Setting up the install node

The first step in using the spectrumscale installation toolkit for installing IBM Spectrum Scale™ and deploying protocols is to configure your install node.

A good candidate for your install node is the GPFS™ admin node, because a prerequisite of this node is that it must be able to communicate with all other nodes without the need to provide a password. Also, SSH connections between the admin node and all other nodes must be set up to suppress prompting. Therefore, no prompts should exist when using ssh among any cluster nodes to and from each other, and to and from the server.

First, find the install toolkit by changing directories to where it was extracted (the default extraction path is shown below. This path may vary, depending on the code level).

cd/ usr/lpp/mmfs/
To configure the install node, issue the following command:
./spectrumscale setup -s ServerIP -i SSHIdentity

The -s argument identifies the IP that nodes will use to retrieve their configuration. This IP will be one associated with a device on the install node. (This is automatically validated during the setup phase.)

Optionally, you can specify a private SSH key to be used to communicate with nodes in the cluster definition file, using the -i argument.

As part of the setup process, the appropriate Chef packages will be deployed on the install node.