quot Command


Summarizes file system ownership.


quot [ -c ] [  -f ] [  -h ] [ -n ][ -v ] [ FileSystem ... ]

quot -a [ -c ] [  -f ] [  -h ] [ -n ] [ -v ]


The quot command summarizes file system ownership for JFS file systems by displaying the number of 512-byte blocks currently owned by each user in the specified file system (FileSystem). If no file system is specified, the quot command displays the same information for each of the JFS file systems in the/etc/filesystems file.


Item Description
-a Generate a report on all mounted systems.
-c Displays a three-column report. The first column specifies the file size in 512-byte blocks. The second column specifies the number of files of that size. Finally, the third column specifies the cumulative total of 512-byte blocks in all files of that size or smaller.
Note: Files greater than or equal to 500 blocks are grouped under a block size of 499. However, their exact block count contributes to the cumulative total of blocks.
-f Displays the total number of blocks, the total number of files, and the user name associated with these totals.
-h Estimates the number of blocks used by the file. This estimation is based on the file size and may return greater than actual block usage when used on files with holes.
-n Produces a list of all files and their owners by running the following pipeline:
ncheck filesystem | sort +On | quot -n filesystem
-v Displays output in three columns containing the number of blocks not accessed in the last 30, 60, and 90 days.


Access Control: This command is owned by the bin user and bin group.

Attention RBAC users and Trusted AIX® users: This command can perform privileged operations. Only privileged users can run privileged operations. For more information about authorizations and privileges, see Privileged Command Database in Security. For a list of privileges and the authorizations associated with this command, see the lssecattr command or the getcmdattr subcommand.


  1. To display the number of files and bytes owned by each user in the /usr file system, enter:
    quot -f /usr
    The system displays the following information:
    63056    3217    bin
    20832     390    root
     1184      42    uucp
       56       5    adm
        8       1    guest
        8       1    sys
  2. To display file size statistics, the number of files of each size, and a cumulative total, enter:
    quot -c /usr
    The system displays the following information:
    8       103      824
    16      2        856
    499     0        856
  3. To generate a report of all mounted file systems, type:
    quot -a
  4. To generate a report of the /var file system, type:
    #quot -v /var 
    45695   root            12852   11878   11774
     2569   guest            2567    1280     960
     2121   adm                92      91      91
     1343   bin               465     233     193
       14   uucp                0       0       0
        5   daemon              0       0       0
        1   invscout            1       1       1
        1   nuucp               1       1       1
        1   sys                 0       0       0


Item Description
/etc/passwd Contains user names.
/etc/filesystems Contains file system names and locations.