Example scenario - administering unified file and object access

The following example describes an end-to-end scenario of administering and using unified file and object access.

Before you can use the following steps, IBM Spectrum Scale™ for object storage must be installed.

This example provides a quick reference of steps performed for unified file and object access. For detailed information about these steps, see Administering unified file and object access.

  1. Enable the file-access object capability as follows.
    mmobj config change --ccrfile spectrum-scale-object.conf \
    --section capabilities --property file-access-enabled --value true
  2. [Optional] Change the objectizer service interval as follows.
    mmobj config change --ccrfile spectrum-scale-objectizer.conf \
    --section DEFAULT --property objectization_interval --value 600
  3. [Optional] Change the identity management mode to unified_mode as follows.
    mmobj config change --ccrfile object-server-sof.conf \
    --section DEFAULT --property id_mgmt --value unified_mode
  4. [Optional] Set the ad_domain parameter as follows.
    mmobj config change --ccrfile object-server-sof.conf \
    --section DEFAULT --property ad_domain --value ADDOMAINX
  5. Create a unified file and object access storage policy as follows.
    mmobj policy create SwiftOnFileFS --enable-file-access

    The system displays output similar to the following:

    [I] Getting latest configuration from ccr
    [I] Creating fileset /dev/gpfs0:obj_SwiftOnFileFS
    [I] Creating new unique index and building the object rings
    [I] Updating the configuration
    [I] Uploading the changed configuration

    This command also creates a unified file and object access enabled fileset.

  6. Create a base container with a unified file and object access storage policy as follows.
    swift post unified_access -H "X-Storage-Policy: SwiftOnFileFS"
  7. Store the path created for the container by finding it in the newly created fileset as follows.
    export FILE_EXPORT_PATH=`find  /ibm/gpfs0/obj_SwiftOnFileFS/
     -name "unified_access"`
    # echo $FILE_EXPORT_PATH
  8. Create an SMB export on the path as follows.
    mmsmb export add unified_access $FILE_EXPORT_PATH

    The system displays output similar to the following:

    mmsmb export add: The SMB export was created successfully
  9. Create an NFS export on the path.
     mmnfs export add  $FILE_EXPORT_PATH --client 

    The system displays output similar to the following:  Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop  nfs-ganesha.service  Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop  nfs-ganesha.service  Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start  nfs-ganesha.service  Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start  nfs-ganesha.service
    NFS Configuration successfully changed. NFS server restarted on all NFS nodes.
  10. Check the NFS and SMB exports.
    mmnfs export list 
    Path                                                			Delegations Clients 
    AUTH_09271462d54b472c82adecff17217586/unified_access    	none        *
    mmsmb export list 
    export           path                                    guest ok    smb encrypt   
    unified_access   /ibm/gpfs0/obj_SwiftOnFileFS/
    AUTH_09271462d54b472c82adecff17217586/unified_access     no          auto          
    The following options are not displayed because they do not contain a value:
  11. Access this export with NFS or SMB clients and create a sample directory and a file. For example: DirCreatedFromGPFS/File1.txt and DirCreatedFromSMB/File2.txt

    You can view the association of ownership when data is created from the SMB interface as follows.

    ls -l /ibm/gpfs0/obj_SwiftOnFileFS/s10041510210z1device1/
    total 0
    -rwxr--r--. 1 ADDOMAINX\administrator 
    ADDOMAINX\domain users 20 Oct 21 18:09 File2.txt
    mmgetacl /ibm/gpfs0/obj_SwiftOnFileFS/s10041510210z1device1/
    #NFSv4 ACL
    #group:ADDOMAINX\domain users
     (-)DELETE    (X)DELETE_CHILD (X)CHOWN        
     (-)DELETE    (-)DELETE_CHILD (-)CHOWN        

    You can view the container and the file created from the REST interface and retention of ownership in the PUT operation as follows.

    ls -l /ibm/gpfs0/obj_SwiftOnFileFS/s10041510210z1device1/
    -rwxr-xr-x. 1 ADDOMAINX\administrator ADDOMAINX\domain users 520038360 Nov 3 11:47 
  12. Objectize that file immediately by using the following command or wait for the objectization cycle to complete.
    mmobj file-access --object-path \
  13. Download that object using the Swift client which is configured with all variables as follows.
    swift download unified_access/File2.txt
  14. List the contents of the container using the Swift client which is configured with all variables as follows.
    swift list unified_access

    The system displays output similar to the following:

Note: The steps performed using swift commands can also be done using curl. For more information, see curl commands for unified file and object access related user tasks.