Configuring the Apache Tomcat LDAPLocalGroup realm

This topic provides instructions on how to configure the Tomcat application server and the Jazz application to use information contained in the LDAP directory for authentication and a local file for managing authorization and group membership.

About this task

To support authentication by using LDAP and authorization by using the information in a local file, you must configure the LDAPLocalGroup user registry type. Use the following steps to authenticate by using the user information contained in the LDAP directory and authorize by using the information contained in the local group mapping file.


  1. Configure Tomcat to use the Jazz JNDI realm instead of the default JNDI realm:
    1. Open JazzInstallDir/server/tomcat/conf/server.xml for editing, uncomment section and comment out org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm section or any other realm you may have defined from a prior configuration change such as org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm.
    2. Replace the values in connectionURL, userBase, and userSearch with the values from your LDAP directory.
    <Realm className=""
  2. Under GlobalNamingResources uncomment the "LocalRoleMap" section and comment out the "UserDatabase" section. The GlobalNamingResources defines the global JNDI resources for the server. Set the pathname attribute to a .csv format mapping file in the file system. To make the user names in the files case insensitive, make sure the ignorecase is set to true.
    <Resource name="LocalRoleMap" auth="Container"
    		descripion="Role mapping file"
    		pathname="/opt/JazzTeamServer/server/mapping.csv" />
    Here is an example of mapping.csv. The mapping file will be used by Tomcat to determine the roles associated with the users. In this example, user1 has JazzUsers role while user2 has JazzAdmins and JazzProjectAdmins roles.
    user2,[JazzAdmins; JazzProjectAdmins]
  3. Go to JazzInstallDir/server/tomcat/webapps/jts/META-INF and copy the context.xml file to JazzInstallDir/server/tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost.
  4. Rename the context.xml file that you just copied to jts.xml.
  5. Open jts.xml for editing and add the following entry to allow Jazz application to get access to the global JNDI resource.
    <Context crossContext="true">
       <ResourceLink name="LocalRoleMap"
    			type="" />
    These changes allow the Tomcat application server to authenticate using LDAP directory and to authorize using the information present in the mapping.csv file.
  6. If the server supports LDAP synchronization, the registry type and settings must be changed in the Jazz application to import users, synchronize users, and view the group membership of a user. Logon to the Server Administration and click Server > Advanced Properties.
  7. Under, click Edit and change the user registry type to LDAPLocalGroup.
    LDAPLocalGroup User Registry Type
  8. Under, click Edit and set the LDAP registry location, base user DN, and user attribute mapping information.
    Note: These configuration properties are different from the ones for LDAP user registry provider.
    LDAP local group registry provider

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