Convert 64-Bit Integer to Character String (CEE4JNTS) API

  Required Parameter Group:

1 integer Input INT8
2 sign Input INT4
3 length I/O INT4
4 output_string Output VSTRING

  Omissible Parameter:

5 fc Output FEEDBACK

  Service Program Name: QLEMF

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The Convert 64-Bit Integer to Character String (CEE4JNTS) API converts a 64-bit binary integer to its character string equivalent.

Authorities and Locks


Required Parameter Group

integer (input)
A 64-bit integer that needs to be formatted.

sign (input)
A 32-bit binary integer of one of the following values.
0 Parameter 1 is an unsigned 64-bit integer
1 Parameter 1 is a signed 64-bit integer

length (I/O)
A 32-bit binary integer representing the length of the output string provided.

On return, this parameter will contain the number of bytes used to represent the string.

output_string (output)
A character string that is the result of formatting the 64-bit integer. The string is left-justified. The condition CEE3470 will be signaled to the condition manager if output is truncated.

The output_string will not contain the plus character (+) if the integer provided is unsigned.

The output_string length should contain enough space to store the resulting string. The maximum storage needed is 20 bytes based on a maximum value of 18446744073709551615 and a minimum value of -9223372036854775808.

Omissible Parameter

fc (output)
A 12-byte feedback code passed by reference. If specified as an argument, feedback information (a condition token) is returned to the calling procedure. If not specified, and the requested operation was not successfully completed, the condition is signaled to the condition manager.

Feedback Codes and Conditions

CEE0000 The API completed successfully
Severity: 00  
CEE3470 The resulting string is truncated
Severity: 30  

API introduced: V2R3

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