Configure OAuth 2.0 for Password Credentials Grant flows

Configure an outbound HTTP connection that follows the Password Grant flow.

OAuth 2.0 for an outbound HTTP connection is activated by setting the metadata SS0_0AUTH2_IDP at the connection policy or policy mapping. The value of this metadata setting is a symbolic name for the Identity provider that establishes the connection. This name is used as a prefix for another set of metadata that define the setting of the Identity provider as the following example illustrates.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<proxy-rules xmlns:xsi="" 
        <dynamic-policy name="idp.pass.urls">
    <mapping contextpath="/myproxy" url="*">
      <policy name="idp.password.policy" url="{$idp.pass.urls}">









Where* is the URL pattern for the endpoint of your resource server that is protected by the OAuth 2.0 password grant flow.

Where MyAuthCookieForPasswordFlow is the name of a cookie that is used internally by the proxy and saved in the session cookie store of the proxy. The cookie holds the access token of the remote connection so that the cookie-handling type store-in-session must be used.

The following metadata name-value pairs are used to establish the Password Grant flow:
name=SSO_OAUTH2_IDP, value=idp
Required. This metadata enables the policy for Oauth2.0 authentication. The value of this metadata setting is a symbolic name for the Identity provider that establishes the connection. This name is used as a prefix for another set of metadata that defines the settings of the Identity provider.
Name=idp.IDP_PROTOCOL, value=https
Optional. This metadata defines the protocol part of the Oauth2.0 authorization server. If this metadata is not defined, the default value is https. The value idp is a symbolic name that must match with the value of the SSO_OAUTH2_IDP metadata.
Required. The metadata value defines the host name of the Oauth2.0 authorization server. The value idp is a symbolic name that must match with the value of the SSO_OAUTH2_IDP metadata.
Name=idp.IDP_PORT, value=443
Optional. The metadata value defines the port of the Oauth2.0 authorization server. If this metadata is not defined, the default port (443 for https connections, 80 for http connections) is assumed. The value idp is a symbolic name that must match with the value of the SSO_OAUTH2_IDP metadata.
Name=idp.IDP_URI, value=/oauth2/token
Required. The metadata value defines the URI part of the token endpoint of the Oauth2 authorization server. The value idp is a symbolic name that must match with the value of the SSO_OAUTH2_IDP metadata.
Name=idp.IDP_AUTH_COOKIE.n, value=MyAuthCookieForPasswordFlow
Required. The metadata value defines the name of an internally used cookie that is created by the proxy and holds the access token. Specify a unique name for this cookie to avoid naming conflicts. Also, you must set an appropriate cookie-handling type for the Outbound connection policy for this cookie. It is strongly recommended to set the handling type store-in-session as this cookie contains the access token of the remote OAuth 2.0 connection, which might not be visible to the client. The value idp is a symbolic name that must match with the value of the SSO_OAUTH2_IDP metadata.
Name=idp.PARAM_NAME.n, value=GRANT_TYPE Name=idp.PARAM_VALUE.n, value=password
Required. The metadata value for idp.PARAM_VALUE.n specifies that this connection follows the Password Grant flow. The value idp is a symbolic name that must match with the value of the SSO_OAUTH2_IDP metadata. The value n is for a number that must be unique within this metadata block. In the sample above, a sequence number is used for n.
Name=idp.PARAM_NAME.n, value=CLIENT_ID Name=idp.PARAM_VALUE.n, value={$$MyClientCvSlot}
Optional. The metadata value for idp.PARAM_VALUE.n specifies the client ID. The value MyClientCvSlot is for the ID of a credential vault slot, which contains the user/password credentials of the client app. The ID of the referenced credential slot entry must match with the client ID (client key, or app key) that you got when you registered your client at the Oauth2 authorization server. The value idp is a symbolic name that must match with the value of the SSO_OAUTH2_IDP metadata. The value n is for a number that must be unique within this metadata block. In the sample above, a sequence number is used for n. If this metadata is not specified, the token access request does not contain client credentials.
Name=idp.PARAM_NAME.n, value=CLIENT_CRED Name=idp.PARAM_VALUE.n, value={$$MyClientCvSlot}
Optional. The metadata value for idp.PARAM_VALUE.n specifies the client secret. The value MyClientCvSlot is for the ID of a credential vault slot, which contains the user/password credentials of the client app. The credential of the referenced credential slot entry must match with the client secret that is specified at the Authorization server when you registered your app at the Oauth2 authorization server. The value idp is a symbolic name that must match with the value of the SSO_OAUTH2_IDP metadata. The value n is for a number that must be unique within this metadata block. In the sample above, a sequence number is used for n. If this metadata is not specified, the token access request does not contain client credentials.
Name=idp.PARAM_NAME.n, value=USER_ID Name=idp.PARAM_VALUE.n, value={$$MyUserCvSlot}
Required. The metadata value for idp.PARAM_VALUE.n specifies the User ID. The value MyUserCvSlot is for the ID of a credential vault slot, which contains the user/password credentials of the user. The value must match with the user ID that identifies the user at the Oauth2 authorization server. The value idp is a symbolic name that must match with the value of the SSO_OAUTH2_IDP metadata. The value n is for a number that must be unique within this metadata block. In the sample above, a sequence number is used for n.
Name=idp.PARAM_NAME.n, value=USER_CRED Name=idp.PARAM_VALUE.n, value={$$MyUserCvSlot}
Required. The metadata value for idp.PARAM_VALUE.n specifies the client credential. The value MyUserCvSlot is for the ID of a credential vault slot, which contains the user/password credentials of the user. The credential of the referenced credential slot entry must match with the user secret that is set at the OAuth 2.0 authorization server. The value idp is a symbolic name that must match with the value of the SSO_OAUTH2_IDP metadata. The value n is for a number that must be unique within this metadata block. In the sample above, a sequence number is used forn.
Name=idp.PARAM_NAME.n, value=SCOPE Name=idp.PARAM_VALUE.n, value=the_scope
Optional. The metadata value for idp.PARAM_VALUE.n specifies the scope of this connection, as defined by your authorization server. If no scoping is necessary, do not define this metadata, or leave the value of idp.PARAM_VALUE.n empty. The value idp is a symbolic name that must match with the value of the SSO_OAUTH2_IDP metadata. The value n is for a number that must be unique within this metadata block. In the sample above, a sequence number is used for n.
For an example of a sample configuration that uses the Password Grant flow, see Setting up OAuth 2.0 for Liberty authentication providers by using the Password Grant Flow .