Viewing the network adapter settings

You can use the lsattr -E -l adapter-name command or you can use the SMIT command (smitty commodev) to show the adapter configuration.

Different adapters have different names for these variables. For example, they may be named sw_txq_size, tx_que_size, or xmt_que_size for the transmit queue parameter. The receive queue size and receive buffer pool parameters may be named rec_que_size, rx_que_size, or rv_buf4k_min for example.

The following is an example from the output of the lsattr -E -l atm0 command on an IBM® PCI 622 Mbps ATM adapter. The output shows the sw_txq_size is set to 2048 and the rx_buf4K_min receive buffers set to 256.
# lsattr -E -l atm0
adapter_clock  0           Provide SONET Clock                          True
alt_addr       0x0         ALTERNATE ATM MAC address (12 hex digits)    True
busintr        99          Bus Interrupt Level                          False
interface_type 0           Sonet or SDH interface                       True
intr_priority  3           Interrupt Priority                           False
max_vc         1024        Maximum Number of VCs Needed                 True
min_vc         64          Minimum Guaranteed VCs Supported             True
regmem         0xe0008000  Bus Memory address of Adapter Registers      False
rx_buf4k_max   0           Maximum 4K-byte pre-mapped receive buffers   True
rx_buf4k_min   256         Minimum 4K-byte pre-mapped receive buffers   True
rx_checksum    yes         Enable Hardware Receive Checksum             True
rx_dma_mem     0x4000000   Receive  bus memory address range            False
sw_txq_size    2048        Software Transmit Queue size                 True
tx_dma_mem     0x2000000   Transmit bus memory address range            False
uni_vers       auto_detect SVC UNI Version                              True
use_alt_addr   no          Enable ALTERNATE ATM MAC address             True
virtmem        0xe0000000  Bus Memory address of Adapter Virtual Memory False

Following is an example of the settings of a PCI-X Gigabit Ethernet adapter using the lsattr -E -l ent0 command. This output shows the tx_que_size set to 8192, the rxbuf_pool_sz set to 2048, and the rx_que_size set to 1024.

# lsattr -E -l ent0

alt_addr       0x000000000000   Alternate ethernet address                    True
busintr        163              Bus interrupt level                           False
busmem         0xc0080000       Bus memory address                            False
chksum_offload yes              Enable hardware transmit and receive checksum True
compat_mode    no               Gigabit Backward compatibility                True
copy_bytes     2048             Copy packet if this many or less bytes        True
flow_ctrl      yes              Enable Transmit and Receive Flow Control      True
intr_priority  3                Interrupt priority                            False
intr_rate      10000            Max rate of interrupts generated by adapter   True
jumbo_frames   no               Transmit jumbo frames                         True
large_send     yes              Enable hardware TX TCP resegmentation         True
media_speed    Auto_Negotiation Media speed                                   True
rom_mem        0xc0040000       ROM memory address                            False
rx_hog         1000             Max rcv buffers processed per rcv interrupt   True
rxbuf_pool_sz  2048             Rcv buffer pool, make 2X rxdesc_que_sz        True
rxdesc_que_sz  1024             Rcv descriptor queue size                     True
slih_hog       10               Max Interrupt events processed per interrupt  True
tx_que_sz      8192             Software transmit queue size                  True
txdesc_que_sz  512              TX descriptor queue size                      True
use_alt_addr   no               Enable alternate ethernet address             True