Get CCSID for Normalization (CDRGCCN, QTQGCCN) API

  Required Parameter Group:

1 CCSID1 Input Int(4)
2 CCSID2 Input Int(4)
3 CCSIDN Output Int(4)
4 HINTV Output Int(4)
5 FB Output Feedback

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: No

When certain operations, such as concatenation or comparison, are performed on graphic character strings, the two strings are both in the same CCSID, or they are normalized first to a single CCSID before concatenation. This function assists in determining the CCSID for normalization given two CCSIDs. The returned CCSID may equal one or both the input CCSIDs.

Authorities and Locks


Required Parameter Group


This variable contains the first CCSID value referenced. Possible values are a positive number in the range 1 to 65,533.


This variable contains the second CCSID value referenced. Possible values are a positive number in the range 1 to 65,533.


This variable contains the returned CCSID value for normalization. Possible values are a positive number in the range 1 to 65,533.


The function returns in this variable a number that conveys information to assist the calling function in its subsequent processing. The following values and meanings are defined:

HINTV Meaning
0 No hints
1 CCSID1 and CCSID2 have both the same value for their CP element. The returned CCSIDN has a character set which is a superset of or equals the larger of the character sets of CCSID1 and CCSID2.
2 CCSIDN has the same CP element as CCSID2. The character set of CCSIDN is a superset of or equals the character set of CCSID2. Only the string with CCSID1 needs to be converted to CCSIDN.
3 CCSIDN has the same CP element as CCSID1. The character set of CCSIDN is a superset of or equals the character set CCSID1. Only the string with CCSID2 needs to be converted to CCSIDN.


The function returns (in this feedback array) the processing status (and any associated reason) for this function the field type is array of three 32-bit two's complement binary values (12 bytes, or 96 bits); the status code is a non-negative number in the first 16 bits, and the reason code is a non-negative number in the second 16 bits. The following are specific meanings of the status code and associated reason code values (in Hex) contained in the first 32 bits of FB:

Feedback Codes and Conditions

Status Reason Meaning
0000 0000 The function completed successfully.
0001 0001 There is no entry in the resource--Normalization Support CCSID Table (NSCT)--for the pair CCSID1, CCSID2.
0002 0001 CCSID1 value is 0, which is reserved to indicate defaulting to a higher level in a hierarchy. The caller must resolve the default before calling this function.
0002 0002 CCSID2 value is 0, which is reserved to indicate defaulting to a higher level in a hierarchy. The caller must resolve the default before calling this function.
0003 0001 CCSID1 is 65,535.
0003 0002 CCSID2 is 65,535.
0006 0001 The NSCT resource was not found.
0006 0002 The NSCT resource is currently unavailable.
0007 0001 The system NSCT resource accessed by the function is found to be invalid in structure.
0008 0001 CCSID1 value is not in the range 0 to 65,535.
0008 0002 CCSID2 value is not in the range 0 to 65,535.

Usage Notes

  1. The values returned by this function are implementation specific and may vary from system to system.

API introduced: V2R2

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