ECI channels and containers sample

The ECI channels and containers sample uses JCA to send an ECI request to a sample channel program in CICS® called EC03. The CICS EC03 sample program adds containers to the channel which is then returned.

The sample can call the CICS sample program EC03, either through the ECI resource adapter, or through the ECI XA resource adapter. The sample includes a client application that invokes an enterprise bean. The enterprise bean then issues the ECI request to CICS.

The sample includes the following files:
The implementation of the EC03 Channel EJB
The remote interface for the EC03 Channel EJB
The home interface for the EC03 Channel EJB
A basic client which calls the EC03 Channel EJB

Enterprise beans have a main body of code and two interfaces. The Remote interface contains the business methods that the bean implements, in this case, the execute() method. The Home interface handles the life cycle of the enterprise bean.

EC03ChannelClient looks up the enterprise bean as EC03ChannelHome in the JNDI (Java™ Naming Directory Interface). It then locates an object using the remote interface as a type-cast. When execute() is called on this interface, the method is called remotely on the enterprise bean. The remote method then looks up the resource adapter connection factory (an instance of the resource adapter) under the name ECI. The method runs EC03 in CICS, passing in a channel with one container. When the ECI call program returns, the containers returned from the program are enumerated and placed into a HashMap which is then returned back to the client application that issued the call.

To use the sample:
  1. Deploy the CICS ECI resource adapter (cicseci.rar); this is located in the deployable directory of the CICS Transaction Gateway install path.
  2. Create a connection factory with parameters to suit your CICS server environment. For more information see Deploying the CICS resource adapter.
    Note: The connection factory must have a JNDI name of ECI for the sample to work.
  3. Deploy your enterprise bean. This automatically generates code that handles remote method calls to your enterprise bean that are made by the enterprise bean client. This process is specific to your JEE application server, but mainly involves identifying the interfaces to the deployment tool, after setting any properties you need. The properties you will be asked for might include:
    Transaction Type
    This can be set to container-managed, or bean-managed, and determines whether you want to control transactions yourself. The JEE application server manages Container managed transactions. If you are prompted, select Container managed for the sample.
    Enterprise bean Type
    EC03Channel is a stateless session bean.
    JNDI Name
    The enterprise bean client uses JNDI to look up the name of the enterprise bean in the naming directory.
    Resource References
    The enterprise bean refers to a connection factory. You must add the connection factory (as defined in step 2) as a resource reference for this enterprise bean.
  4. Run the client application. You can run the client either from the command line or with the launchClient utility (if you are using WebSphere® Application Server). The launchClient utility sets up the necessary parameters to communicate with the JNDI directory in WebSphere to find the EC03Channel enterprise bean. The application calls the bean, passes a text string to the EC03 program, and displays the contents of the container that the EC03 program returns.

Information Information


Timestamp icon Last updated: Wednesday, 27 August 2014