lssensor Command


Displays information about sensors and microsensors that are defined to the resource monitoring and control (RMC) subsystem.


lssensor [-m] [ -a | -n host1[,host2…] | -N { node_file "–" } ] [ -l | -t | -d | -D delimiter ] [-x] [-h] [ -v | -V ] [ -A | sensor_name1 [ sensor_name2…] ]


The lssensor command displays the attributes of one or more sensors. If you do not specify any name parameters, the lssensor command lists the names of all of the sensors. Use the -A flag to list all of the sensors and all of their attributes and values. Use the -m flag to display information about microsensors.

The lssensor command displays values for attributes that you can set using a sensor command or a microsensor module, if the attributes are monitored. If the attributes are not monitored, lssensor does not display their values. A sensor command is a command or script that the sensor resource manager runs to set and update a sensor's attribute values. A microsensor module is a loadable module that the microsensor resource manager runs to set and update a microsensor's attribute values.

Use the -l, -t, -d, or -D flags to display the output in long format, table format, or delimiter format. The -x flag omits headings when any of these flags are used.

The lssensor command runs on any node. If you want lssensor to run on all of the nodes in a domain, use the -a flag. If you want lssensor to run on a subset of nodes in a domain, use the -n flag. Instead of specifying multiple node names using the -n flag, you can use the -N node_file flag to indicate that the node names are in a file. Use -N "–" to read the node names from standard input.

If Cluster Systems Management (CSM) is installed on your system, you can use CSM defined node groups as node name values to refer to more than one node. For information about working with CSM node groups and using the CSM nodegrp command, see the CSM: Administration Guide and the CSM: Command and Technical Reference.

The lssensor command lists the following information about defined sensors:
Field Description
Name The name of the sensor.
Command The command that is run to update the sensor attributes
ConfigChanged Information about changes to access or to persistent attributes
ControlFlags Indicates whether any special handling is required for this sensor
Description This field is not used
ErrorExitValue Indicates how the exit value is interpreted by the sensor resource manager
ErrorMessage This field is not used
ExitValue The exit code from the command that is running
Float32 The type float32 attribute for this sensor resource
Float64 The type float64 attribute for this sensor resource
Int32 The type int32 attribute for this sensor resource
Int64 The type int64 attribute for this sensor resource
MonitorStatus This attribute is set to 1 when certain sensor attributes are being monitored
NodeNameList The name of the node where the sensor resource is defined
RefreshInterval The interval (in seconds) during which the sensor attribute values are updated when the sensor command is run
SavedData An output string from the sensor command
SD Contains all dynamic resource attributes except ConfigChanged, Quantum, and ExitValue as its elements
String The type string attribute for this sensor resource
TimeCommandRun Indicates the date and time that the sensor command was run
Uint32 The type uint32 attribute for this sensor resource
Uint64 The type uint64 attribute for this sensor resource
UserName The user ID that is used when run the sensor command is run
The lssensor command displays the following information about defined microsensors:
Field Description
Name The name of the microsensor.
ActivePeerDomain The peer domain for which information is being displayed.
Arguments The arguments for this microsensor resource.
ConfigChanged Information about changes to persistent attributes or to access.
CustomDynamicAttributes The custom dynamic attributes for this microsensor resource.
Description Information about the microsensor and what it monitors.
Float32 The type float32 attribute for this microsensor resource.
Float32Array The type float32 array attribute for this microsensor resource.
Float64 The type float64 attribute for this microsensor resource.
Float64Array The type float64 array attribute for this microsensor resource.
Int32 The type int32 attribute for this microsensor resource.
Int32Array The type int32 array attribute for this microsensor resource.
Int64 The type int64 attribute for this microsensor resource.
Int64Array The type int64 array attribute for this microsensor resource.
LastQueryRC The return code from the microsensor module from the last time the microsensor was called for an attribute of the microsensor resource.
LastQueryTime The time of LastQueryRC.
ModuleName The path name to the loadable microsensor module.
MonitorStatus This attribute is set to 1 when any of the other microsensor attributes is being monitored.
NodeNameList The name of the node where this microsensor is defined.
RefreshInterval The interval (in seconds) during which the microsensor attribute values are updated when the microsensor callback is called.
String The type string attribute for this microsensor resource.
StringArray The type string array attribute for this microsensor resource.
UInt32 The type uint32 attribute for this microsensor resource.
UInt32Array The type uint32 array attribute for this microsensor resource.
UInt64 The type uint64 attribute for this microsensor resource.
UInt64Array The type uint64 array attribute for this microsensor resource.


Lists sensors that match the specified name on all nodes in the domain. The CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE environment variable determines the cluster scope. If CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE is not set, first the management domain scope is chosen if it exists, then the peer domain scope is chosen if it exists, and then local scope is chosen, until the scope is valid for the command. The command will run once for the first valid scope found. For example, if both a management domain and a peer domain exist, lssensor -a with CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE not set will run in the management domain. In this case, to run in the peer domain, set CT_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE to 2.
Displays all of the sensors with their attributes and values.
Specifies delimiter-formatted output. The default delimiter is a colon (:). Use the -D flag if you want to change the default delimiter.
–D delimiter
Specifies delimiter-formatted output that uses the specified delimiter. Use this flag to specify something other than the default colon (:). An example is when the data to be displayed contains colons. Use this flag to specify a delimiter of one or more characters.
Specifies that the information be displayed in "long" format. Each attribute is displayed on a separate line.
Specifies that information about microsensors will be displayed.
-n host1[,host2…]
Specifies the node from which the sensor should be listed. By default, the sensor is listed from the local node. This flag is only appropriate in a management domain or a peer domain.
-N {node_file | "-"}
Specifies that node names are read from a file or from standard input. Use -N node_file to indicate that the node names are in a file.
  • There is one node name per line in node_file
  • A number sign (#) in column 1 indicates that the line is a comment
  • Any blank characters to the left of a node name are ignored
  • Any characters to the right of a node name are ignored
Use -N "–" in a management domain or a peer domain to read the node names from standard input.
Specifies table format. Each attribute is displayed in a separate column, with one sensor resource per line.
Suppresses header printing when -l, -t, -d, or -D is specified.
Writes the command's usage statement to standard output.
-v │ -V
Writes the command's verbose messages to standard output.


sensor_name1 [sensor_name2…]
Specifies the names of one or more sensors to display.


To display sensor information using this command, you need read permission for the IBM®.Sensor resource class. To display microsensor information using this command, you need read permission for the IBM.MicroSensor resource class. Permissions are specified in the access control list (ACL) file on the contacted system. See the Administering RSCT guide for details on the ACL file and how to modify it.

Exit Status

The command has run successfully.
An incorrect combination of flags and parameters has been entered.
No sensor resources were found.
Based on other errors that can be returned by the RMC subsystem.

Environment Variables

When the CT_CONTACT environment variable is set to a host name or IP address, the command contacts the resource monitoring and control (RMC) daemon on the specified host. If this environment variable is not set, the command contacts the RMC daemon on the local system where the command is being run. The resource class or resources that are displayed or modified by the command are located on the system to which the connection is established.
When the CT_IP_AUTHENT environment variable exists, the RMC daemon uses IP-based network authentication to contact the RMC daemon on the system that is specified by the IP address to which the CT_CONTACT environment variable is set. CT_IP_AUTHENT only has meaning if CT_CONTACT is set to an IP address; it does not rely on the domain name system (DNS) service.
Determines the management scope that is used for the session with the RMC daemon to monitor and control the resources and resource classes. The management scope determines the set of possible target nodes where the resources and resource classes can be monitored and controlled.
The valid values are:
Specifies local scope.
Specifies local scope.
Specifies peer domain scope.
Specifies management domain scope.
If this environment variable is not set, local scope is used.

Implementation Specifics

This command is part of the Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) fileset for AIX®.


  1. To list the names of all of the sensors, enter:
    The output will look like this:
  2. To list the names and attributes of all sensors, enter:
    lssensor -A
    The output will look like this:
     Name = sensor1
     ActivePeerDomain =
     Command = /usr/local/bin/sensorcmd1
     ConfigChanged = 0
     ControlFlags = 1
     Description =
     ErrorExitValue = 1
     ExitValue = 0
     Float32 = 1.06381e+06
     Float64 = 1.06381e+06
     Int32 = 1063814
     Int64 = 1063814
     NodeNameList = {}
     RefreshInterval = 60
     SavedData = Last SavedData
     SD = [string from sensor1,1063814,1063814,1063814,1063814,1.06381e+06,1.06381e+06]
     String = string from sensor1
     Uint32 = 1063814
     Uint64 = 1063814
     UserName = root
     Name = CFMRootModTime
     ActivePeerDomain =
     Command = /opt/csm/csmbin/mtime/cfmroot
     ConfigChanged = 0
     ControlFlags = 0
     Description =
     ErrorExitValue = 1
     ExitValue = 0
     Float32 = 0
     Float64 = 0
     Int32 = 0
     Int64 = 0
     NodeNameList = {}
     RefreshInterval = 60
     SavedData =
     SD = [,0,0,0,0,0,0]
     String =
     Uint32 = 0
     Uint64 = 0
     UserName = root
     Name = ErrorLogSensor
     ActivePeerDomain =
     Command = /opt/csm/csmbin/monerrorlog
     ConfigChanged = 0
     ControlFlags = 0
     Description =
     ErrorExitValue = 1
     ExitValue = 0
     Float32 = 0
     Float64 = 0
     Int32 = 0
     Int64 = 0
     NodeNameList = {}
     RefreshInterval = 60
     SavedData =
     SD = [,0,0,0,0,0,0]
     String =
     Uint32 = 0
     Uint64 = 0
     UserName = root
  3. To list the attributes of sensor2, enter:
    lssensor sensor2
    The output will look like this:
    Name = sensor2
    Command = /usr/local/bin/sensorcmd2
    ConfigChanged = 0
    ControlFlags = 0 
    Description =
    ErrorExitValue = 1
    ExitValue = 127
    Float32 = 0
    Float64 = 0
    Int32 = 0
    Int64 = 0
    NodeNameList = {}
    RefreshInterval = 60
    SavedData = 
    SD = [,0,0,0,0,0,0] 
    String =
    Uint32 = 0
    Uint64 = 0
    UserName = root
  4. To list all of the sensors' information using delimited output, enter:
    lssensor -dA
    The output will look like this:
    Displaying sensor information:
    JoeExample:JoeDomain:cat /etc/motd:0:0::1::0:
    :Fri Feb  6 19:00:00 2009:::root:
    :Fri Feb  6 19:00:00 2009:::root:
    :Tue Mar  3 10:27:19 2009:::root:                  
  5. To list the names of all of the sensors on the nodes that are listed in the /u/joe/common_nodes file, enter:
    lssensor -N /u/joe/common_nodes
    where /u/joe/common_nodes contains:
    # common node file
    #    main node    backup node    
    The output will look like this:
  6. To list the names of all of the microsensors, enter:
    lssensor -m
    The output will look like this:
  7. To list the attributes of the microsensor IBM.MSensor2, enter:
    lssensor -m IBM.MSensor2
    The output will look like this:
    Name = IBM.MSensor2
    ActivePeerDomain = 
    Arguments = all
    ConfigChanged = 0
    CustomDynamicAttributes = {[CDA1,19,1,3,0,1],[CDA2,20,2,2,0,1],[CDA3,21,3,2,0,1] 
    Description =  
    Float32 =
    Float32Array =
    Float64 =	
    Float64Array =
    Int32 = 52
    Int32Array = {36, 45, 2, 73}
    Int64 =
    Int64Array =
    LastQueryRC = 0 
    LastQueryTime = Tue Mar 31 18:00:00 2009 
    ModuleName = /usr/slib/msensors/sensor2
    MonitorStatus = 0 
    NodeNameList = {}
    RefreshInterval = 600    
    String =
    StringArray =
    UInt32 =
    UInt32Array =
    UInt64 =
    UInt64Array =

