lecstat Command


Displays operational information about an Asynchronous Transfer Mode network protocol (ATM) Local Area Network (LAN) Emulation Client.


lecstat [ -a -c -q -r -s -t -v ] Device_Name


This command displays ATM LAN Emulation Client (LEC) operational information gathered by a specified LEC device. If a LEC device name is not entered, statistics for all available LEC's appear. Select a flag to narrow down your search results. You can display specific categories of information such as Configuration, LE_ARP Cache Entries, Virtual Connections, and Statistics, or you can choose to display all of the information categories.

You can also toggle debug tracing on or off and reset statistics counters.


Item Description
Device_Name The name of the LE Client device, for example, ent1.


Item Description
-a Requests all the LE Client information. This flag does not reset statistics counters or toggle trace.
-c Requests the configuration.
-q Requests the LE_ARP cache.
-r Resets the statistics counters after reading.
-s Requests the statistics counters.
-t Toggles full debug trace on or off.
-v Requests the list of virtual connections.

The following information appears for all valid calls and contains the following fields:

Device Type
Displays a description of the LAN Emulation Client (example: Ethernet or Token Ring)
LAN MAC Address
Displays the LAN Emulation Client's 6-byte Ethernet or Token Ring MAC address.
ATM Address
Displays the LAN Emulation Client's 20-byte Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) address.
Elapsed Time
Displays the real time period which has elapsed since statistics were last reset.
Driver Flags
The current LAN Emulation Client(LEC) device driver NDD status flags. Example status flags:
Broadcast       Allowing broadcast packets.
Dead            Requires re-open.
Debug           Internal debug tracing enabled.
Limbo           Attempting ELAN recovery.
Running         Fully operational on the ELAN.
Up              Device has been opened.
Configuration Information
Selected with the -a or -c flags. Displays the network administrator's pre-configured attributes, as well as the current ELAN configuration values as defined by the LANE Servers.
Lane LE_ARP Table Entries
Selected with the -a or -q flags. Displays the current LE Client ARP cache. Included are the type of entry, it's state, the remote LAN MAC address or route descriptor, the remote ATM address and some descriptive values.
Example Types
BUS-PP              Broadcast and Unknown Server (point-to-point).
BUS-MP              Broadcast and Unknown Server (multi-point).
Data                Data (point-to-point).
LES-PP              LE Server (point-to-point).
LES-MP              LE Server (multi-point).
Example States
Arping          Attempting to locate remote client/server via LE_ARP.
Connected       Fully connected to the remote client/server.
Flushing        Flushing the data path to the client/server.
Known           Remote address is known but no connection yet.
Unknown         Remote address in unknown and not able to LE_ARP yet.
Lane Servers and Statistics
Selected with the -a or -s flags. Displays the current Transmit, Receive, and General statistics for this LE Client, as well as the ATM addresses of the current and available LANE Servers.
Lane connections
Selected with the -a or -v flags. Displays the current list of virtual connections in use by this LE Client. Included are virtual path and channel values, remote ATM address, and some descriptive values such as whether this connection was started by the remote, whether it is a duplicate connection, or whether the remote station is proxied by another LE Client.

Exit Status

If you specify an invalid Device_Name, this command produces error messages stating that it could not connect to the device. Examples of an invalid device error message might be:

LECSTAT: No LANE device configured.
LECSTAT: Device is not a LANE device.
LECSTAT: Device is not available.