event updateEventType command

The suite administrator can use the istool event updateEventType command to customize the email notifications that are sent by the Subscription Manager for a particular event type and to change the description of the event type.


When you create a subscription and select email notification for an event type in the Subscription Manager, you receive notification emails that use a default format and content. If you want to customize the format and content of the emails, you can use the event updateEventType command. For example, you can add hyperlinks, images, and additional information.

For each event type, you can create or edit template files to customize the subject line and the HTML body of the emails. You specify the location of the templates in the command. To customize the email notification for multiple event types at the same time, you can run the commands in a script.

You can also the use the event updateEventType to change the default description of an event type to a phrase that is more meaningful to your organization.

Note: Some parameters of the event updateEventType command are reserved for IBM internal use. You cannot change the name or the properties of the event type, the descriptions of the properties, or the required roles for working with an event type. Such changes might stop existing subscriptions from working or prevent users from seeing and subscribing to events.


You must have the InfoSphere® Information Server suite administrator role.

Run the command from a computer that is on the engine tier or the client tier.

The preferred way to run this command is in the istool command-line window. If you run this command in your operating system command-line window or in scripts, you must add istool before the command name.

Command syntax

Optional parameters and values in the syntax are enclosed in brackets, [ ].

event updateEventType
authentication parameters
generic parameters
-eventProviderName "name_of_event_provider"
-eventTypeName name_of_event_type
[-eventTypeDescription "description_of_event_type"]
[-emailSubjectTemplate email_subject_template_file]
[-emailBodyTemplate email_body_template_file]


When a parameter value includes spaces, enclose the entire value in double quotation marks (").

If you do not provide a value for an optional parameter, the existing value for that parameter remains unchanged.

authentication parameters
Required. All asset interchange commands use authentication parameters to connect to a specific installation of InfoSphere Information Server.
generic parameters
The generic parameters are available to all asset interchange commands. Use the generic parameters to request help on command syntax, to specify silent or verbose operation, and to use a script to run commands.
-eventProviderName | -epn "name_of_event_provider"
Required. Specifies the provider of the event type. For an exception event type, specify "Exception Provider". For a governance event type, specify "InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog".
-eventTypeName | -etn name_of_event_type
Required. Specifies the single event type that you are updating.
-eventTypeDescription | -etd "description_of_event_type"
To change the description of the event type, enter a new description, without commas. The description is shown in the Subscription Manager when users select the event type.
-emailSubjectTemplate | -est email_subject_template_file
Enter the name and path of the email subject template TXT file that you want to apply to notifications for the specified event type.
-emailBodyTemplate | -ebt email_body_template_file
Enter the name and path of the email body template HTML file that you want to apply to notifications for the specified event type.

Example 1

The following command changes the existing event type description for the NEW_EXCEPTIONS_EVENT event type to the description that is specified in the command.

event updateEventType -eventProviderName "Exception Provider" -eventTypeName NEW_EXCEPTIONS_EVENT 
-eventTypeDescription "This event is generated in either Information Analyzer or an exception stage." 
-domain localhost:9443 -username myUsername -password myPassword

Example 2

The following command specifies that notifications for subscriptions to the IGC_BUSINESSTERM_EVENT event type are sent by using the specified subject template file and body template file. You can use a script to apply the same template files to all of the governance event types.

event updateEventType -epn "InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog" 
-etn IGC_BUSINESSTERM_EVENT -emailSubjectTemplate C:\EmailSubjectTemplate.txt 
-ebt C:\EmailBodyTemplate.html -domain localhost:9443 -u myUsername -p myPassword