Troubleshooting Jazz™ Team Server

You can use the administrative web interface to troubleshoot server issues.

Before you begin

You must be logged in to the Admin web UI and be a member of the JazzAdmins group.

About this task

To troubleshoot server issues, in the Admin web client, click the Server tab. On this page, you can find server state information that can help you troubleshoot problems.

Tip: Go to Server troubleshooting FAQ to find additional troubleshooting tips.

The table below lists common problems and ways to troubleshoot them.


What to check

Database is not available

Check the server status: click Status summary.

  • On the Status Summary page, in the Server Status pane, verify that the database status is connected. If the status is unavailable, check the Database Status pane for details. Possible failures include a database configuration that is not valid and a valid configuration to a database that is not initialized.
    Note: The Derby database supports only one connection; if another server instance is running, it might be using the only database connection. If this problem occurs, the Service Error Summary pane lists multiple errors.
  • In the Server VM pane, verify that the server is running the correct JDK.
  • In the Service Error Summary pane, check for error messages.

Unable to change configuration properties

Check the server configuration properties: under Configuration, click one of the following items:

  • E-mail Settings
  • Database Connections
  • Feed Settings
  • License Key Management
  • Advanced Properties

On these pages, you can view and update configuration properties. When you save changes to configuration properties, they are propagated to the file. If the database is not connected, you can change configuration properties only by editing the file.

Failing services

Check the status of services: click Component Status.

On the Component Status page, check the stack trace for more information about failing services.

Slow server activity

Check the running services: click Active Services.

On the Active Services page, check the running services and their stack traces. Check for services that run for an extended period of time.

Check the server activity: click Statistics.

On the Server Statistics page, check the server activity, such as statistics for web services, asynchronous tasks, and cache behavior.

Modifying the profile.ini and license_profile.ini files

When running repotools commands or the start and stop server scripts from a directory other than the default, you should modify the URL property values to contain absolute directory paths.

The profile.ini and license_profile.ini files are located in the directoryJazzInstallDir/server/conf/jts/provision_profiles.
  1. Open the file in a text editor.
  2. Change the relative value to an absolute value.
    For example, change
  3. Save the file.
Note: Leaving backup files in the JazzInstallDir/server/conf/jazz/provision_profiles can cause errors. You should not store backup files in this directory.

Additional resources and tips

For more information, you can access the log feed:

If the log feed is not available, view the Tomcat log file from a Windows console window or at JazzInstallDir/logs/jts.out, where JazzInstallDir is the location where you installed the server.

If the file is not located during startup, the server does not work properly and the Tomcat log and log feed contains errors. The server.startup script provides the path to the property file.

If you are using Tomcat, ensure that the default Tomcat connection ports 9080 and 9443 are not in use by another application. The connection ports are defined in the installdir/tomcat/conf/server.xml file, where JazzInstallDir is the location where you installed the server.

If you are using WebSphere® Application Server, ensure that the WC_defaulthost (HTTP) and WC_defaulthost_secure (HTTPS) ports are not in use by another application. If you are an application server administrator, you can see the connection ports in the Integrated Solutions Console; click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere Application Servers > server_name > Ports.

If the problems persist, consider reinstalling the database or the web archive (WAR) file. You can reinstall the database from the original distribution file ( or from a backup file.

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