IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager, Version 6.2.2

Custom property for OpenID

Use the OpenID custom properties to suit your deployment requirements.

A plugin module ID for a module that implements the extension point. There are two examples which implement this extension:
  • TrustedSitesManagerCookieImpl
  • TrustedSitesManagerMemoryImpl
When the parameter is not specified, the default is TrustedSitesManagerCookieImpl.
  • Type: String
  • Example value: TrustedSitesManagerCookieImpl
Specifies the number of seconds for which discovered information for any OpenID user-supplied identifier is cached. If this value is less than or equal to zero, the data is not cached at all (default). This parameter controls a cache for discovered information. Use this parameter only when the same OP identifier logon is frequently used by a majority of the users of the system. For example, in an intranet deployment.
Controls whether verification is done on claimed identifiers when an OP-identifier logon is performed. This parameter is only set to true in an environment which uses trusted OP with the relying party. Otherwise, a security exposure exists. This parameter is typically used in an intranet environment.
  • Type: Boolean
  • Example value: False (default)
