pam_mkuserhome Module


Creates a home directory automatically at user login.





The pam_mkuserhome module creates a home directory automatically at user login. This is an optional session module to be used with other PAM session modules, such as the pam_aix module.

The pam_mkuserhome module is installed in the /usr/lib/security directory. To use the pam_mkuserhome module, the /etc/pam.conf file must be configured. Stacking is still available but is not shown in the following example of the /etc/pam.conf file:
# Session management
telnet   auth     optional       pam_mkuserhome

Return Value

Item Description
PAM_SUCCESS The home directory already exists or the home directory is successfully created.
PAM_USER_UNKNOWN The user does not exist.
PAM_SYSTEM_ERR An error occurs.