Changing WebSphere Application Server installations and instances

This topic describes how to change Jazz™ applications to a different WebSphere® Application Server instance within the same environment. This may be necessary if you are installing a new version of the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) on the same system or if an application is being moved to a different WebSphere Application Server profile or server instance.


  1. Perform the following steps on the original WebSphere Application Server:
    1. Log on to the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console at https://host name:9043/ibm/console/logon.jsp.
    2. Click Applications > Applications Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.
    3. Write down the security roles mapping of the jts_war, ccm_war, and qm_war applications to assist you with reapplying the mappings for the new WebSphere Application Server installation.
    4. Stop the following applications: jts_war, ccm_war, clmhelp_war, converter_war, qm_war, and rm_war.
    5. Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.
    6. Click the server name to open it. The default server name is server1.
    7. Under Server Infrastructure, click Java and Process Management > Process definition.
    8. Under Additional Properties, click Java Virtual Machine.
    9. Under Additional Properties, click Custom properties.
    10. Record values for all settings, including JAVA_HOME, log4j.configuration, and if they exist, ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_FILE or SQLSERVER_JDBC_DRIVER_FILE.
    11. Record any other nondefault settings in the WebSphere Application Server, including additional properties, Java™ memory allocations, security, virtual hosting, and authentication.
  2. Stop the original WebSphere Application Server.
  3. Create a backup of the original WebSphere Application Server profile.
    1. Open a command prompt and change to the WAS_Install/bin directory, for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/bin.
    2. Run the following command to back up the WebSphere profile, for example, ./backupConfig /root/was_backups/,

      where ./backupConfig is the path for the backed-up profile.

      Note: If necessary, you can restore the backed-up profile by running the ./restoreConfig command, for example, ./restoreConfig /root/was_backups/
  4. Start the original WebSphere Application Server.
  5. Uninstall all Jazz applications and associated settings.
    1. Log on to the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console at https://host name:9043/ibm/console/logon.jsp.
    2. Click Applications > Applications Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.
    3. Uninstall the following applications: jts_war, ccm_war, qm_war, rm_war, clmhelp_war, and converter_war.
    4. Save the changes to the master configuration when prompted.
    5. Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers .
    6. Click the server name to open it. The default server name is server1.
    7. Under Server Infrastructure, click Java and Process Management > Process definition.
    8. Under Additional Properties, click Java Virtual Machine.
    9. Under Additional Properties, click Custom Properties.
    10. Delete the JAZZ_HOME and log4j.configuration entries.
    11. Save the changes to the master configuration when prompted.
    12. Change any other settings that are no longer required for the original WebSphere Application Server back to the default.

      For detailed information about the original settings, see Setting up WebSphere Application Server.

  6. Stop the original WebSphere Application Server.
  7. Delete the temporary files for the Jazz applications on the original WebSphere Application Server instance by removing the Jazz application-related contents from the wstemp and temp directories in the profile. Depending on previous installed applications, the following directories are present under the profile and can be removed: jts_war, ccm_war, qm_war, rm_war, clmhelp_war, and converter_war, for example:
    • For Windows operating systemC:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\wstemp and C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\temp
    • For Unix operating systems/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/wstemp and /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/temp
  8. Back up and remove the Jazz application-related logs form the logs directory in the profile under profile_directory/logs, for example:
    • For Windows operating systemC:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\logs
    • For Unix operating systems/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/logs
  9. Back up the database.
    • Derby: Make an archive copy of the following database directories, for example:
    • DB2®: See the DB2 database documentation for details. Here is an example command:
      db2 backup database {db-name} userdb2 backup database {db-name} user <userName> using <password> to <target-dir> COMPRESS
    • For Oracle and SQL Server, see the vendor's documentation for details.
  10. Create a backup copy of the following Jazz application information:
    • Application configuration files
    • Application indices
    • Log settings
    • The JazzInstallDir/server/webapps directory, including ccm.war, jts.war, clmhelp.war, converter.war, qm.war, and rm.war. These files will be needed when you set up WebSphere Application Server.
      Note: If you installed with Installation Manager originally using Tomcat as the application server, the application war files are located in the JazzInstallDir/server/tomcat/webapps directory.
    • The repository tools in the JazzInstallDir/repotools directory
    • z/OS® only: @confPath@/jts/
    • z/OS only: @confPath@/jts/
  11. After backing up the database and saving the files, continue with Setting up WebSphere Application Server and Deploying applications for the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management on WebSphere Application Server.

    For z/OS, see Configuring Jazz Team Server and the applications for the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management to use WebSphere Application Server on z/OS.

    Note: Check all settings for the new WebSphere Application Server and installed Jazz applications against the settings recorded from the original WebSphere Application Server, including environmental variables, memory allocations, security, virtual hosting, LDAP and mapped application security roles.
  12. Make sure that the new WebSphere Application Server is started as well as all Jazz applications that were running in the original WebSphere Application Server instance.
    1. Log on to the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console at https://host name:9043/ibm/console/logon.jsp.
    2. Click Applications > Applications Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.
    3. Start the following applications if they are not already running: jts_war, ccm_war, qm_war, rm_war, clmhelp_war, and converter_war.
  13. Perform a server reset for the JTS, CCM, RM and QM, as shown in the following examples:

    Restart the WebSphere Application Server for the server reset to take effect.

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