IBM Datacap, Version 8.1            

Skipping a verification task

You can configure your application to skip the verification task and proceed directly to exporting the data when every page passes validation.

You need to set the mode to Router for the task that precedes the task that you want to skip. In this case, the Profiler task precedes the verification task. Also, you must create a ruleset that includes a condition to cause the skip. Finally, you must add the ruleset at the end of the Profiler task in Datacap Studio.
  1. Start Taskmaster Web and log in to the application that contains that task to be skipped.
  2. Click the Administrator, expand the job that contains the verification task, and select the task before the verification task. In most applications, the Profiler task (the task that applies validation rules) precedes the verification.
  3. In the Selected task details section, select Router from the menu for the Mode field.
  4. Under Parameters, enter a value, such as Skip for the Returned Conditions key.
  5. Select the condition (Skip), and in the Selected condition details window, select Jump from the menu for the Spawm type field, and enter 1 for the Steps field. A value of 1 configures the workflow so that one task is skipped when the condition is encountered. In this case, the condition is every page passed validation.
  6. Start Datacap Studio and log in to the same application that you configured in Taskmaster Web in steps 1 - 5.
  7. Click the Rulesets tab, lock the rulesets for editing, and add a ruleset with a name such as Skip Verify.
  8. Rename Rule 1 to a name such as Check Confidence.
  9. Click Function1, select an action from the corresponding action library, and click Add to Function to add the action to Function1. Refer to the table to determine the action library from which to select an action and the parameter values to enter.
    Important: You must add the actions in the order shown.
    Action Library Action Values to enter Description
    DCO SetPageStatus 0 0 indicates that the page passed validation.
    DCO ChkConfidence 8,1 The first parameter sets a high-confidence level, and 1 is the code to return for low confidence fields on the page.
    RRunner Task_NumberOfSplits 1 1 indicates that there is one subbatch.
    RRunner Task_RaiseCondition 0,0 The first value in the pair indicates the subbatch index, where 0 is the first subbatch. The second value raises the first Child Job Condition (in this case, Skip Verify) for the subbatch entry.
  10. Save and publish the ruleset.
  11. Click the Task Profiles tab, select the Profiler task profile, and lock it for editing,
  12. In the Rulemanager tab, select Skip Verify (or the ruleset that you created in step 7), and click Add ruleset to profile to add the ruleset to the Profiler task profile.
  13. Click Save in the Task Profiles tab, and unlock the Profiler task profile.


Last updated: November 2013

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