Information icon IBM InfoSphere DataStage and InfoSphere QualityStage, Version 8.5
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Document settings page

About this task

This page includes up to five tabs, which control the inclusion of following items in the output:

Generating XML fragments

To indicate that the generated XML includes only XML fragments, select the Generate XML Chunk box.

The number of tabs depends on whether the Generate XML Chunk box is selected. If not selected, all five Document Settings tabs are present. If selected, the tabs include only Comment, Namespace Declaration and Nested Chunk.

Comment Tab

Use this tab to toggle the inclusion of the following XML comment in the generated XML. The comment is inserted after the XML declaration.

- Generated by IBM Corporation, InfoSphere DataStage - XMLOutput stage - 
- Date

Header tab

About this task

Use this tab to insert processing instructions, comments, and other information between the XML declaration and the root element in the generated XML.

You can access a header from the InfoSphere™ DataStage® client or from the engine tier. In addition, you can type tags in the text box.

To specify a header on the engine tier host:

  1. Click the Include box.
  2. Click the File Path button.
  3. Click the Load (server) button.

    The Browse File dialog box opens.

  4. Locate the file and click OK.

    The file path appears in the text box.

To specify a header on the InfoSphere DataStage client workstation:

  1. Click the Include box.
  2. Click the Text button.
  3. Click the Load (client) button.

    The Open dialog box opens.

  4. Locate the file and click OK.

    The header tags appear in the text box.

Namespace Declaration tab

About this task

Use this tab to insert a space-delimited list of namespace declarations within the generated root element tag.

The syntax is: xmlns:<prefix>="<namespace_url>"

You can load namespace declarations from only table definitions that XML Meta Data Importer generates. If you did not use XML Meta Data Importer, type the declarations in the text box.

To load namespace declarations:

  1. Click the Include box.
  2. Click the Load button.

    The Table Definitions dialog box opens.

  3. Locate the table definition containing the namespace declarations and click OK.

    The namespace declarations appear in the text box.

Document type tab

About this task

Use this tab to insert a document type declaration in the generated XML.

You can access a document type declaration from the InfoSphere DataStage client or engine tier host. In addition, you can type the declaration in the text box.

To specify a document type declaration on the engine tier workstation:

  1. Click the Include box.
  2. Click the File Path button.
  3. Click the Load (server) button.

    The Browse File dialog box opens.

  4. Locate the file and click OK.

    The file path appears in the text box.

To specify a document type declaration on the InfoSphere DataStage client workstation:

  1. Click the Includebox.
  2. Click the Text button.
  3. Click the Load (client) button.

    The Open dialog box opens.

  4. Locate the file and click OK.

    The document type declaration appears in the text box.

Nested Chunk tab

About this task

Use this tab to insert a nested chunk in the generated XML.

You can access a nested chunk from the InfoSphere DataStage client or engine tier host, or from a web site. In addition, you can type the nested chunk in the text box.

To specify a nested chunk on the engine tier host:

  1. Click the Include box.
  2. Click the File Path button.
  3. Click the Load (server) button.

    The Browse File dialog box opens.

  4. Locate the file and click OK.

    The file path appears in the text box.

To specify a nested chunk on the InfoSphere DataStage client workstation:

  1. Click the Include box.
  2. Click the Text button.
  3. Click the Load (client) button.

    The Open dialog box opens.

  4. Locate the file and click OK.

    The nested chunk appears in the text box.

PDFThis topic is also in the IBM InfoSphere DataStage XML Pack Guide.

Update timestamp Last updated: 2010-09-30