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Dimension Statement

Defines the dimensions of one or more arrays. Not available in expressions.


Dimension matrix (rows, columns) [ ,matrix (rows, columns) ] ...
Dimension vector (max) [ , vector (max) ] ...

matrix is a two-dimensional array to be dimensioned.

rows is the maximum number of rows in the array.

columns is the maximum number of columns in the array.

vector is a one-dimensional array to be dimensioned.

max is the maximum number of elements in the array.


Arrays can be redimensioned at run time. You can change an array from one-dimensional to two-dimensional and vice versa.

The values of array elements are affected by redimensioning as follows:

If there is not enough memory for the array, the Dimension statement fails and a following InMat function returns 1.

To assign values to the elements of the array, use the Mat statement and assignment statements.


This example illustrates how a matrix can be dimensioned dynamically at run time based on incoming argument values:

Subroutine MyRoutine(InputArg, ErrorCode)
   ErrorCode = 0
* InputArg is 2 comma-separated fields, being the dimensions.
   Rows = Field(InputArg, ",", 1)
   Cols = Field(InputArg ",", 2)
   Dimension MyMatrix(Rows, Cols)
   If InMat = 1 Then
   * Failed to get space for matrix - exit with error status.
      Call DSLogWarn("Could not dimension matrix","MyRoutine")
      ErrorCode = -1
   * Carry on.

PDFThis topic is also in the IBM InfoSphere DataStage Server Job Developer's Guide.

Update timestamp Last updated: 2010-09-30