Portal Application Archive (PAA) file specification

When deploying large applications with many constituent components to IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express®, there can be a large number of steps required to install each component and configure required resources. The Solution Installer automates many of these deployment tasks. The Solution Installer requires a Portal Application Archive (PAA) file to describe how to install the application and to provide the installable artifacts.

The PAA file format is used to handle deployments ranging from applications with a small number of configuration steps to large scale enterprise portal solutions. The directory structure of the PAA file is important to the Solution Installer when determining how to install a specific artifact, for example, how to handle shared library files. In addition, the software definition descriptor (sdd.xml) files also play a significant role in determining the installation steps as any extension points required for installation must be specified in an sdd.xml file local to the component.

The PAA file format offers a mechanism to allow for a reduction in the amount of work required for a developer to create a deployable solution. Many of the deployment tasks can use a default configuration found in the Solution Installer. For complex applications some additional work is required to provide custom install features. In general using the PAA file format in conjunction with the Solution Installer should reduce the production time for creating a deployable solution for your application.

A number of sample files that demonstrate the overall structure and usage of the PAA file format are included in the PortalServer_root/doc/paa-samples directory. These examples act as reference material for the discussion in the remainder of the file specification documentation.