Electronic Service Agent Users

IBM Electronic Service Agent generates two types of users based on the direct or proxy connection.

  1. esaadmin - By default, when you install and configure ESA, esadmin user is created. The esadmin user is used across all the operations that you do on ESA
  2. srvproxy - When you create the Service and Support Proxy for ESA, the srvproxy user and IBM.SRVPROXY subsystem created.
    The IBM.SRVPROXY subsystem is started after you start the Service and Support Proxy. To check the status of the srvproxy user, use the following command -
    #  lssrc -a | grep IBM.SRVPROXY
     IBM.SRVPROXY  ibmsrv  5636164  active

    If the proxy connection is no longer required, you can delete the srvproxy user by using the smit or by running the following script - /usr/ecc/bin/restore_defaults.