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esacli restauth

Use the esacli restauth to enable or disable authentication of rest services like data, event, and endpoint services.


esacli restauth {-e | -d} "rest services list"


The esacli restauth command controls the authentication of rest services (data, event and endpoint services). When enabled, the listed commands are authenticated. When disabled, the listed commands are not authenticated for rest services (data, event and endpoint services). This command displays a message - The operation completed successfully. on successful completion.


-e | --enable rest services list

Specifies a comma-separated list of rest services that are authenticated.

-d | --disable rest services list

Specifies a comma-separated list of rest services that are not authenticated.

Exit status

The following table contains the codes that are returned by this command.
  • 0: The operation completed successfully.
  • 1: IBM® Electronic Service Agent instance is not running.
  • 10: An unsupported option was specified. Option: {option}.
  • 14: A required option was not provided. Option: {option}.
  • 18: An option was set more than once. Option: {option}.
  • 19: An option value was not provided when required. Option: {option}.
  • 45: Mutually exclusive arguments used together.


  • Enables authentication for the provided list of services
    esacli restauth -e "service1,service2"
    The operation completed successfully.
  • Disables authentication for the provided list of services
    esacli restauth -d "service1,service2"
    The operation completed successfully.
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