Dynamic screen utility

The dynamic screen utility, or dscreen command, is a utility that allows a single physical terminal to be connected to several virtual terminal sessions (screens) at one time.

It is mainly intended for use with terminals that have two or more pages of screen memory (for example, the IBM® 3151 Models 310 or 410 display with the Cartridge for Expansion). With such terminals, switching between virtual screens also switches between physical terminal screen pages allowing each virtual screen's image to be saved and restored. On terminals without multiple pages of screen memory, the dscreen command can still be used to switch among virtual screen sessions although the appearance of the screen will not be maintained.

Note: For full support of dscreen utility, the terminal must be able to switch internal screen pages on command and must remember the cursor position for each page. While the dscreen utility will work on both smart and dumb terminals, screen images are not saved during screen changes on dumb terminals.