Example: Saving to multiple devices

This ILE C program saves a large library using more than one device at the same time.

Note: By using the code examples, you agree to the terms of the Code license and disclaimer information.
/*  PROGRAM:  SaveBigLib                                           */
/*                                                                 */
/*  LANGUAGE: ILE C                                                */
/*                                                                 */
/*  DESCRIPTION:  This is an example program for the use of        */
/*                a media definition in a save operation.          */
/*                It saves library BIGLIB in parallel format to    */
/*                two media files, using tape media library        */
/*                TAPMLB01.                                        */
/*                                                                 */
/*                The flow of this program is as follows:          */
/*                (1) Build media definition input.                */
/*                (2) Create a media definition using              */
/*                    QsrCreateMediaDefinition.                    */
/*                (3) Save library BIGLIB using the media          */
/*                    definition.                                  */
/*                                                                 */
/*  APIs USED:  QsrCreateMediaDefinition, QCMDEXC                  */
/*                                                                 */

#include <qcmdexc.h>
#include <qsrlib01.h>
#include <qusec.h>
#include <string.h>

/* Variables for QsrCreateMediaDefinition                          */
char                      Data_Buffer[1000];
Qsr_TAPE0100_t            *Input_Data;
Qsr_TAPE0100_Device_t     *Device;
Qsr_TAPE0100_File_t       *Media_File;
char                      *Next_Free;
char                      *Volid;
Qus_EC_t                  Err_Code;
int                       Data_Length;
char                      Text[50];

/* Variables for QCMDEXC                                           */
char          Cmd_String[100];
decimal(15,5) Cmd_Length;

/* Start of main()                                                 */

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

/*  Specify input data for QsrCreateMediaDefinition.               */
/*  Build general media definition input data.                     */
/*  Use one device with two parallel device resources.             */
Input_Data = (Qsr_TAPE0100_t*)Data_Buffer;
Next_Free = (char*)(Input_Data + 1);
Input_Data->Maximum_Resources    = 2;
Input_Data->Minimum_Resources    = 2;
Input_Data->Offset_First_Device  = Next_Free - Data_Buffer;
Input_Data->Device_Count         = 1;

/*  Build input data for the first device.                         */
/*  Use device TAPMLB01 with two media files.                      */
Device = (Qsr_TAPE0100_Device_t*)Next_Free;
Next_Free = (char*)(Device + 1);
memcpy(Device->Device_Name,"TAPMLB01  ",10);
Device->Offset_First_File = Next_Free - Data_Buffer;
Device->File_Count        = 2;

/*  Build input data for the first media file for device TAPMLB01. */
/*  Use the default sequence number, and volumes VOL11 and VOL12.  */
Media_File = (Qsr_TAPE0100_File_t*)Next_Free;
Next_Free = (char*)(Media_File + 1);
Media_File->Sequence_Number        = 0;
Media_File->Offset_First_Volume_Id = Next_Free - Data_Buffer;
Media_File->Volume_Id_Count        = 2;
Media_File->Volume_Id_Length       = 6;
Media_File->Starting_Volume        = 1;
Data_Length = Media_File->Volume_Id_Count
            * Media_File->Volume_Id_Length;
Volid = Next_Free;
memcpy(Volid,"VOL11 VOL12 ",Data_Length);
if (Data_Length % 4)                       /* Ensure that Next_Free */
  Data_Length += (4 - (Data_Length % 4));  /* is incremented by a   */
Next_Free += Data_Length;                  /* multiple of 4.        */
Media_File->Offset_Next_File = Next_Free - Data_Buffer;

/*  Build input data for the second media file for device TAPMLB01. */
/*  Use the default sequence number, and volumes VOL21 and VOL22.   */
Media_File = (Qsr_TAPE0100_File_t*)Next_Free;
Next_Free = (char*)(Media_File + 1);
Media_File->Sequence_Number        = 0;
Media_File->Offset_First_Volume_Id = Next_Free - Data_Buffer;
Media_File->Volume_Id_Count        = 2;
Media_File->Volume_Id_Length       = 6;
Media_File->Starting_Volume        = 1;
Data_Length = Media_File->Volume_Id_Count
            * Media_File->Volume_Id_Length;
Volid = Next_Free;
memcpy(Volid,"VOL21 VOL22 ",Data_Length);
if (Data_Length % 4)                       /* Ensure that Next_Free */
  Data_Length += (4 - (Data_Length % 4));  /* is incremented by a   */
Next_Free += Data_Length;                  /* multiple of 4.        */

/*  Create the media definition.                                    */
Data_Length = Next_Free - Data_Buffer;
memset(Text,' ',sizeof(Text));
memcpy(Text,"Save BIGLIB",11);
                  "SAVEBIGLIBQTEMP     ",  /* Media definition      */
                                               /* name, library     */
                  Data_Buffer,             /* Input data            */
                  Data_Length,             /* Length of data        */
                  "TAPE0100",              /* Format name           */
                  "*USE      ",            /* Public authority      */
                  Text,                    /* Text description      */
                  '1',                     /* Replace if it exists  */
                  &Err_Code);              /* Error code            */
/*  Save library BIGLIB using the media definition.                 */
Cmd_Length = strlen(Cmd_String);

return 0;