

Space provided for feedback structure. The length of the storage that is provided for the Feedback Structure Format. The length must be either 0, 108, or 130.

Stretch. This parameter is not passed to any transform program registered under exit point QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS. Whether, when resizing the image, to stretch the image to fit the output size exactly, or to preserve the image aspect ratio. If no, the image aspect ratio will not be changed. If yes, the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the image will be scaled independently and the aspect ratio may change if the image is resized.

Possible values are:

0 No
1 Yes

Note: This field has no effect for PCL or Advanced Function Presentation data stream (AFPDS) output or for PostScript input data streams. It only takes effect if the image is resized; therefore this field has no effect when the resize field contains 1 or 2 and possibly for other resize values.

Vertical justify. The vertical position of an image on the page if the image is smaller than the page.

Possible values are:

0 Center
1 Top
2 Bottom

Note: This field has no effect for PostScript input data streams. It also may not work as expected if the input image is larger than the page.

Input Image Structure Format

The input image structure describes the input image or print data stream.

The different formats specify the location of the input image or print data stream to be converted: file, spooled file, or main storage. The formats contain many common fields that specify attributes of the input image or print data stream:

IMGI0100 Format

Use this format for input from a stream file.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Length
4 4 CHAR(8) Format
12 C CHAR(20) Reserved
32 20 BINARY(4) Data stream format
36 24 BINARY(4) Photometric interpretation
40 28 BINARY(4) Resolution units
44 2C BINARY(4) Horizontal resolution
48 30 BINARY(4) Vertical resolution
52 34 BINARY(4) Input object type
56 38 BINARY(4) Offset to input object name
60 3C BINARY(4) Length of input object name
64 40 BINARY(4) Reserved
68 44 CHAR(*) Input object name

IMGI0200 Format

Use this format for input from a spooled file.

This format contains fields used in combination to uniquely identify the input spooled file:

See Open Spooled File (QSPOPNSP) API for information about the valid combinations of these fields.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Length
4 4 CHAR(8) Format
12 C CHAR(20) Reserved
32 20 BINARY(4) Data stream format
36 24 BINARY(4) Photometric interpretation
40 28 BINARY(4) Resolution units
44 2C BINARY(4) Horizontal resolution
48 30 BINARY(4) Vertical resolution
52 34 CHAR(26) Qualified job name
78 4E CHAR(16) Internal job identifier
94 5E CHAR(16) Internal spooled file identifier
110 6E CHAR(10) Spooled file name
120 78 BINARY(4) Spooled file number
124 7C CHAR(8) Job system name
132 84 CHAR(7) Spooled file create date
139 8B CHAR(1) Reserved
140 8C CHAR(6) Spooled file create time

IMGI0300 Format

Use this format for input from main storage. See the Main storage input image.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Length
4 4 CHAR(8) Format
12 C CHAR(20) Reserved
32 20 BINARY(4) Data stream format
36 24 BINARY(4) Photometric interpretation
40 28 BINARY(4) Resolution units
44 2C BINARY(4) Horizontal resolution
48 30 BINARY(4) Vertical resolution
52 34 BINARY(4) Length of input data stream

Field Descriptions

Data stream format. Format of the input print or image data stream. Possible values are:

0 Format is determined from the input data stream.
1 TIFF (Tag Image File Format) (Only the first image of a multiple-page TIFF image is transformed.)
2 BMP (Bitmap)
6 GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) (Only the first image of an animated GIF image is transformed.)
22 PCL (Printer Control Language) (Available only if a transform exit program that supports PCL input has been registered to the QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS exit point)
23 PostScript (PostScript level 2 and above available only if a transform exit program that supports PostScript Level 2 or above has been registered to the QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS exit point)
25 PDF (Portable Document Format) (Available only if a transform exit program that supports PDF input has been registered to the QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS exit point)
99 Unknown (Input data stream format unknown)

Format. The format of the input image structure, determined by the location of the input data stream.

The following formats are defined:

IMGI0100 Input is from a stream file.
IMGI0200 Input is from a spooled file.
IMGI0300 Input is from main storage.

Horizontal resolution. This parameter is not passed to any transform program registered under exit point QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS.

The number of horizontal pixels per resolution unit, or the following special value:

0 Resolution determined from the input data stream. If resolution cannot be determined from the data stream, a resolution of 300 dots per inch is used.

Input object type. For format IMGI0100, the type of the input object name.

0 Stream file

Input object name. For format IMGI0100, the input object name. For stream file object type, this is the full name of the input stream file, including path.

Internal job identifier. For format IMGI0200, the internal job identifier for the job that owns the spooled file. This field is used only when the job name component of the qualified job name field is *INT, and the other two components contain all blanks. For more information, see the List Job (QUSLJOB) API in the Work Management part.

Internal spooled file identifier. For structure format IMGI0200, the internal spooled file identifier. This field is used only when the spooled file name is *INT. For more information, see List Spooled Files (QUSLSPL) API.

Job system name. The name of the system where the job that created the spooled file ran or blank when the spooled file name is *INT.

The possible values are:

*ONLY There is one job with the specified job name, user name, job number, spooled file name, spooled file number, spooled file creation date, and spooled file creation time.
*CURRENT The job on the current system with the specified job name, user name, job number, spooled file name, spooled file number, spooled file create date, and spooled file create time is used.
*ANY The job system name is not considered when selecting a spooled file. Use this value when you want the Spooled file create date and Spooled file create time fields to take precedence over the job system name when selecting a spooled file.
system-name The name of the system where the job that created the spooled file ran.

When the Length field is less than 146 bytes, the API assumes blanks when the spooled file name is *INT. When spooled file name is not *INT, the API assumes *ONLY.

Length. The length of this structure, which varies depending on the format specified.

When the convert field in the control structure specifies the end option, the length must be 4.

For format IMGI0100, the length must be 68 plus the length of the input object name.

For format IMGI0200, the length must be 124 or 146.

For format IMGI0300, the length must be 56.

Length of input data stream. For format IMGI0300, the length of the input data stream in main storage.

Length of input object name. For format IMGI0100, the length of the input object name.

Offset to input object name. For format IMGI0100, the offset in bytes from the start of the Input Image Structure to the input object name. This value must be 68.

Photometric interpretation. This parameter is not passed to any transform program registered under exit point QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS. The interpretation of the pixel data contained in the input image or print data stream.

Possible values are:

0 Photometric interpretation is determined from the input data stream.
1 Monochrome where white is zero
2 Monochrome where black is zero

Qualified job name. For format IMGI0200, the qualified job name for the job that owns the spooled file.

The qualified job name has three parts:

job name CHAR(10). A specific job name, or one of the following special values:
* The job in which this program is running. The rest of the job name parameter must be blank.
*INT The internal job identifier that is used to locate the spooled file. The user name and job number must be set to blank.

user name CHAR(10). A specific user profile name, or blanks when the job name is * or *INT.
job number CHAR(6). A specific job number, or blanks when the job name is * or *INT.

Reserved. Space reserved for future use. This field must be set to hexadecimal zero(s).

Resolution units. This parameter is not passed to any transform program registered under exit point QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS. The units of measure for the horizontal and vertical resolution fields.

Possible values are:

0 Resolution units are determined from the input data stream.
1 No resolution is given
2 Inch
3 Centimeter

Spooled file create date. The date, based on local job time, that the spooled file was created on the system or blank when the spooled file name is *INT. This field is considered after the job name, user name, job number, spooled file name, spooled file number, and job system name field requirements have been met.

The date must be in the CYYMMDD format or one of the following special values:

*ONLY There is only one spooled file with the specified job name, user name, job number, spooled file name, spooled file number, and job system name.
*LAST The spooled file with the latest date and time which also has the specified job name, user name, job number, spooled file name, spooled file number, and job system name is used.
date The date the spooled file was created on the system in the format CYYMMDD. See field Date file opened (created) in API QUSRSPLA under field descriptions for more information on the date format.

When the Length field is less than 146 bytes, the API assumes blanks when the spooled file name is *INT. When spooled file name is not *INT, the API assumes *ONLY.

Spooled file create time. The time, in local job time, that the spooled file was created on the system or blank when the spooled file name is *INT. This field must be set to blanks when special values *LAST or *ONLY are used for field Spooled file create date. This field must have a value set if a date is specified for field Spooled file create date. This field is considered after the job name, user name, job number, spooled file name, spooled file number, job system name, and spooled file create date field requirements have been met. The time must be in the HHMMSS format or one of the following special values:

*ONLY There is only one spooled file with the specified job name, user name, job number, spooled file name, spooled file number, job system name, and spooled file create date.
*LAST >The spooled file with the latest time which also has the specified job name, user name, job number, spooled file name, spooled file number, job system name, and spooled file create date is used.
time The time the spooled file was created on the system in the format HHMMSS. See field Time file opened (created) in API QUSRSPLA under field descriptions for more information on the time format.
blanks This field must be set to blanks if the spooled file create date field is set to *LAST or *ONLY.

When the Length field is less than 146 bytes, the API assumes blanks for this field.

Spooled file name. For format IMGI0200, the spooled file name. The special value *INT means that the internal spooled file identifier is used.

Spooled file number. For format IMGI0200, the spooled file number. When the spooled file name is given (that is, not *INT), this uniquely identifies the spooled file if the job has multiple spooled files with the same name.

The following special values are allowed:

0 Use the only spooled value with the specified name.
-1 Use the highest-numbered spooled file with the specified spooled file name.
-2 The spooled file number is not used to determine which spooled file to process. Use this value when you want the Job system name field or the Spooled file create date and Spooled file create time fields to take precedence over the spooled file number when selecting a spooled file.

Vertical resolution. This parameter is not passed to any transform program registered under exit point QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS.

The number of vertical pixels per resolution unit, or the following special value:

0 Resolution determined from the input data stream.

Output Image Structure Format

The output image structure describes the output image or print data stream.

The different formats specify the destination of the converted image or print data stream: file, spooled file, or main storage. The formats contain many common fields that specify attributes of the output image or print data stream:

These attribute values override any corresponding values present in the destination image configuration object, if specified.

For multipage considerations regarding some fields in this structure, see Multipage Output.

IMGO0100 Format

Use this format to store output in a stream file.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Length
4 4 CHAR(8) Format
12 C CHAR(10) Destination image configuration
22 16 CHAR(10) Reserved
32 20 BINARY(4) Data stream format
36 24 BINARY(4) Photometric interpretation
40 28 BINARY(4) Resolution units
44 2C BINARY(4) Horizontal resolution
48 30 BINARY(4) Vertical resolution
52 34 BINARY(4) Size units
56 38 PACKED(15,5) Horizontal size
64 40 PACKED(15,5) Vertical size
72 48 BINARY(4) Compression type
76 4C BINARY(4) Compression quality
80 50 BINARY(4) Bits per sample
84 54 BINARY(4) Paper size
88 58 BINARY(4) User paper size units
92 5C PACKED(15,5) Horizontal user paper size
100 64 PACKED(15,5) Vertical user paper size
108 6C BINARY(4) Paper orientation
112 70 BINARY(4) Left unprintable border
116 74 BINARY(4) Right unprintable border
120 78 BINARY(4) Top unprintable border
124 7C BINARY(4) Bottom unprintable border
128 80 BINARY(4) Output object type
132 84 BINARY(4) Offset to output object name
136 88 BINARY(4) Length of output object name
140 8C BINARY(4) Reserved
144 90 CHAR(*) Output object name

IMGO0200 Format

Use this format to store output in a spooled file.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Length
4 4 CHAR(8) Format
12 C CHAR(10) Destination image configuration
22 16 CHAR(10) Reserved
32 20 BINARY(4) Data stream format
36 24 BINARY(4) Photometric interpretation
40 28 BINARY(4) Resolution units
44 2C BINARY(4) Horizontal resolution
48 30 BINARY(4) Vertical resolution
52 34 BINARY(4) Size units
56 38 PACKED(15,5) Horizontal size
64 40 PACKED(15,5) Vertical size
72 48 BINARY(4) Compression type
76 4C BINARY(4) Compression quality
80 50 BINARY(4) Bits per sample
84 54 BINARY(4) Paper size
88 58 BINARY(4) User paper size units
92 5C PACKED(15,5) Horizontal user paper size
100 64 PACKED(15,5) Vertical user paper size
108 6C BINARY(4) Paper orientation
112 70 BINARY(4) Left unprintable border
116 74 BINARY(4) Right unprintable border
120 78 BINARY(4) Top unprintable border
124 7C BINARY(4) Bottom unprintable border
128 80 CHAR(10) Output device
138 8A CHAR(10) Output queue
148 94 CHAR(10) Output queue library name
158 9E CHAR(10) Printer file
168 A8 CHAR(10) Printer file library name
178 B2 CHAR(10) User data
188 BC BINARY(4) Copies
192 C0 BINARY(4) Save
196 C4 BINARY(4) Request spooled feedback

IMGO0300 Format

Use this format to store output in main storage. See Main storage output image.

Note: This format is not allowed for multipage output. See Multipage Output for details.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 BINARY(4) Length
4 4 CHAR(8) Format
12 C CHAR(10) Destination image configuration
22 16 CHAR(10) Reserved
32 20 BINARY(4) Data stream format
36 24 BINARY(4) Photometric interpretation
40 28 BINARY(4) Resolution units
44 2C BINARY(4) Horizontal resolution
48 30 BINARY(4) Vertical resolution
52 34 BINARY(4) Size units
56 38 PACKED(15,5) Horizontal size
64 40 PACKED(15,5) Vertical size
72 48 BINARY(4) Compression type
76 4C BINARY(4) Compression quality
80 50 BINARY(4) Bits per sample
84 54 BINARY(4) Paper size
88 58 BINARY(4) User paper size units
92 5C PACKED(15,5) Horizontal user paper size
100 64 PACKED(15,5) Vertical user paper size
108 6C BINARY(4) Paper orientation
112 70 BINARY(4) Left unprintable border
116 74 BINARY(4) Right unprintable border
120 78 BINARY(4) Top unprintable border
124 7C BINARY(4) Bottom unprintable border
128 80 BINARY(4) Space provided

Field Descriptions

Bits per sample. This parameter is not passed to any transform program registered under exit point QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS. The number of bits per image sample.

The following values are allowed:

0 The value in the destination image configuration object is used.
1 One bit per sample
8 Eight bits per sample

Bottom unprintable border. The number of pixels of unprintable area on the bottom border, or the following special value:

-1 The value in the destination image configuration object is used.

Compression quality. This field is not used and must be set to 0.

Compression type. The algorithm used to compress the output image or print data stream.

Possible values are:

0 The value in the destination image configuration object is used.
1 No compression
4 CCITT Group 4 Fax
7 PackBits
8 IBM® MMR (modified-modified read)

Copies. For format IMGO0200, the number of copies to produce when the spooled file is printed. The valid values for the number of copies are 1 through 255, or the special value:

0 Use the copies value from the printer file.

Data stream format. The format of the output data stream.

0 The value in the destination image configuration object is used.
20 AFPDS (Advanced Function Presentation data stream)
22 PCL (Printer Control Language)
23 PostScript Level 1
99 Unknown (Output data stream format unknown)

Destination image configuration. The value for the image configuration object that contains fields describing the output device and data stream. The string must be filled with blanks. See Values of Destination Image Configuration for a complete list of available image configuration objects.

Field values from this image configuration will be substituted for the values of other fields in this structure, whenever the special value *IMGCFG is used for a field.

The following special values are also allowed:

*DEV The image configuration for the output device is used. This special value is allowed only for format IMGO0200.
*NONE No image configuration is specified. Other fields cannot specify that the value from the destination image configuration object be used.
Note: *DEV is the recommended value for this field. The destination image configuration and any fields in the output image structure will override the values in the image configuration for the output printer device. Later, if the spooled file is changed to another output queue or another printer, these fields will still be in effect and may cause errors. If this is undesirable, configure the printer with another image configuration.

Format. The format identifier of the output image structure, determined by the type of output.

The following formats are defined:

IMGO0100 Output is to a stream file.
IMGO0200 Output is to a spooled file.
IMGO0300 Output is to main storage.

Horizontal resolution. The number of horizontal pixels per resolution unit, or the following special value:

0 The value in the destination image configuration object is used.

Horizontal size. This parameter is not passed to any transform program registered under exit point QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS. The size of the image in the horizontal direction, in size units. This is used to determine the size of the output image. If the stretch field in the control structure parameter is no, the aspect ratio is maintained such that the image fits within the specified size. That is, if the vertical direction determines the scale factor, the actual horizontal size may be smaller than specified. If the size units field is -2 (paper size), this field must be zero.

The following special value is allowed:

0 The value in the destination image configuration object is used.
Note: This field has no effect for PostScript input data streams.
Note: Output image size is determined by manipulating horizontal and vertical resolutions, not by changing the number of output pixels. Because resolution often depends on printer device capabilities, some sizing may not be possible.

Horizontal user paper size. The size of the paper in the horizontal direction, in user paper size units. This field must be set to zero unless the value of the paper size field is -1 (user paper size).

Left unprintable border. The number of pixels of unprintable area on the left border, or the following special value:

-1 The value in the destination image configuration object is used.

Length. The length of the structure, which varies depending on the format specified.

When the operation field in the control structure format specifies the end option, this field must be set to 4.

For format IMGO0100, the length must be 144 plus the length of the output object name.

For format IMGO0200, the length must be 200.

For format IMGO0300, the length must be 132.

Length of output object name. For format IMGO0100, the length of the output object name.

Offset to output object name. For format IMGO0100, the offset in bytes from the start of the output image structure to the input object name. This value must be 144.

Output device. For format IMGO0200, the name of the output device. This field is used to get the default device characteristics if a destination image configuration is not given. If the output queue is configured with a remote location, any device attributes will be retrieved on the output queue.

The following special values are allowed:

*NONE No output device is specified. Either an output queue with a remote location is specified or the destination image configuration is specified explicitly.
*JOB The output device is taken from the current job.
*USRPRF The output device is taken from the user profile of the current job.
*SYSVAL The default output device from the QPRTDEV system value is used.
*WRKSTN The output device is taken from the work station device description of the current job. If the current job is not interactive, this value is ignored and processing continues as if *SYSVAL were specified.

Output object name. For format IMGO0100, the output object name. For stream file object type, this is the full name of the output stream file, including path.

Output object type. For format IMGO0100, the type of the output object name.

The possible value follows:

0 Stream file

Output queue. For format IMGO0200, the name of the output queue. The first 10 characters contain the output queue and the second 10 characters contain the name of the library in which the output queue resides. For AFPDS output, only valid device output queues are allowed.

The following special values are allowed:

*DEV The device output queue in QUSRSYS is used, after defaults for the device are resolved. Once the device is determined, its output queue will be used.
*JOB The output queue is retrieved from the current job.
*PRTF The output queue is retrieved from the printer file.
*USRPRF The output queue is retrieved from the user profile of the current job.
*WRKSTN The output queue is retrieved from the work station device description of the current job. If the current job is not interactive, this value is ignored and processing continues as if *DEV were specified.

Output queue library name. The name of the library that contains the output queue.

The following special values are supported for the library name:

*LIBL The library list is used to locate the output queue.
*CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the output queue.

Paper orientation. How the output is oriented on paper.

Possible values follow:

-1 The value in the destination image configuration object is used.
0 Best fit. Portrait will be used unless the input image is wider than it is tall. This value is the same as portrait for PostScript input data streams.
1 Portrait. For image input files, the top of each output page is placed on the narrowest dimension of the paper. For PostScript input data streams, the orientation specified in the input data stream is used.
2 Landscape. For image input files, the top of each output page is placed on the widest dimension of the paper. For PostScript input data streams, the output is rotated 90 degrees from the orientation specified in the input data stream.
3 Portrait, rotated 180 degrees. For PostScript input data streams, the output is rotated 180 degrees from the orientation specified in the input data stream.
4 Landscape, rotated 180 degrees. For PostScript input data streams, the output is rotated 270 degrees from the orientation specified in the input data stream.

Paper size. The paper size to be used for the output image or print data stream. See the table following the values for dimensions of each size value.

Possible values are:

-1 The value is specified in the user paper size field.
0 The value in the destination image configuration object is used.
1 Executive
2 Letter
3 Legal
6 Ledger
13 A5
26 A4
27 A3
45 B5
46 B4
50 CONT80
51 CONT132
80 Monarch envelope
81 COMM10 envelope
89 COMM9 envelope
90 DL envelope
91 C5 envelope
100 B5 envelope

Name Millimeters Inches
Letter 215.9 x 279.4 8.5 x 11
Legal 215.9 x 355.6 8.5 x 14
Executive 184.2 x 266.7 7.25 x 10.5
A4 210 x 297 8.27 x 11.7
A5 148 x 210 5.83 x 8.27
B5 182 x 257 7.17 x 10.1
CONT80 203.2 x 279.4 8 x 11
CONT132 335.3 x 279.4 13.2 x 11
Monarch 98.4 x 190.5 3.875 x 7.5
Commercial 9 98.4 x 225.4 3.875 x 8.875
Commercial 10 104.8 x 241.3 4.125 x 9.5
DL 110 x 220 4.33 x 8.66
B5 176 x 250 6.93 x 9.84
C5 162 x 229 6.38 x 9.02

Photometric interpretation. This parameter is not passed to any transform program registered under exit point QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS. The interpretation of the pixel data that is contained in the output image or print data stream.

Possible values are:

0 The value in the destination image configuration object is used.
1 Monochrome where white is zero
2 Monochrome where black is zero
3 RGB (red, green, blue) color

Printer file. For format IMGO0200, the name of a printer file.

An IBM supplied printer file, such as QSYSPRT in library QSYS, may be used if desired.

Printer file library name. The name of the library that contains the printer file.

The following special values are supported for the library name:

*LIBL The library list is used to locate the output queue.
*CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the output queue.

Request spooled feedback. For format IMGO0200, whether spooled file identification feedback is requested. See Feedback Structure Format for details about the information returned. The information is returned only when it is requested using this field.

Possible values are:

0 No
1 Yes

Reserved. Space reserved for future use. This field must be set to hexadecimal zero(s).

Resolution units. This parameter is not passed to any transform program registered under exit point QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS. The units of measure of the horizontal and vertical resolution fields.

Possible values follow:

0 The value in the destination image configuration object is used.
2 Inch
3 Centimeter

Right unprintable border. The number of pixels of unprintable area on the right border, or the following special value:

-1 The value in the destination image configuration object is used.

Save. For format IMGO0200, whether the spooled file will be saved on the output queue after printing.

Possible values are:

0 The value from the printer file is used.
1 No
2 Yes

Size units. This parameter is not passed to any transform program registered under exit point QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS. The units of measure of the horizontal and vertical size fields.

Possible values are:

-2 The value from the paper size fields is used and the horizontal size and vertical size fields must be zero.
0 The value in the destination image configuration object is used.
1 Pixel
2 Inch
3 Centimeter

Space provided. For format IMGO0300, the number of bytes of main storage provided for the output data stream in the Main storage output image. If the converted data stream will not fit within the space provided, an error condition is returned.

Top unprintable border. The number of pixels of unprintable area on the top border, or the following special value:

-1 The value in the destination image configuration object is used.

User data. For format IMGO0200, up to 10 characters of information to be displayed on the WRKSPLF screen.

The following special value is allowed:

*INOBJ The characters will be determined from the input object.

If the input is from a stream file, the first 10 characters of the filename (after the last slash in the path, if any) are used.

If the input is from a spooled file, the spooled file name is used.
If the input is from main storage, the value is blank.

User paper size units. This parameter is not passed to any transform program registered under exit point QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS. The units of measure of the horizontal and vertical user paper size fields. This field must be zero unless the value of the paper size field is -1 (user paper size).

Possible values are:

0 The value in the destination image configuration object is used.
2 Inch
4 Millimeter

Vertical resolution. The number of vertical pixels per resolution unit, or the following special value:

0 The value in the destination image configuration object is used.

Vertical size. This parameter is not passed to any transform program registered under exit point QIBM_QIMG_TRANSFORMS. The size of the image in the vertical direction, in size units. This is used to determine the size of the output image. If the stretch field in the control structure parameter is no, the aspect ratio is maintained such that the image fits within the specified size. That is, if the horizontal direction determines the scale factor, the actual vertical size may be smaller than specified. If the size units field is -2 (paper size), this field must be zero.

The following special value is allowed:

0 The value in the destination image configuration object is used.
Note: This field has no effect for PostScript input data streams.
Note: Output image size is determined by manipulating horizontal and vertical resolutions, not by changing the number of output pixels. Because resolution often depends on printer device capabilities, some sizing may not be possible.

Vertical user paper size. The size of the paper in the vertical direction, in user paper size units. This field must be set to zero unless the value of paper size is -1 (user paper size).

Feedback Structure Format

The feedback structure returns additional output information from the API, such as a spooled file identifier, size of main storage output, or a handle for future API calls for multipage output.

Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 CHAR(32) Handle for multipage output
32 20 CHAR(10) Spooled file name
42 2A CHAR(10) Job name
52 34 CHAR(10) Job user name
62 3E CHAR(6) Job number
68 44 BINARY(4) Spooled file number
72 48 CHAR(16) Internal job identifier
88 58 CHAR(16) Internal spooled file identifier
104 68 BINARY(4) Output data stream length
108 6C CHAR(8) Job system name
116 74 CHAR(7) Spooled file create date
123 7B CHAR(1) Reserved
124 7C CHAR(6) Spooled file create time

This structure contains output data that is returned for any of the following conditions:

Field Descriptions

Handle for multipage output. When first is specified for the operation field in the control structure format, this field is returned. For all other values of the operation field, this field is set to hexadecimal zeros.

Internal job identifier. When spooled feedback is requested, the internal identifier of the job that is creating the spooled file (the job in which this API is called).

Internal spooled file identifier. When spooled feedback is requested, the internal identifier of the created spooled file.

Job name. When spooled feedback is requested, the name of the job that owns the spooled file (the job in which this API is called).

Job number. When spooled feedback is requested, the number of the job that owns the spooled file (the job in which this API is called).

Job system name. The name of the system where the job that created the spooled file ran (the job in which this API is called).

Job user name. When spooled feedback is requested, the user name of the job that generated the spooled file (the job in which this API is called).

Output data stream length. When the format field in the output image structure is IMGO0300, this field contains the length of the output data stream in main storage. This is the length of the data stream that is stored in the main storage output image.

Spooled file create date. When spooled feedback is requested, the date, based on local job time, that the spooled file was created on the system in the format CYYMMDD. See field Date file opened (created) in API QUSRSPLA under field descriptions for more information on the date format.

Spooled file create time. When spooled feedback is requested, the time, in local job time, that the spooled file was created on the system in the format HHMMSS. See field Time file opened (created) in API QUSRSPLA under field descriptions for more information on the time format.

Spooled file name. When spooled feedback is requested, the name of the created spooled file.

Spooled file number. When spooled feedback is requested, the number of the created spooled file.

Multipage Output

For the operation field in the control structure, the first, append, last, and end options are related. These are used to iteratively call the API with multiple input data streams, while producing a single output data stream. The output data stream format, specified on the first call, must be AFPDS (Advanced Function Printing data stream), PostScript, or PCL (Printer Control Language). Calls that use these options must all be done in the same job, and must follow a prescribed sequence:

  1. A single first call
  2. Any number of append calls
  3. A single last or end call

After a first call, only append, last, or end calls are allowed until the sequence is finished by a last or end call. For example, an immediate call following a first call is not allowed.

The end option is like the last option in that it ends the sequence of calls. However, no input data stream processing is done when end is specified; therefore, no new pages are added to the output data stream.

Parameter rules are defined for multipage output, which are summarized in the Parameters for Multipage Output table below. In particular:

  1. When the first option is specified, a handle is returned in the feedback structure. This handle must be specified in the control structure on all subsequent API calls that specify the append, last, and end options.
  2. When the append or last options are specified, the following field values in the output image structure are ignored. These fields are as follows:

    If one of these field values changes, the value from the first call is used.

  3. When the end option is specified, the length field in both the input image structure and the output image structure must be set to 4, and the length field in the control structure must be set to 52. Again, this is because no other information is accepted in these parameters.

Parameters for Multipage Output

Parameter No. First Append Last End
5 N/A N/A N/A N/A


REQ Required
OPT Optional
LEN=n Length of structure must be n
N/A Not applicable (ignored)

Color Reduction Field

The color reduction field of the control structure determines the characteristics of the output data stream according to the following table. In this table, the input image type is the type of the actual input image file. The output image type is the type of the data that is printed or stored in a file. The destination image type is the type of output file that is described in the output image structure, determined by the two fields, photometric interpretation and bits per sample. A -- (dash) means that the value does not affect the result for that combination.

Input Image Type Destination Color Reduction Output Image Type
Image Type Photometric Interpretation Bits per Sample
Black and White - - - - Black and White
- Black and White 1 or 2 1 - Black and White
- - - - Black and White Black and White
Color Color 3 8 Same Color
Color Color 3 8 Gray Scale Gray Scale
Color Gray Scale 1 or 2 8 Same Gray Scale
Color Gray Scale 1 or 2 8 Gray Scale Gray Scale
Gray Scale Color 3 8 Same Gray Scale
Gray Scale Color 3 8 Gray Scale Gray Scale
Gray Scale Gray Scale 1 or 2 8 Same Gray Scale
Gray Scale Gray Scale 1 or 2 8 Gray Scale Gray Scale

Values of Destination Image Configuration

The following special values are allowed for the destination image configuration field of parameter 4. Each special value is described in terms of the data streams supported, the maximum resolution in dots per inch (dpi), and whether the printer has color or supports compression.

Printers supporting PCL data streams

*IMGA01 PCL 300-dpi printer
*IMGA02 PCL 600-dpi printer
*IMGA03 PCL 1200-dpi printer
*IMGA04 PCL 300-dpi color printer
*IMGA05 PCL 600-dpi color printer
*IMGA06 PCL 1200-dpi color printer
*IMGA07 PCL 75-dpi printer (No compression)
*IMGA08 PCL 600-dpi color printer with larger no-print border
*IMGA09 PCL 300-dpi printer (No compression)

Printers supporting PostScript data streams

*IMGB01 PostScript 300-dpi printer
*IMGB02 PostScript 600-dpi printer
*IMGB03 PostScript 1200-dpi printer
*IMGB04 PostScript 300-dpi color printer
*IMGB05 PostScript 600-dpi color printer
*IMGB06 PostScript 1200-dpi color printer
*IMGB07 PostScript 600x300-dpi color printer
*IMGB08 PostScript 1200x300-dpi color printer
*IMGB09 PostScript 360-dpi color printer
*IMGB10 PostScript 720-dpi color printer
*IMGB11 PostScript 1440x720-dpi color printer
*IMGB12 PostScript 400-dpi printer
*IMGB13 PostScript 800-dpi color printer
*IMGB14 PostScript 600-dpi color printer with larger no-print border
*IMGB15 PostScript 300-dpi color printer with larger no-print border

Printers supporting IPDS™ data streams

*IMGC01 IPDS 240-dpi printer
*IMGC02 IPDS 300-dpi printer
*IMGC03 IPDS 600-dpi printer
*IMGC04 IPDS 1200-dpi printer
*IMGC05 IPDS 240-dpi printer with no-print border
*IMGC06 IPDS 300-dpi printer with no-print border
*IMGC07 IPDS 600-dpi printer with no-print border
*IMGC08 IPDS 1200-dpi printer with no-print border
*IMGC09 IPDS 240-dpi printer (IM/1 image)
*IMGC10 IPDS 240-dpi printer (IM/1 image) with no-print border
*IMGC11 IPDS 240-dpi printer (CCITT G4)

Printers supporting PCL and PostScript data streams

*IMGD01 PCL/PostScript 300-dpi printer
*IMGD02 PCL/PostScript 600-dpi printer
*IMGD03 PCL/PostScript 1200-dpi printer
*IMGD04 PCL/PostScript 300-dpi color printer
*IMGD05 PCL/PostScript 600-dpi color printer
*IMGD06 PCL/PostScript 1200-dpi color printer
*IMGD07 PCL 300-dpi/PostScript 600-dpi printer
*IMGD08 PCL 300-dpi/PostScript 1200-dpi printer
*IMGD09 PCL 600-dpi/PostScript 300-dpi printer
*IMGD10 PCL 600-dpi/PostScript 1200-dpi printer
*IMGD11 PCL/PostScript 600-dpi color printer with larger no-print border

The recommended image configuration objects are listed below for some common printers.

*IMGD01 Compaq Pagemarc 20
*IMGA01 Epson EPCL-4 Printer
*IMGA02 Epson EPCL-5 Printer
*IMGB10 Epson Stylus Photo with PostScript
*IMGB11 Epson Stylus Color 600, 800 with PostScript
*IMGA04 HP Color LaserJet 5
*IMGD04 HP Color LaserJet 5M
*IMGA04 HP DeskJet 560C, 820C, 1200C
*IMGA01 HP DeskJet 500, 600, 1200
*IMGA04 HP DeskJet 1600C, 1600CN
*IMGD04 HP DeskJet 1600CM
*IMGA09 HP LaserJet II, IID, IIP
*IMGB01 HP LaserJet II, IID, IIP with PostScript
*IMGA01 HP LaserJet III, IIID, IIISi, 4L
*IMGD01 HP LaserJet III, IIID, IIISi, 4L with PostScript
*IMGA02 HP LaserJet 4, 4P, 4V, 4Si, 4 Plus
*IMGD02 HP LaserJet 4M, 4MP, 4MV, 4Si MX, 4M Plus
*IMGA02 HP LaserJet 5, 5P, 5Si
*IMGD02 HP LaserJet 5M, 5MP, 5Si MX
*IMGA02 HP LaserJet 6, 6P, 6L
*IMGD02 HP LaserJet 6M, 6MP
*IMGD02 IBM 3112, 3116 Page Printer with IPDS feature
*IMGA02 IBM 3112, 3116 Page Printer (ASCII/LAN)
*IMGD02 IBM 3112, 3116 Page Printer with PostScript
*IMGC01 IBM 3130, 3160-1 AF Printer (240-pel mode)
*IMGC02 IBM 3130 AF Printer (300-pel mode)
*IMGC09 IBM 3825, 3827, 3828 AF Printer
*IMGC01 IBM 3825, 3827, 3828 AF Printer (with AFIG)
*IMGC01 IBM 3829 AF Printer
*IMGC10 IBM 3835-001 AF Printer
*IMGC05 IBM 3835-001 AF Printer (with AFIG)
*IMGC05 IBM 3835-002, 3900 AF Printer
*IMGA01 IBM 3912, 3916 Page Printer (ASCII/LAN)
*IMGC06 IBM 3912, 3916 Page Printer with IPDS feature (twinax)
*IMGA01 IBM 3930-03 Page Printer
*IMGD01 IBM 3930-03 Page Printer with PostScript
*IMGC02 IBM 3935 AF Printer
*IMGA09 IBM 4019 LaserPrinters (HP mode)
*IMGB01 IBM 4019 LaserPrinters with PostScript
*IMGC06 IBM 4028 LaserPrinters
*IMGA01 IBM 4029 LaserPrinters
*IMGB02 IBM 4029 LaserPrinters with PostScript
*IMGA01 IBM 4039 LaserPrinters
*IMGD07 IBM 4039 LaserPrinters with PostScript
*IMGA02 IBM 4049 LaserPrinters
*IMGD02 IBM 4049 LaserPrinters with PostScript
*IMGB09 IBM 4079 Color Jetprinter PS
*IMGB05 IBM 4303 Network Color Printer
*IMGC06 IBM 4312, 4317, 4324 NP with IPDS feature (twinax)
*IMGC06 IBM 4312, 4317, 4324 NP with IPDS feature (LAN)
*IMGA02 IBM 4312, 4317, 4324 NP (ASCII/LAN)
*IMGD02 IBM 4312, 4317, 4324 NP with PostScript (ASCII/LAN)
*IMGC03 IBM InfoPrint 60
*IMGC05 IBM InfoPrint 62 Model 2
*IMGC06 IBM InfoPrint 62 Model 3
*IMGB05 IBM InfoColor® 70
*IMGC05 IBM InfoPrint 4000
*IMGC06 IBM InfoPrint 4000 High Resolution
*IMGB02 Lexmark 4039Plus
*IMGD11 Lexmark Optra C Color Printer
*IMGA02 Lexmark Optra E, E+
*IMGD02 Lexmark Optra N
*IMGD02 Lexmark Optra R+, Rx+, Lx+, Lxn+
*IMGD02 Lexmark Optra S Printers
*IMGD05 Lexmark Optra SC Color Printer
*IMGA01 Okidata OL400 LED Page Printer
*IMGA02 Okidata OL800, OL810 LED Page Printers
*IMGB12 QMS 2025, 3225
*IMGD04 QMS Magicolor CX
*IMGB09 Tektronix Phaser 140
*IMGB04 Tektronix Phaser 300
*IMGB05 Tektronix Phaser 400
*IMGB05 Tektronix Phaser 540, 550
*IMGB06 Tektronix Phaser 560
*IMGA01 Xerox 4219/MRP
*IMGA02 Xerox 4220/MRP
*IMGA02 Xerox 4230 DocuPrinter
*IMGA02 Xerox 4512, 4517 Network Printer
*IMGB13 Xerox 4520mp Printer
*IMGD04 Xerox 4700 II Color Document Printer
*IMGB08 Xerox 4915 Color Laser Printer
*IMGB05 Xerox 4920, 4925 Color Laser Printer

Error Messages

Message ID Error Message Text
CPF24B4 E Severe error while addressing parameter list.
CPF3330 E Necessary resource not available.
CPF333B E Job system name is not valid.
CPF333C E Spooled file create date is not valid.
CPF333D E Spooled file create time is not valid.
CPF333E E Spooled file create time is not blank.
CPF333F E Job system name is not blank.
CPF3342 E Job &5/&4/&3 not found.
CPF3343 E Duplicate job names found.
CPF3344 E File &1 number &2 no longer in the system.
CPF335B E Spooled file create date is not blank.
CPF34B1 E Output queue &1 in library &2 not found.
CPF33DD E Maximum number of open spooled files exceeded for this job.
CPF33DE E Size of internal data for opened spooled file exceeds maximum.
CPF33DF E Internal data area for opened spooled files destroyed.
CPF3492 E Not authorized to spooled file.
CPF3C1D E Length specified in parameter &1 not valid.
CPF3C1E E Required parameter &1 omitted.
CPF3C21 E Format name &1 is not valid.
CPF3C33 E Spooled file number &1 is not valid.
CPF3C39 E Value for reserved field not valid.
CPF3C40 E Spooled file &4 not found.
CPF3C41 E More than one spooled file with same name.
CPF3C90 E Literal value cannot be changed.
CPF3CF1 E Error code parameter not valid.
CPF7AAB E Problem &1 not found.
CPF9801 E Object &2 in library &3 not found.
CPF9802 E Not authorized to object &2 in &3.
CPF9803 E Cannot allocate object &2 in library &3.
CPF9804 E Object &2 in library &3 damaged.
CPF9810 E Library &1 not found.
CPF9814 E Device &1 not found.
CPF9818 E Object &2 in library &3 not created.
CPF9819 E Object &2 in library &3 not created.
CPF9820 E Not authorized to use library &1.
CPF9838 E User profile storage limit exceeded.
CPF9845 E Error occurred while opening file &1.
CPF9871 E Error occurred while processing.
CPF9872 E Program or service program &1 in library &2 ended. Reason code &3.
CPFA094 E Path name not specified.
CPFA09C E Not authorized to object.
CPFA09E E Object in use.
CPFA09F E Object damaged.
CPFA0A1 E An input/output error occurred.
CPFA0A2 E Information passed to this operation was not valid.
CPFA0A3 E Path name resolution causes looping.
CPFA0A4 E Too many open files for process.
CPFA0A5 E Too many open files.
CPFA0A7 E Path name too long.
CPFA0AA E Error occurred while attempting to obtain space.
CPFA0AB E Object name not a directory.
CPFA0AD E Function not supported by file system.
CPFA0B1 E Requested operation not allowed. Access problem.
CPFA0C4 E Object name not a file.
CPFA0DA E Object name is a directory.
CPFB530 E Input object name field not valid.
CPFB531 E Main storage input image parameter not valid.
CPFB532 E Output data stream not allowed for operation option.
CPFB533 E Main storage output not allowed for operation option.
CPFB534 E API call sequence not valid.
CPFB535 E Space provided for feedback structure not valid or missing.
CPFB536 E Handle field in parameter &1 not valid or missing.
CPFB537 E Error found in parameter &1 at offset &2.
CPFB538 E Error found in parameter &1 at offset &2.
CPFB539 E Error found in parameter &1 at offset &2.
CPFB53A E Error found in parameter &1 at offset &2.
CPFB53B E Output change not allowed for multipage request.
CPFB53C E Main storage output overlaps main storage input.
CPFB540 E Device &1 for spooled file output not valid.
CPFB54A E Image configuration &1 is logically damaged.
CPFB555 E Compression quality not valid for compression type.
CPFB556 E Compression type not valid.
CPFB557 E Error occurred compressing the data stream.
CPFB558 E Error occurred decompressing the data stream.
CPFB565 E Input data stream not valid.
CPFB566 E Data read not complete.
CPFB567 E Input image too small.
CPFB568 E Attribute value not supported for data stream format.
CPFB569 E Main storage allocation failure occurred.
CPFB56A E LZW minimum-code-length field not valid.
CPFB56B E Error opening input object.
CPFB56C E Error opening output object.
CPFB56D E Color reduction not allowed.
CPFB56E E Gray-scale reduction not allowed.
CPFB56F E Resolution quality reduction not allowed.
CPFB570 E Decimation table error occurred.
CPFB571 E Error occurred writing AFP output.
CPFB572 E Output data stream not supported.
CPFB573 E File type &1 not supported.
CPFB574 E Error reading GIF block.
CPFB575 E Image filter error.
CPFB576 E General data stream I/O error occurred.
CPFB577 E Spooled file I/O error occurred.
CPFB578 E Unexpected end of file detected in input data stream.
CPFB579 E Output buffer too small.
CPFB57A E Source photometric interpretation not supported.
CPFB57E E An error occurred while transforming data.
CPFB57F E Combination of input and output data stream formats not supported.
CPFB5C9 E Operation would suspend the process.
CPFB5CA E Input/Output error in file &1.
CPFB5CB E System resource not available.
CPFB5CC E File is read only.
CPFB5CD E Function ended due to unexpected error.
CPFB5CE E Function ended due to unexpected error.
CPFB5CF E Function ended due to unexpected error.
CPIB530 I Unable to delete temporary file &2 in library &1.
CPIB531 I Different input data stream attribute recognized.
CPIB532 I Input resolution not supported.
CPIB533 I Output resolution not supported.
CPIB534 I Color palette not found in image data stream header.
CPIB535 I Unexpected end of file.
CPIB536 I Unrecognized tag in TIFF file header.
CPIB537 I Unknown GIF extension detected.
CPIB538 I GIF end of file not found.
CPIB539 I Output resolution changed.

API Introduced: V4R2

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