Additional -O options

Review the additional -O options for the svmon command.

The following additional options are:

  • -O process=on: adds, for a given entity, the memory statistics of the processes belonging to the entity (user name or command name). If you specify the -@ flag, each process report is followed by a line that shows the WPAR name. This option is only valid for the User and the Command reports.

All reports containing two or more entities can be filtered and/or sorted with the following options:

  • -O sortentity=[inuse |...]: specifies the summary metric used to sort the entities (process, user, and so on) when several entities are printed in a report.

    The list of metrics permitted in the report depend on the type of summary (-O summary option) chosen. Any of the metrics used in a summary can be used as a sort key.


    # svmon -P -t 5 -O summary=off -O segment=off -O sortentity=pin
    Command line : svmon -P -t 5 -O summary=off -O segment=off -O sortentity=pin    
    Unit: page
         Pid Command          Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
      127044 dog               9443     8194        0     9443
           0 swapper           9360     8176        0     9360
        8196 wait              9360     8176        0     9360
       53274 wait              9360     8176        0     9360
      237700 rpc.lockd         9580     8171        0     9580
  • -O filtercat=[off | exclusive | kernel | shared | unused | unattached]: this option filters the output by segment category. You can specify more than one filter at a time.
    Note: Use the unattached filter value with the -S report because unattached segments cannot be owned by a process or command.


    # svmon -P 1 -O unit=KB,segment=on,sortseg=pin,filtercat=off
    Unit: KB
         Pid Command          Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
           1 init             58684    28348        0    58616
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              PSize  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
           0         0 work kernel segment               s  30948 28332    0   30948
       6902f         2 work process private              s    396    16    0     396
       6c10d         d work shared library text          s  26996     0    0   26996
       a9017         f work shared library data          s    276     0    0     276
       b9015         1 clnt code,/dev/hd2:531            s     44     0    -       -
       f101c         - clnt /dev/hd4:824                 s     24     0    -       -
    # svmon -P 1 -O unit=KB,segment=on,sortseg=pin,filtercat=shared
    Unit: KB
         Pid Command          Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
           1 init             58684    28348        0    58616
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              PSize  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
       6c10d         d work shared library text          s  26996     0    0   26996
       a9017         f work shared library data          s    276     0    0     276
  • -O filtertype=[off | working | persistent | client]: this option allows you to filter on the Type column of the segment details. You can specify more than one filter at a time.


    # svmon -P 495618 -O segment=on,filtertype=client
         Pid Command          Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
      495618 IBM.AuditRMd       308        0        0        0
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              PSize  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
      1619f7         - clnt /dev/fslv07:417              s    253     0    -     - 
       31382         1 clnt code,/dev/hd2:9803           s     36     0    -     - 
      1319f2         - clnt /dev/fslv07:400              s     16     0    -     - 
      1a19db         - clnt /dev/fslv07:399              s      1     0    -     - 
       a19cb         - clnt /dev/fslv07:397              s      1     0    -     - 
       919c8         - clnt /dev/fslv07:398              s      1     0    -     - 
       519c4         - clnt /dev/fslv07:358              s      0     0    -     - 
      1f19de         - clnt /dev/fslv07:325              s      0     0    -     - 

    Only the client segments for process number 495618 are displayed. Note that the summary only reports the sum of the metrics displayed in the entity details. This means that the summary numbers shown here do not represent the complete memory consumption for this process, only its consumption using client segments.

  • -O filterprop=[off | notempty | data | text]:

    This option allows filtering on the segment property:

    • Data: Computational segments consisting of the pages belonging to working-storage segments or program text (executable files) segments.
    • Text: Non-computational segments ofFile memory (or file pages), which are the remaining pages. These pages are usually from permanent data files in persistent storage.
    • Notempty: Segments where the Inuse value is not 0.

    You can specify more than one property at a time.


    # svmon -C yes -O segment=category,filterprop=notempty   
    Unit: page
    Command                              Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    yes                                  16256     6300       80    16271
    SYSTEM segments                      Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                          7088     6288       64     7104
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              PSize  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
           0         0 work kernel segment               m    443   393    4     444
    EXCLUSIVE segments                   Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                           112       12        0      111
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              PSize  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
        851d         2 work process private             sm     19     4    0      19
        e6fb         2 work process private             sm     19     4    0      19
       1940f         2 work process private             sm     19     4    0      19
        1017         f work shared library data         sm     18     0    0      18
        6f73         f work shared library data         sm     18     0    0      18
        4a71         f work shared library data         sm     18     0    0      18
       24626         1 clnt code,/dev/hd2:338            s      1     0    -       -
    SHARED segments                      Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                          9056        0       16     9056
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              PSize  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
        502d         d work shared library text          m    566     0    1     566
    # svmon -C yes -O segment=category,filterprop=text    
    Unit: page
    Command                              Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    yes                                      1        0        0        0
    EXCLUSIVE segments                   Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                             1        0        0        0
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              PSize  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
       24626         1 clnt code,/dev/hd2:338            s      1     0    -       -
    # svmon -C yes -O segment=category,filterprop=data
    Unit: page
    Command                              Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    yes                                  16255     6300       80    16271
    SYSTEM segments                      Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                          7088     6288       64     7104
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              PSize  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
           0         0 work kernel segment               m    443   393    4     444
    EXCLUSIVE segments                   Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                           111       12        0      111
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              PSize  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
        e6fb         2 work process private             sm     19     4    0      19
        851d         2 work process private             sm     19     4    0      19
       1940f         2 work process private             sm     19     4    0      19
        4a71         f work shared library data         sm     18     0    0      18
        1017         f work shared library data         sm     18     0    0      18
        6f73         f work shared library data         sm     18     0    0      18
    SHARED segments                      Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
                                          9056        0       16     9056
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              PSize  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
        502d         d work shared library text          m    566     0    1     566
  • -O filterpgsz=[off | s m | L | S]: this option filters the segment based on their page size. Multiple page size segments can be selected using multiple code letters in the form <min_size><max_size>: -O filterpgsz="sm s" filters the small page segments and the multiple page size segments with small and medium pages.

    For the -P report however, the behavior is slightly different. Indeed, the report contains all the processes having at least one page of the size specified with the -O filterpgsz option, and for these processes, svmon displays all their segments (whatever their page size).


    # svmon -P -O segment=on,filterpgsz=L
    Unit: page
         Pid Command          Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
      270450 ptxtst_shm_al    21674    17136        0    21658
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              PSize  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
       10002         0 work kernel segment               m    607   556    0     607
      1b9b35  70000000 work default shmat/mmap           L      2     2    0       2
       28005  9ffffffd work shared library               s   1767     0    0    1767
      188030  90000000 work shared library text          m    110     0    0     110
      1010a2  90020014 work shared library               s    114     0    0     114
      209b43 f00000002 work process private              m      5     3    0       5
      3c107a  9fffffff clnt USLA text,/dev/hd2:2774      s     13     0    -       -
       7000e  9ffffffe work shared library               s     11     0    0      11
       21b06  9001000a work shared library data          s     11     0    0      11
      241b4a  80020014 work USLA heap                    s      5     0    0       5
      281b52  8fffffff work private load data            s      4     0    0       4
      131a24        10 clnt text data BSS heap,          s      3     0    -       -
      2a1b56        11 work text data BSS heap           s      1     0    0       1
      159a29  ffffffff work application stack            s      1     0    0       1
         Pid Command          Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
      266262 ptxtst_shm_al    17578    13040        0    17562
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              PSize  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
       10002         0 work kernel segment               m    607   556    0     607
      119ba1  70000000 work default shmat/mmap           L      1     1    0       1
       28005  9ffffffd work shared library               s   1767     0    0    1767
      188030  90000000 work shared library text          m    110     0    0     110
      1010a2  90020014 work shared library               s    114     0    0     114
      3e19fe f00000002 work process private              m      5     3    0       5
      3c107a  9fffffff clnt USLA text,/dev/hd2:2774      s     13     0    -       -
       7000e  9ffffffe work shared library               s     11     0    0      11
       c1a1a  9001000a work shared library data          s     11     0    0      11
      2a9a57  80020014 work USLA heap                    s      5     0    0       5
      149b2b  8fffffff work private load data            s      4     0    0       4
      131a24        10 clnt text data BSS heap,          s      3     0    -       -
      1f9b3d  ffffffff work application stack            s      1     0    0       1
      2b1b54        11 work text data BSS heap           s      1     0    0       1
                       Addr Range: 0..3012

    In this example, all processes running large pages are reported. For these processes, all segments are displayed whatever their page size.

    # svmon -U root -O filterpgsz=L,segment=on
    Unit: page
    User                                 Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    root                                 12288    12288        0    12288
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              PSize  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
      1b9b35  70000000 work default shmat/mmap           L      2     2    0       2
      119ba1  70000000 work default shmat/mmap           L      1     1    0       1
    # svmon -C ptxtst_shm_alt_pgsz -O filterpgsz=L,segment=on
    Unit: page
    Command                              Inuse      Pin     Pgsp  Virtual
    ptxtst_shm_alt_pgsz                   12288   12288        0    12288
        Vsid      Esid Type Description              PSize  Inuse   Pin Pgsp Virtual
      1b9b35  70000000 work default shmat/mmap           L      2     2    0       2
      119ba1  70000000 work default shmat/mmap           L      1     1    0       1

    The previous two examples illustrate the difference of behavior with -P. In these examples, for the given entity, only the pages of the given size are kept in the report.