list components

Lists the components that are associated with a workspace, stream, or repository.


list component, list comp

Usage: scm list components [-r/--repository-uri <arg>] [-u/--username <arg> -P/--password <arg> | --certificate <arg> -P/--password <arg> | --smartCard -u/--username <arg> | --kerberos | --integratedWindows] [-j/--json] [-v/--verbose] [-m/--maximum <arg> | --all] [-s/--snapshot | -n/--name] [--projectarea <arg> | --teamarea <arg> | -c/--contrib <arg>] [[--visibility <arg>] [--process-area <arg>] [--accessgroup <arg>]] [selector]

selector The workspace, stream, snapshot, or component prefix to list the components for. To specify workspace, stream, or snapshot, use its name[@repo], alias, or UUID[@repo]. By default, the selector refers to a workspace or stream. To refer to a snapshot, use the --snapshot option. To refer to a component prefix, use the --name option.


-r, --repository-uri <arg> The URI that specifies the location of the repository.
-u, --username <arg> The user name for the repository.
-P, --password <arg> The password for the repository.
    --certificate <arg> The file that contains the user's login certificate.
    --smartCard Use the connected smart card for authentication.
    --kerberos Authenticate with Windows user credentials using Kerberos/SPNeGO.
    --integratedWindows Authenticate with Windows user credentials using Integrated Windows Authentication.
-j, --json Enable JSON output.
-v, --verbose Shows baselines.
-m, --maximum <arg> The maximum number of results that can be returned. The number must be greater than 0. If you omit this option, 10 is used by default.
    --all List all the components.
-s, --snapshot Indicates that the specified selector refers to a snapshot. If you omit this option, the selector refers to a workspace or a stream.
-n, --name Indicates that the specified selector is a prefix of the component name.
    --projectarea <arg> The project area to query about.
    --teamarea <arg> The team area to query about.
-c, --contrib <arg> The user id of the contributor to query about.
    --visibility <arg> Query items matching the given visibility. Valid values are public, private, teamarea, projectarea, or accessgroup.
    --process-area <arg> Indicates the project area, team area to which the component is visible if the --visibility option is set to projectarea, or teamarea. To specify the item, use its name, alias or UUID.
    --accessgroup <arg> Indicates the access group to which the component is visible if the --visibility option is set to accessgroup. To specify the item, use its name, alias or UUID.
