mknfsproxy Command


Creates a new NFS proxy-enabled Cachefs instance that is backed with an NFS client mount to a back-end NFS server.


/usr/sbin/mknfsproxy [-L] -c local_cache_directory -d Cachefs_mount_point [-o param=n[, param=n]] -m [nfs_mount_options] remote_server:remote_directory [-e [export_option, [export_option]]]


The local file system used by the created Cachefs instance must be a JFS2 file system. The required inputs include the remote server and directory (remote_server:remote_directory) that the Cachefs instance will access, the local directory (local_cache_directory) where information will be cached, and the directory where the Cachefs will be mounted.

After the cache is initialized, the Cachefs instance is mounted and ready to be NFS exported. Provide NFS export information so that the cached view will also be NFS exported using the specified options.


Item Description
-c Specifies the local JFS2 file system directory where Cachefs will store cached data and state. This is a required option.
-d Specifies the directory where Cachefs will be mounted. This is a required option.
-e Specifies the NFS server export options for the created Cachefs instance. If this is supplied, the created Cachefs instance will also be NFS exported using the supplied options. If this option is not supplied, the created Cachefs instance will be exported with the same NFS version specified by the -m option.
-L Causes the Cachefs instance to acquire a single lock from its associated NFS back-end that covers the entire file when any byte range locks are requested. When the count of byte range locks drops to 0 (zero), the lock on the back-end NFS server is released.
-m Specifies the NFS client mount, which might optionally include NFS client mount options as described in the mount man page. This is a required option, and the remote server and remote directory must be supplied.
-o Specifies Cachefs configuration options in the form param=n. For descriptions of the Cachefs resource parameters, refer to the cfsadmin command.


Item Description
Cachefs_mount_point Specifies where the proxy-enabled Cachefs instance is to be mounted.
export_option Specifies which options of the export command are used for the Cachefs instance.
local_cache_directory Specifies the local directory where information is cached.
nfs_mount_options Specifies the NFS client options of the mount command.
remote_directory Specifies the remote directory that the Cachefs instance accesses.
remote_server Specifies the remote server that the Cachefs instance accesses.

Exit Status

Item Description
0 The command completed successfully.
>0 An error occurred.


  1. To create a proxy-enabled Cachefs instance at /edge that accesses /project1 at NFS server foo, enter:
    mknfsproxy -c /cache/project1 -d /edge -m hard,vers=4,intr foo:/project1

    In the preceding example, information accessed through /edge is cached at /cache/project1.

    The following variation of the preceding example also exports the created Cachefs instance (proj1_cached) for NFS V4 access with authentication flavor of Kerberos 5 and an external name set to /nfs4/projects/project1:
    mknfsproxy -c /cache/project1 -d /edge -m hard,vers=4,intr foo:/project1 
    	-e sec=krb5,vers=4,exname=/nfs4/projects/project1

