rmps Command


Removes an inactive paging space.


rmps[ -t ps_helper] PagingSpace


The rmps command removes an inactive paging space. The PagingSpace parameter specifies the name of the paging space that must be removed. This paging space is the name of the logical volume on which the paging space is present.

For an NFS paging space, the PagingSpace parameter specifies the name of the paging space to be removed. The device and its definition, which corresponds to this paging space, is removed from the system. Nothing is changed on the NFS server where the file that is used for paging is present.

If the -t flag is specified, the argument is assumed to be a third-party helper executable. If the helper executable is present in the /sbin/helpers/pagespace path, the executable is created by passing the -r flag to specify the rmps command. The /etc/swapspaces directory is modified so that the helper executable returns zero.

The helper executable is used to remove the paging space. If the named helper does not exist in the /sbin/helpers/pagespace directory, the rmps command displays a usage error. The helper executable exits with a value 0 when successful and a non-zero value when it fails.

Active pages can be removed by first deactivating them with the swapoff command.


Item Description
-t Specifies to use the helper program under /sbin/helpers/pagespace directory.
Name of the helper program for a third-party device.


Attention RBAC users and Trusted AIX users: This command can perform privileged operations. Only privileged users can run privileged operations. For more information about authorizations and privileges, see Privileged Command Database in Security. For a list of privileges and the authorizations associated with this command, see the lssecattr command or the getcmdattr subcommand.


  1. To remove PS01 paging space, run the following command:
    rmps PS01
    This removes the PS01 paging space.
  2. To remove PS01 paging space by using the helper program foo, run the following command:
    rmps –t foo PS01
    This removes the PS01 paging space.


Item Description
/etc/swapspaces Specifies the paging space devices and their attributes.