Configuring Drivers and Modules in the Portable Streams Environment

Portable Streams Environment (PSE) drivers and modules are dynamically loaded and unloaded.

To support this feature, each driver and module must have a configuration routine that performs the necessary initialization and setup operations.

PSE provides the strload command to load drivers and modules. After loading the extension, the strload command calls the extension entry point using the SYS_CFGDD and SYS_CFGKMOD operations explained in the sysconfig subroutine section in AIX® Version 6.1 Technical Reference.

Each PSE kernel extension configuration routine must eventually call the str_install utility to link into STREAMS.

Commonly used extensions can be placed in a configuration file, which controls the normal setup and tear-down of PSE. The configuration file allows more flexibility when loading extensions by providing user-specified nodes and arguments. For a detailed description of the configuration file, see the strload command.