Moving projects to other components

You can move a project from one component in your repository workspace to another. Project history is preserved during the move.

About this task

Rational Team Concert™ source control includes a special operation that moves an Eclipse project from one component to another. The changes required to move the project become change sets in both the source and target components. The project is also moved in other repository workspaces or streams where both change sets are applied.


  1. Suspend, complete, or deliver any open change sets in both the source and target component.
  2. In the Eclipse Navigator view (or any Eclipse view that supports Team operations), navigate to the project that you want to move.
  3. Right-click the project and click Team > Move in Repository Workspace.
  4. In the Select a Folder window, choose a target component to move the project to and click OK.
  5. When the move is complete, outgoing change sets are created in the source and target components. Deliver them to move the project in workspace flow targets.
  6. Optional: To resolve conflicts that result from accepting change sets to projects that you moved to another component in your sandbox (but have not checked in):
    1. Ensure that the content from the component where the conflicting files now reside is loaded into the sandbox.
    2. In the Pending Changes view, right-click Delete <-> Modified; then click Apply to Other Component.
    3. In the resulting dialog box, select the component that contains the moved files.
    4. In the Gap editor, manually resolve any conflicts that did not automatically resolve.
    5. Inspect the resulting change set to ensure that the content is correct.
    6. Click Complete.
    7. Right-click Delete <-> Modified; then click Resolve with Mine to keep the local deletion and indicate that you are done with those conflicts.
  7. Optional: To resolve conflicts that result from accepting change sets that contain projects that have been moved to another component but that you have made changes to locally in the source component:
    1. Load the projects from the new component location and overwrite the conflicting projects that remain on disk.
    2. In the Pending Changes view, right-click Modified<->Deleted; then click Apply to Other Component.
    3. In the resulting dialog box, select the component that contains the moved files.
    4. In the Gap editor, manually resolve any conflicts that did not automatically resolve.
    5. Inspect the resulting change set to ensure that the content is correct.
    6. Click Complete.
    7. Right-click Modified<->Deleted; then click Resolve with Proposed to delete the projects from the old location and indicate that you are done with the conflicts.

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