glossary export command

Use the istool command glossary export to export glossary assets to a file that is in an XML or XMI format.


Use this command to export categories, terms, information governance policies, and information governance rules. You can also use this command when you want to schedule an export.

For a complete list of what you can export to a file that is in an XML or XMI format, see Import and export file formats.

Use the different -include parameters to reestablish links to assets, stewards, collections, and labels in the target repository. If the assets, stewards, collections, and labels that are assigned to an asset exist in the target repository, their relationship to the asset will be established automatically during the import. Otherwise, you must export these relationships by using the different -include parameters to establish the relationships manually during the import.

You can export all information governance policies and information governance rules in the catalog.

Custom attributes and custom attribute values are exported with the glossary assets that you export.


You must have the Information Governance Catalog Glossary Administrator role.

Information Governance Catalog must be installed on the same IBM® WebSphere® Application Server.

The version of istool command framework must be the same version as InfoSphere® Information Governance Catalog.

Run the command from the client tier, or from the engine tier if InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog was installed there.

Command syntax

The preferred way to run this command is in the istool command-line window. If you run this command in your operating system command-line window or in scripts, you must add istool to the command name.

istool>  glossary export  
authentication parameters
[-format XML | XMI]
[-allcategories |-topcategories "cat1, cat2, ... catN"] | 
[-categories "cat1::cat2::cat3...,catN::...CatNN"]
[generic parameters] 


These parameters are specific to the glossary export command for istool. For authentication parameters and generic parameters, see Common commands and parameters.

-filename | -f pathname
Specifies the file to export glossary assets to. If pathname contains space characters, you must enclose the pathname in double quotation marks (").
-devglossary | -devgl
Exports content in the development glossary only. Content in the catalog is not exported.
-format | -fm XML | XMI
Specifies the format of the exported file. By default the format is XML.
-allcategories | -all
Specifies that all categories in the source glossary are exported to the specified file.
-topcategories | -top "cat1, cat2, ... catN"
Use this parameter to specify a comma-separated list of top-level categories that are exported. Category names can contain spaces.
-allpoliciesrules | -allpolrul
Specifies that all information governance policy and information governance rule assets in the catalog are exported.
-categories | -cat "cat1 :: cat2 :: cat3 :: ... catNN"
Use this parameter to specify a comma-separated list of specific categories and subcategories. Specify the full path of the category you want to export and use a double colon (::) as the separator between the parent category and subcategories.
For example, the parameters "Cat1::Cat2::Cat3, Cat7::Cat8, Cat10" export all of the content in the categories Cat3, Cat8, and the root category Cat10.
-includeassignedassets | -incasst
Specifies that links to assets that are assigned to exported terms or rules are exported.
-includestewardship | -incstwd
Specifies that links to stewards that are assigned to exported glossary assets are included in the export.
-includelabeledassets | -inclblasst
Specifies that links to labels that are assigned to exported glossary assets are included in the export.
-includeassetcollections | -inccoll
Specifies that links to collections that glossary assets are a part of are included in the export.


A return value of 0 indicates successful completion; any other value indicates failure. The reason for the failure is displayed in a screen message.

For further details, see the system log file in either of the following directories:
For Microsoft Windows operating system environment
C:\Documents and Settings\username\istool_workspace\.metadata\.log
where username is the name of the operating system account of the user who runs this command.
For UNIX or Linux operating system environment
where user_home is the root directory of all user accounts, and username is the name of the operating system account of the user who runs this command.


The following command exports all the categories in the source glossary to the file named exp_all.xml. Because no format is explicitly specified, the categories are exported in XML format:
istool> glossary export -dom ABC:9443 -u xmetauser -p xmetapwd 
-filename "c:\exp_all.xml" -allcategories
The following command exports the categories AccountID and Regions to the file exp_sel2.xml.
istool> glossary export -dom ABC:9443 -u xmetauser -p xmetapwd -filename 
"c:\exp_sel2.xml"  -categories "Customer::Accounts::AccountID, Customer::Regions"
The following command exports all information governance policies and information governance rules in the source glossary to the file exp_polrules.xml.
istool> glossary export –dom ABC:9443 –u xmetauser –p xmetapwd -filename 
"c:\exp_polrules.xml"  -allpolrul