Working with the exception management reports

You can use the exception management reports of IBM® InfoSphere® Information Governance Dashboard to view reports on exceptions sets. These exceptions sets are generated in other IBM InfoSphere Information Server components, such as IBM InfoSphere Information Analyzer and IBM InfoSphere DataStage®.

The main access to the exception management reports is through the pages of the exception management reports workspace. In the public folder Exception Management, click Exception Management Dashboard (shortcut) to open the workspace.

The Workspaces folder contains the exception management reports workspace and reports that use its header elements. Workspaces are based on the charts and lists that are defined in the 'libraries' of the Charts and List folder. The exception management reports workspace displays information about exception sets that were generated in other IBM InfoSphere Information Server components. The workspace includes these pages: Overview, Data Steward Manager Summary, Data Steward Manager Details, Data Steward, and Exception Sets.

The Reports folder contains all of the charts, lists, and drill-through reports that appear in the exception management reports workspace. It also contains many additional charts and lists for use by custom workspaces. These charts and lists are stored in the Charts and Lists folder. The drill-through reports are accessed by links in charts, lists, or reports. These drill-through reports are stored in the Drill Reports folder. You can drag charts and lists onto a workspace from the Content tab.

The Reports folder contains two folders:
Charts and Lists folder
The reports in the Charts and Lists folder serve as building blocks for the exception management workspace. They are not intended for stand-alone usage.
Drill Reports folder
The report In the Drill Reports folder serves as a drill-through target report of the exception management workspace. The report provides details for a selected exception set.

The External Links folder contains a report with a button that opens the exception management workspace. You can add this button as a widget to a page of the InfoSphere Information Governance Dashboard workspace, such as the main Information Governance page.