Generating a report

The dsjob command can be used to generate an XML format report containing job, stage, and link information.

dsjob -report [-useid] project job|jobid [report_type]

-useid specify this if you intend to use a job alias (jobid) rather than a job name (job) to identify the job.

project is the project containing job.

job specifies the job to be reported on by job name. To identify a job invocation, use the format job.invocation_id.

job_id is an alias for the job that has been set using the dsjob -jobid command.

report_type is one of the following:

  • BASIC - Text string containing start/end time, time elapsed and status of job.
  • DETAIL - As basic report, but also contains information about individual stages and links within the job.
  • XML - Text string containing full XML report.

The generated report is written to stdout.

This syntax is equivalent to the DSMakeJobReport function.