Find a Control Boundary (CEE4FCB) API

  Omissible Parameter Group:

1 ctlbdy_inv Output INT4
2 ctlbdy_type Output INT4
3 fc Output FEEDBACK

  Service Program Name: QLEAWI

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The Find a Control Boundary (CEE4FCB) API searches the call stack for the nearest call stack entry that is a control boundary. Beginning with the caller of the CEE4FCB API, a search for a control boundary starts from the call stack entry of the caller and progresses to older call stack entries.

Authorities and Locks


Omissible Parameter Group

ctlbdy_inv (output)
A positive number indicating the control boundary call relative to the caller of the CEE4FCB API.
ctlbdy_type (output)
The type of the control boundary found.
0 The control boundary found is the oldest call stack entry in the activation group.
1 The control boundary found is not the oldest call stack entry in the activation group.
fc (output)
A 12-byte feedback code.

Feedback Codes and Conditions

CEE0000 The API completed successfully
Severity: 00  
CEE9902 Unexpected user error occurred in &1
Severity: 30  

API introduced: V2R3

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