Testing the scenario

To test the workload management using a CICS® request exit scenario, you configure, then run the installation verification test (IVT) supplied with CICS Transaction Gateway.

Step 1. Configure the IVT

Install the IVT application ECIIVT.ear. For more information see JCA resource adapter installation verification test (IVT).

Configure the IVT application to use the gateway, by specifying the resource reference.

Select WebSphere enterprise applications from the Applications > Application types section of the navigation menu. From the Enterprise Applications dialog, Preferences section, click ECIIVT from the table of applications.

From the Enterprise Applications configuration panel for ECIIVT, References section, click Resource references.

The resource references dialog enables you to specify the Java Naming Directory Interface registry that will be used for resource lookup.
Figure 1. ECI IVT resource references

The Resource references dialog shown in Figure 1 allows you to specify the name of the JNDI (Java™ Naming Directory Interface) to be used by the application. Click Browse to display the Available resources dialog shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Available resources

Select ECI-CICSTG resource and click Apply. The admin console returns you to the Resource references dialog. The Target Resource JNDI Name now has the value eis/CICSTG shown in Figure 3.

The resource references dialog lists the resources that IBM WebSphere Application Server uses during communication with CICS. Resources include the module name, EJB name, URI to the EJB jar file, resource reference name, JNDI name and login configuration. This is where you save the configuration.
Figure 3. Configured ECI IVT resource references

You have now configured the ECIIVT application to use the gateway. Save the changes to the main configuration.

Step 2. Run the IVT

Start the IVT application in IBM® WebSphere® Application Server and start the gateway daemon.

Run the ECI IVT several times to send ECI requests to CICS, using different CICS servers each time. If at least one of the CICSA1, CICSA2 servers are available, the request will succeed.

For information on how to run the IVT see JCA resource adapter installation verification test (IVT).

For more information about how to run the IVT see