User commands

User commands can provide a variety of information on your users.

User user_id

The User command provides a complete user check. The following is the key information that results from a User command:

  • The first sentence says whether IBM Traveler has access rights to the user mail file. If there is an access issue, this message will indicate what the issue is. In the following example, access is correct.
  • The second sentence says whether IBM Traveler is monitoring the user mail file for changes. If enabled, IBM Traveler looks at each change in the user mail file, storing any changes that need to be synced or passed along to the device in the Auto Sync Change Flags and then pushing those changes to the device(s), if Auto Sync is active per device and the device is connected. If disabled, IBM Traveler waits for the user or one of the user's devices to take an action, at which point it should be enabled again or there is an error that prevents monitoring from being enabled. In the following example, monitoring is enabled and each change in the user mail file is being inspected by IBM Traveler.
  • The third sentence says whether the user is able to send and receive encrypted mail messages based on whether the Notes ID file can be found in the ID Vault or the user mail file. In the following example, encryption is enabled because the Notes ID file was found.
  • The next section lists the details specific to the user (not device specific).
    Canonical Name
    Domnino full name.
    Internet Address
    Internet Address.
    Master Server
    If the server is configured for High Availability (HA), this is the server where the user has monitoring enabled. All requests should be routed to this server unless the user needs to be load balanced elsewhere at which point there would be a new Master Server. If not HA, this value is not shown.
    Master Server Locked
    If the server is HA, this is the time the Master Server value was last set. This is used in load balancing calculations to avoid the user being moved around too often. If the server is not HA, this value is not shown.
    Home Mail Server
    The mail server which IBM Traveler thinks is the user's primary mail server. Monitoring will be attempted on this server first.
    Home Mail File
    Mail file path and name on the Home Mail Server.
    Current Monitor Server
    The server on which monitoring is currently enabled. Often, this will be the Home Mail Server. But if the Home Mail Server is not available, it could be a different server.
    Current Monitor File
    Mail file path and name on the Current Mail Server.
    Mail File Replicas
    List of all replicas known by IBM Traveler, including name, file path, reachable or not, and ACL details for both the user and IBM Traveler server.
    Notes ID
    Whether or not the Notes ID file could be found, who last updated it, and when that update was made.
    Auto Sync User State
    IBM Traveler has a state machine for monitoring the user mail file. The possible values are:
    1. Not registered (no devices for this user, so there is no need to monitor the user mail file until a device registers).
    2. Monitoring enabled (user has at least one device and monitoring of the user mail file is active).
    3. Monitoring disabled (user has at least one device but monitoring of the mail file is inactive, as either the device has not connected to the server to perform an operation that needs monitoring within the last time interval (configurable) or there was an error trying to enable monitoring). If monitoring is disabled for a long enough period of time (configurable on the server in the server document), this device is eligible to be cleaned up on the server.
    Adaptive Sync Applications
    Adaptive Initial Sync (AIS) helps ensure server availability in certain 'bring up' or recovery situations by limiting how much data can be synchronized for this user until initial syncs have been completed and the server availability index is such that the user can be allowed to sync more data (up to their filter windwos). See Adaptive Initial Sync for more details. In the following example, the applications have not synced yet, so mail and calendar are limited and waiting for the syncs. If the syncs had been completed, you would see No applications in adapted state. instead.
    Last Prime Sync
    A prime sync is the process by which IBM Traveler looks at the recent changes in the user mail file and determines if they should be synced to the device(s) or not. Normally, this is started by monitoring being enabled and detecting a change in the user mail file, but it can be started by other actions as well. This value is the last time the prime sync was run.
    Banned Documents
    Number of documents that were causing the server to crash while being synced. They have been banned (in that IBM Traveler will no longer try to sync them) to keep the server from crashing again while processing them. See Repeated crash protection for more information.
The last section lists the details for each device that the user has registered.
Device ID
Device Identifier. Along with the Canonical Name, this uniquely identifies this device in the IBM Traveler system.
Device Description
A description of the device. The device will report some information and the server will append other information to it (such as build level, OS level, etc.). This is strictly informational and does not directly affect functionality.
Security Policy Status
Whether or not there is a security policy that applies to this device. The policy would be a Domino policy and not just the Default Settings.
Security State
Whether or not security actions are needed for this device. Any value other than Clear indicates that the device needs to take some security related action (which may or may not require user interaction).
Approval State
Whether or not device approval is required. If required, it will show if the approval is still pending or has been completed and who completed the approval.
Lasy Sync
The last time this device completed a sync with the server.
Auto Sync Device State
Related to Auto Sync User State in that each device has their own state which gets factored into the overall Auto Sync User State. Any "Active" value for the device requires Monitoring enabled for the Auto Sync User State. The possible values are:
  1. Active (device has connected to push within the last server configured interval (the default is 24 hours)).
  2. Active and waiting for a message from the device (same as Active, but the server has sent a push message to the device and is waiting for the device to connect to push again to move to Active or until the timeout is reached and the device is moved to Inactive).
  3. Inactive (device has not connected or responded to server push messages within the configured interval (the default is 24 hours), so it will remain in the system until the offline timeout interval is reached (configured in the server document) at which point this device is eligible to be cleaned up on the server.
Auto Sync Connection State
Connected if the device has the ability to push (such as with an outstanding HTTP request or open TCP port) and the server has the ability to send a push message to the device at this moment, if needed. Disconnected for all other circumstances. In the following example, there is an HTTP request open at this moment, so the server could respond to that request if there were changes to push now.
Auto Sync Applications to Synchronize
The applications for which this device has asked the server to push changes for. Any other applications would be by manual or schedule sync request only. In the following example, the device is registered to be pushed, with changes for folder, mail, task, serviceability, and security. All devices are always registered for folder, serviceability and security. Mail and To Dos (task) are currently enabled, but Calendar, Contacts, and Journal are not.
Auto Sync Change Flags
The applications which have changes pending that are eligible to be pushed to the device (subject to the Auto Sync Applications to Synchronize) or would be synced on the next sync (it does not matter if the device sync is push, manual or scheduled sync initiated). In the following example, there is at least one mail pending but no other data that needs to be synced to the device. The Change Flags are set by the prime sync process and cleared when the device syncs the data and the changes are no longer pending.

The following is an example of the results of a User command:

IBM Traveler has validated that it can access the database mail/username.nsf. 
Monitoring of the database for changes is enabled. 
Encrypting, decrypting and signing messages are enabled because the Notes ID is in the mail file or the ID vault. 

Canonical Name: CN=username/O=IBM 
Internet Address: 
Master Server: myserver/IBM, version 19 
Master Server Locked: March 13, 2014 12:15 PM, type=Soft 
Home Mail Server: CN=myserver/O=IBM 
Home Mail File: mail/username.nsf 
Current Monitor Server: CN=myserver/O=IBM Release 9.0.1 
Current Monitor File: mail/username.nsf 
Mail File Replicas:  
 [CN=myserver/O=IBM, mail/username.nsf] is reachable. 
   ACL for username/IBM:  Access=Editor Capabilities=create,update,read,delete,copy Missing Capabilities=none 
   ACL for myserver/IBM:  Access=Manager Capabilities=create,update,read,delete,copy Missing Capabilities=none 
Notes ID: Mail File contains the Notes ID which was last updated by  on Saturday, January 11, 2014 8:52:28 AM EST. 
Auto Sync User State: Monitoring enabled 
Adaptive Sync Applications: mail: INITIAL_STATE(Thu Mar 13 00:00:00 EDT 2014), calendar: INITIAL_STATE(Thu Mar 13 00:00:00 EDT 2014) 
Last Prime Sync: Thursday, March 13, 2014 11:00:41 AM EDT 
Banned Documents: 0 

Device ID: ApplDNRHK2LVDJ7T 
Device Description: Apple-iPad3C1:Apple-iPad3C1/1104.167 (OS 7) 
Security Policy Status: No policy 
Security State: Clear 
Approval State:  Not required 
Last Sync: Thursday, March 13, 2014 11:00:39 AM EDT 
Auto Sync Device State: Active and waiting for a message from the device 
Auto Sync Connection State: Connected at Thursday, March 13, 2014 12:00:32 PM EDT 
Auto Sync Applications to Synchronize: folder, mail, task, serviceability, security 
Auto Sync Change Flags: mail:add 


This command is useful when the Domino® administrator wants a complete list of users that use IBM Traveler. It displays all users that are registered with this IBM Traveler server.


This command can be used to just show the users who are currently syncing data with this server.