Allocation Strategy Type (CEE4ALC)

The CEE4ALC allocation strategy type contains attributes that are used to define the characteristics of the storage allocated for heaps. ILE C defines the attributes as shown in CEE4ALC Definition for ILE C. ILE COBOL defines the attributes as shown in CEE4ALC Definition for ILE COBOL, and ILE RPG defines the attributes as shown in CEE4ALC Definition for ILE RPG.

User-defined Allocation Strategy

You can define an allocation strategy by altering the attributes of the CEE4ALC allocation strategy type. You do this with the Define Heap Allocation Strategy (CEE4DAS) API. Then, when you use the Create Heap (CEECRHP) API, you can specify the allocation strategy that you defined for the heap attributes you require.

If you use the CEECRHP API, but did not define an allocation strategy, a default allocation strategy provides the heap attributes. See The Default Heap for a description of the default allocation strategy.

Note: The creation size and extension size values of CEE4ALC may be overridden. You do this by specifying values for the initial_size parameter and the increment parameter on the CEECRHP bindable API.

For ILE C the CEE4ALC allocation strategy type is defined as follows:

CEE4ALC Definition for ILE C

struct _CEE4ALC {
          _INT4 max_sngl_alloc;  /* maximum size of a single allocation */
          _INT4 min_ddy;         /* minimum boundary alignment of any allocation */
          _INT4 crt_size;        /* initial creation size of the heap */
          _INT4 ext_size;        /* the extension size of the heap */
          _INT2 reserved1;       /* must be binary 0 */
          _BITS alloc_strat:1;   /* a choice for allocation strategy */
          _BITS no_mark:1;       /* a group deallocation choice */
          _BITS blk_xfer:1;      /* a choice for block transfer of a heap */
          _BITS PAG:1;           /* a choice for heap creation in a PAG */
                                 /* The PAG option is ignored in IBM® i     */
                                 /* version 5 release 4 and later releases */
          _BITS alloc_init:1;    /* a choice for allocation initialization */
          _UCHAR init_value;     /* initialization value */
          _BITS reserved2:3;     /* must be binary 0 */
          _BITS reserved3:32;    /* must be binary 0 */

For ILE COBOL the CEE4ALC allocation strategy type is defined as follows:

CEE4ALC Definition for ILE COBOL

 01  CEE4ALC-my-own.
   05 max-sngl-alloc pic 9(9) BINARY.
   05 min-bdy        pic 9(9) BINARY.
   05 crt-size       pic 9(9) BINARY.
   05 ext-size       pic 9(9) BINARY.
   05 reserved1      pic 9(4) BINARY VALUE 0.
   05 my-bits        pic x VALUE X"E8".
* Using initial value of X"E8" ,   alloc_strat, no_mark,
* blk_xfer, and alloc_init are set to TRUE
   05 init-value     pic x.
   05 my-reserved2   pic x(5).
   05 my-reserved3   pic x(5).

For ILE RPG the CEE4ALC allocation strategy type is defined as follows:

CEE4ALC Definition for ILE RPG

D CEE4ALC         DS
D   MaxSglAloc               10I 0
D   MinBdy                   10I 0
D   CrtSiz                   10I 0
D   ExtSiz                   10I 0
D   res1                      5I 0
D   AllocBits                 1A
D   InitValue                 1A
D   res2                      5A
  * Use BITON to set on the appropriate bit.
  * For example    BITON     AllocInit     AllocBits
D AllocStrat      C                 '0'
D NoMark          C                 '1'
D BlkXfer         C                 '2'
D PAG             C                 '3'
D AllocInit       C                 '4'

The maximum allocation size, in bytes, of any single allocation from the heap. This attribute is useful for controlling the use of the heap. The minimum value for this attribute is 4 bytes, and the maximum value is 16MB minus 64KB. If 0 is specified, the default value of 16MB minus 64KB is used.

The minimum boundary alignment, in bytes, associated with any allocation from the heap. The minimum value for a boundary alignment is 4 bytes, and maximum value is 512 bytes. To allow valid pointers to be stored in a storage allocation with the heap, a minimum boundary alignment of 16 bytes is required. If zero is specified, a default value of 16 bytes is used for the boundary alignment. The minimum boundary alignment is rounded up to a power of 2.

The creation size, in bytes, of the heap. The minimum value for the size of the heap is 512 bytes and the maximum value is 16MB minus 1KB. If 0 is specified, the system computes a default value. The value is rounded up to a 512-byte boundary.

Note: If system resources are constrained, the system may override the value specified.

The extension size of the heap in bytes. The minimum value for extension size is 512 bytes and the maximum value is 16MB minus 1KB. If 0 is specified the system computes a default value. The value is rounded up to a 512-byte boundary.

Note: If system resources are constrained, the system may override the value specified.

Must be binary 0.

Allows a choice between:
0 Normal allocation strategy.
1 Create a process space on each allocation.

Note: This option should be used only in unusual situations, such as in debugging application problems caused by references past the end of an allocation.

Allows a choice between:
0 Allow the use of the CEEMKHP and CEERLHP APIs.
1 Do not allow the use of the CEEMKHP and CEERLHP APIs.

Used to increase the performance of a heap based on prior knowledge of how the heap is used. The values are:
0 Transfer the minimum storage transfer size (that is, 1 storage unit).
1 Transfer the machine default storage transfer size (that is, 8 storage units).

Note: On the reduced instruction set computer (RISC) hardware, this parameter has no effect. Regardless of whether 0 or 1 is specified for blk_xfer, the machine default storage transfer size will always be transferred.

A heap can be created as a process access group (PAG) member. The values are:
0 Do not create the heap in the PAG.
1 Create the heap in the PAG.

Note: It is possible for the PAG to overflow, at which point any requested PAG heap creations or extensions will not reside in the PAG. Therefore, the system may ignore the request to create the heap in the PAG.

Note: The PAG option is ignored in IBM i version 5 release 4 and later releases.

Allows the user to specify if all storage allocations from the heap being created will be initialized to the initialization value. The values are:
0 Do not initialize the heap with Init_Value.
1 Initialize the heap with Init_Value.

The value used to initialize the storage allocations. This value is not used if alloc_value is 0.

Must be binary 0.

Must be binary 0.

The Default Heap

From the programmer's viewpoint, a default heap is always available in the activation group. In fact, the first request to allocate storage results in the creation of the default heap from which the storage allocation takes place.

The attributes of the default heap are defined by the system through a default allocation strategy. You cannot change this default allocation strategy. Following is an example of the default allocation strategy:

    Max_Sngl_Alloc = 16MB - 64KB
    Min_Bdy        = 16
    Crt_Size       = 4KB
    Ext_Size       = 4KB
    Alloc_Strat    = 0
    No_Mark        = 1
    Blk_Xfer       = 0
    PAG            = 0
    Alloc_Init     = 0
    Init_Value     = 0x00  /* This value is not used */
                           /* if Alloc_Init is 0     */

In addition, the default heap in an activation group has the following special characteristics:

Languages that do not have an intrinsic multiple-heap storage model (such as ILE C) use the default heap. This heap cannot be discarded and is immune to the Mark Heap (CEEMKHP) and Release Heap (CEERLHP) APIs. Storage allocated within the default heap can be freed only by explicit free operations or when the owning activation group ends.

This implementation ensures that the storage is not inadvertently released in mixed-language applications. Release heap and discard heap operations are considered insecure for the following reasons:

If release heap operations were valid for the default heap, then procedures that correctly use different storage management capabilities separately might fail when used in combination.

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