dsexport command

The dsexport command is a Microsoft Windows application that you use to export InfoSphere® DataStage® components to a file. You can export an entire job by using this command.


The dsexport command includes the following syntax:

dsexport.exe /AF=authfile | 
/D=domain /H=hostname [/U=username [/P=password]]
project pathname1
Name of the encrypted credentials file that contains the connection details.
domain | domain:port_number
Name of the application server. This parameter can also have a port number.
Host name for the InfoSphere Information Server engine where you are exporting the file to.
Name of the user that is connecting to the application server.
Password for the username that is connecting to the application server.
Name of the job that you want to export.
Name of the project that you are exporting components from.
Full path name of the file that you are exporting.
Exports the file in XML format. This option is available only when using the /JOB=jobname option.
Exports external values. This option is available only when using the /XML option.
Exports job executables only. This option is available when using the /JOB=jobname option, and cannot be used in conjunction with the /XML option.
Appends to an existing .dsx file. This option is available only when using the /EXEC only.

If you do not use the /AF option and you want to run the command without any user interaction, you must supply all of the connection details on the command line. If all of the connection details are not supplied on the command line, the Logon dialog is displayed. The Logon dialog is pre-filled with the values from the command line. Any missing values are pre-filled with the values from your most recent successful connection, except for the Password field which you must supply. The password is not displayed as you type in the Logon dialog.

The following command exports the dstage2 project from the R101 server to the dstage2.dsx file:

dsexport.exe /D=domain:9080 /H=R101 /U=billg /P=paddock 
dstage2 C:\temp\dstage2.dsx